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Annual Child Disability Assistance Payment (CDAP) 009-07030000

This page contains information about the annual Child Disability Assistance Payment (CDAP) available for carers of children with a disability, which is payable in addition to the payment of Carer Allowance (CA) for the child.

Calculating the Child Disability Assistance Payment

Table 1




Check eligibility for CDAP + Read more ...

Carers in receipt of a CA Health Care Card (HCC) only (for child care receivers) on 1 July are not entitled to Carer Supplement.

To check if a carer is receiving CA or CA HCC only check the carer's record. Go to:

  • Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen, and
  • check HCC only indicator next to all child care receivers

Otherwise, from the CRS screen in the carers record

  • select the child care receiver
  • Go to the CJAA screen
  • Check the field HCC only

Did the carer receive a payment of Carer Allowance (CA) (child) for a period which includes 1 July?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the customer received CA HCC only. Customer is not eligible to received CDAP. Procedure ends here

Note: if a CA (child) is granted after January and backdated to a date that includes 1 July, CDAP will not be automatically generated and must be paid manually. Go to Step 3 in Table 2


Payment Delivery of CDAP + Read more ...

  • CDAP is paid as soon as possible after 1 July each year and is a non-indexed, ongoing, non-taxable annual payment. Services Australia will make all the arrangements for eligible carers. No application form or action from the carer is required
  • CDAP will be 100% income managed in the relevant areas
  • Overseas customers will receive CDAP if they received a qualifying instalment for the period that included 1 July. Their first available payment from 1 July (generally end of July)


Notifying customers about CDAP + Read more ...

Letters are not issued to customers advising of CDAP for 1 July.

However, customers granted or restored retrospectively with an eligibility date including 1 July will have a paragraph included in their advice letter.


Shared and combined care arrangements for CA (child) carers + Read more ...

CA (child) carers who are in a shared care arrangement and receive the:

  • full rate of CA (child) (even though their share of care may be less than 100%), will receive the full $1,000 CDAP payment
  • part rate of CA, will be paid a similar proportion of CDAP. For example, Carer 1 receives 50% of CA (child) as they share the CA (child) payment with Carer 2. Carer 1 will receive $500.00 CDAP. Carer 2 will also receive $500 CDAP

As CA (child) is paid under the combined care rule where 2 care receivers are counted as one for the purposes of determining the rate of CA (child), only 1 CDAP payment is made.


CA reduced due to Education, Training and Treatment (ETT) + Read more ...

If a carer receives a part rate of CA (for a child) in the fortnight including 1 July because the child care receiver is attending Education, Training or Treatment (ETT), provided they are not in a shared care arrangement, the amount of the annual payment for carers will be at the full rate. In these cases the annual payment is not paid on a pro rata basis.


CDAP debts and deductions + Read more ...

CDAP debts can be raised. Carers who subsequently lose qualification for their primary payment will be subject to standard debt raising processes for the CDAP payment.

For example, if CA (child) was retrospectively cancelled for a date that included 1 July, CDAP will also be a debt.

Centrepay deduction will not be made from CDAP.


Child care receiver died before 1 July + Read more ...

CDAP is payable where CA (child) is paid as a lump sum under the 14 week bereavement provisions if the lump sum payment is paid for a period that includes 1 July.

Note: Payments will be made to the last known account of the person receiving CA in cases where the care receiver has died before payment of CDAP has been made.

Checking Child Disability Assistance Payment

Table 2




CDAP displays as Child Disability Assistance (BPD) in Process Direct and Customer First + Read more ...

CDAP displays as BPD in:

Process Direct

Payment Summary (PS) screen > Payment Components table: Benefit Type Code: CDA > Component Type Code: BPD > see Component Amount

Customer First

  • Go to Payment Summary (PS) screen. Select the relevant payment to display the Payment Details (PD) screen
  • Check Payments: CDA
  • In the BPD field, see CDAP amount paid

Customer Record

  • See the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • Select the relevant payment to display the PD screen. See Payments: CDA
  • In the BPD field, see CDAP amount paid

Is CDAP displaying on PS/PD screens?

  • Yes, advise the customer of the amounts and payment delivery date. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 2


Carer has not received CDAP + Read more ...

The Payment Summary (PS) screen will show the CDAP as a future payment once the trigger has been run. The carer may have been advised that the payment was showing as a future payment.

If CA for this carer receiver is suspended or cancelled after the trigger is run, with a result that the carer does not receive an instalment for 1 July, the CDAP payment will come off the PS screen and the CDAP payment will not be issued. CDAP must not be manually issued if the customer did not receive a payment of CA (child) which included 1 July or is not current on payment.

If the payment is restored and the carer is entitled to the CDAP, the customer is to be paid through the One off Payment (OOP) screen.

If CS requires manual payment check all of the following before reissuing the payment:

  • Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen to confirm the care receivers of the carer currently receiving CA (child)
  • Carer One Off Payments Summary(COOPS) screen
    • Displays triggered payments: scroll down as they group together in service reason (CAR or CDA), not by date
    • Effect date for the payment (this is the EPED, not delivery date)
    • Amount due to be paid
    • Percentage of care
    • Carer Supplements will also display on COOPS screen

Note: When a customer receives both CP and CA, and CA is offset (received on the opposite week to CP), they will receive any CDAP with their regular CA payment.

Is CDAP displaying on COOPS and PS screens?

  • Yes, the expected CDAP amounts are displaying on COOPS and PS screens. Advise the customer of the delivery date and amounts. Procedure ends here.
  • No, and:
  • there is no CDAP, but carer was not in receipt of an eligible payment, which included a payment for 1 July. Customer is not eligible for CDAP. Procedure ends here
  • there is no CDAP on COOPS and PS screens, and the carer received an eligible payment which included 1 July, go to Step 3


Manual reissue of CDAP + Read more ...

If carer is entitled to the payment of CDAP and it is not automatically paid, the customer is to be manually paid through the OOP screen.

CDAP requires manual payment

Check the correct host system (ISS) is displaying before completing the following details:

Process Direct + Read more ...

  • Go to the One off Payment (OOP) screen
  • Select the Add
  • Select the appropriate Service Reason
  • In Payment type field, select 'BDP - Child Disability Assistance'
  • In Date of effect field, key the relevant CDAP payment date
  • Select Save
  • Complete the Receipt Date and Channel fields. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again and go to the Entitlements (ELD) screen. The OOP line will display
  • Go back to the OOP screen
  • Key the entitlement amount of CDAP in the One Time Payment Amount field. Select Update
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction

Customer First + Read more ...

  • In the Date of Effect: field code the relevant CDAP payment date
  • In the Payment Type: field code 'BPD' (Child Disability Assistance)
  • 'I'nsert the Source and Receipt date
  • Select Continue to go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • From the Optional Actions menu, 'S'elect One Off Payments (OOP)
  • Change the amount on the OOP screen from $0.00 to the entitlement amount of CDAP
  • In the Change Reason: field code 'BPD'
  • Select Continue to go back to the AR screen and finalise activity
  • Create a DOC on the carer's record with details and reason for manual payment