QSS32 - former home
Our records indicate that you entered a care situation approximately 2 years ago. Your former home has been given a 2 year exemption from the assets test from the date that you first entered care. We are requesting further information from you regarding your former home as the exemption period is due to end. This may affect your rate of payment.
If you still own your former home, please provide a completed Mod R Real Estate Detail form by the due date.
Download the Mod R – Real estate details form from the Services Australia website (http://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/forms).
If you have sold your former home, complete and return the following questions and provide the documents requested. Please advise the settlement date for the sale of your former home and provide a copy of the settlement papers. Please advise the amount received from the sale of your former home after all sale expenses were deducted. Please advise of the disbursements from proceeds of the sale of your former home, including the relevant dates and amounts. For example, please provide copies of your bank statements showing the deposits of sale funds and ongoing disbursements. If the sale proceeds were used to pay an accommodation payment for an age care service, please advise the amount, payment date and provide a copy of the receipt. Please advise if there has been a change to any of your other income or assets, such as the sale or purchase of motor vehicles, household items, shares or other investments.
Optional question
We do not have a record of a Nominee for you. If you wish to appoint a Nominee to act on your behalf, please go to the Services Australia website (http://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/forms) to download and complete the ‘Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf’ form.