Child Medical Reviews for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) 009-08060100
This document outlines information about Child Medical Reviews (CMR) for carers who are only in receipt of CA (child) or Carer Payment (CP) (XWP) carers receiving payment level CA (child).
Processing a child medical review
Step |
Action |
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Child medical reviews + Read more ... A Child Medical Review (CMR) starts when the child is within 12 months of the developmental milestone review dates:
The following forms system generated and sent to the carer:
Issuing of the CMR forms may be delayed for carers returning from overseas. If the initial carer is cancelled after the review forms have been issued, the review will start immediately on the other carer. |
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Review falls due + Read more ... If the forms are not returned, the system automatically sends a reminder letter at 28 days, with no forms:
If the carer contacts the agency as they have lost or did not receive the review form, go to Step 3 |
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The carer needs replacement forms + Read more ... If the carer has not returned both parts of the medical review, remind them to return the missing form as soon as possible. Ask the carer when they will return the form and note this in a DOC on the carer’s electronic record. If the carer needs a copy of one or both review form(s), the original forms cannot be printed or issued by mail. To reissue one or both forms, use Mail Forms:
The SA423 and SA429 forms can be printed locally or issued manually to the carer. Note: document the details about issuing new form(s) on the carer’s record. Service Officers must tell the carer that CA will automatically suspend if form(s) are not returned by the due date.
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The carer’s CA is suspended + Read more ... When a carer contacts the agency about the suspension of their CA, the carer must explain the reason for the suspension. The Service Officer must also provide information about the required documentation or tell the carer what is required so CA can be restored. Service Officer’s must document details on the carer’s record. If the carer requires new review forms, go to Step 3 |
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Review forms are returned + Read more ... If the carer is:
If both parts of the medical review have been returned by the carer:
If both parts of the medical review have not been returned by the carer:
For all other staff, procedure ends here. |
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Actioning the review + Read more ... |
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Carer has only returned part of the review + Read more ... The following forms both need to be returned:
However, if the carer was issued one or both replacement forms, one or both of the following replacement form(s) need to be returned:
If only one part of the review has been returned and 21 days has passed from the date of issue, do not remove the activity from FAL. Allow the system to automatically issue the reminder letter at 28 days. The system will automatically suspend the record at 56 days, with a Failed to Reply to Correspondence (FRC) suspension letter issued to the customer. If the carer does not respond, payment will cancel after 13 weeks from issue of review and a cancellation letter will be sent automatically. If the carer contacts:
Note: a CP (XWP) carer may lose qualification for CP (XWP) if they no longer qualify for payment level CA after completion of a CA child medical review. See Transfer from Wife Pension (WP) to Carer Payment (CP). Procedure ends here |
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Process forms + Read more ... Use Customer First to process reviews: