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Assessing an Income and Assets Update (SA220) form 110-02010030

This document outlines information about the Income and Assets Review (SA220m) manually issued to customers to review their income and assets details. If a customer is partnered, they must include their partner's income and assets details on the form where requested.

Form issue

A Service Officer may manually issue an SA220 form to a customer where there have been numerous changes in the customer’s circumstances. The form may also be automatically issued as part of a bereavement review.

Note: if the customer and/or partner wish to give this information separately, an SA220 should be issued to each member of the couple for completion. For actioning a bereavement review, see Bereavement reviews.

Returning the SA220

If a customer is unable to complete the form by the due date, they should return the form with a notation stating they are awaiting further information.

When the form has been returned, all details for the customer (and partner if applicable) are checked and updated. Supporting documents will be sighted, recorded and returned to the customer.

The customer can also upload the document online.

The customer's local service centre can process an SA220 that was issued by service centre or smart centre staff.

Smart centre staff can process the SA220 if there is a scanned image and staff can complete all the required updates. Staff must ensure the scanned image activity (SCN) is completed after finalising any updates.

The Resources page contains a link to the SA220 form.

Processing transfers to Age Pension

Assessing an overseas Income and Assets Review (AUS220)

Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services

Foreign Pension coding

Foreign income and assets

Assessment of income and assets from business structures for Centrelink payments

Sole traders

Assessment of income from trusts and companies

Bereavement reviews