Reporting overview 110-18120553
Earnings Worksheet (SU505)
Information you need to know about reporting employment and using the Earnings Worksheet (SU505(I)) booklet
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Reporting Statements form types and issues
Table 1
Item |
Description |
1 |
SU19D Name - Reporting Statement (SU19) of 'Benefit Type'. Benefit Type(s) - JobSeeker Payment (JSP). Circumstance - Customers with activity type DSP (claiming Disability Support Pension (DSP)). Issue - At date of commencement and from then on whenever a Reporting Statement (SU19) is lodged. Also whenever reporting frequency for customers who are not required to report is changed to 2 weekly or the pay code is changed. |
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Customised SU19 Name - Reporting Statement (SU19) of 'Benefit Type' This is generated as a statement style letter. It is customised so that only questions relevant to the customer's circumstance are included. A covering letter will also be issued with the Reporting Statement (SU19). Benefit Type(s) - JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA), Special Benefit (SpB) (under JSP conditions), Parenting Payment Single (PPS) with mutual obligation requirements. Circumstance - For any reporting frequency and activity type except JSP/YA Provisional customers. Issue - At date of commencement and from then on whenever a Reporting Statement (SU19) is lodged. Also, whenever the pay code is changed. |
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Reporting Statement, also known as the Multi Attachment Template (MAT) (ONSR) An ONSR MAT is a MAT package that informs a customer to start or continue reporting and contains customer's future reporting dates. A MAT may consist of one or more of the following:
The MAT package can be issued to customers who report via self-managed service channels (except those customers reporting online or via Express Plus Mobile Apps). Customers will be issued a MAT via Online Letters (OLL) if they subscribe to the Online Letters service. Customers not subscribed to Online Letters but to Electronic Messaging may receive an electronic message in replacement of a MAT advising of the next 6 fortnights (if they are on 2 weekly reporting) they are due to report. A MAT will be issued by post if a customer does not report online and is not subscribed to Online Letters. |
Reporting profile by payment type
Table 2
Item |
Description |
1 |
Payments with mutual obligation requirements The following payments have mutual obligation requirements:
Customers in receipt of one of these payments are still considered to be on a payment with mutual obligation requirements even if they have been temporarily exempted from these requirements (for example, due to illness or undertaking an approved requirement such as a short course). Farm Household Allowance (FHA) customers have mutual obligation requirements. However, they are not required to report their performance against those requirements. Their performance is monitored by a Farm Household Case Officer (FHCO) at quarterly reviews. FHA customers may have a 6 or 2 weekly reporting frequency, determined by the regularity of their income. See Assessing income for Farm Household Allowance (FHA). |
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Payments without mutual obligation requirements The following payments do not have mutual obligation requirements:
Special Benefit (SpB) customers may also be considered to be in receipt of a non-activity tested payment type when they are not paid under JobSeeker Payment (JSP) conditions. However, SpB customers, regardless of whether they are treated as activity or non-activity tested customers, will have an employment income reporting profile and will receive a Reporting Statement. |
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Students who require an Activity Test The following payments require an Activity Test:
Reporting and payments for members of a couple
Table 3
Item |
Description |
1 |
General reporting information for couples If a customer has been profiled as an employment income reporter and must report, the partner will usually be profiled as an employment income reporter and will also be required to report. Job seekers with mutual obligation requirements on variable reporting are subject to recipient notification rules and must report on their Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) if any change of circumstances occurs during the fortnight. Also see Item 10 below. |
2 |
Reporting profile: customer A and B both have mutual obligation requirements and 2 weekly reporters Reporting by: Customer A must report Customer B must report Effect on payment: Customer A can be paid. Customer B must also report Customer B can be paid. Customer A must also report |
3 |
Reporting profile: customer A with mutual obligation requirements 2 weekly reporter and customer B Employment Income Reporter Reporting by: Customer A must report Customer B reports Effect on payment: Customer A: both customers paid Customer B: customer B can be paid. Customer A cannot be paid until they report |
4 |
Reporting profile: customer A with mutual obligation requirements 2 weekly reporter and customer B not on payment Reporting by: Customer A must report Customer B has no reporting requirement Effect on payment: Customer A paid |
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Reporting profile: customer A with mutual obligation requirements 2 weekly reporter and Employment Income Reporter and customer B Employment Income Reporter Reporting by: Customer A reports Customer B reports Effect on payment: Customer A: both customers paid Customer B: customer B can be paid. Customer A cannot be paid until they lodge/report |
6 |
Reporting profile: customer A employment income reporter and customer B notification reporter Reporting by: Customer A reports Customer B is subject to normal notification requirements Effect on payment: Customer A: can be paid. Customer B will be paid automatically each fortnight Customer B: will be paid automatically each fortnight. Customer A must report |
7 |
Reporting profile: customer A employment income reporter and customer B not on payment Reporting by: Customer A reports Customer B has no reporting requirement Effect on payment: Customer A is paid |
8 |
Reporting profile: customer A and B are notification reporters Reporting by: Customer A is subject to normal notification requirements Customer B is subject to normal notification requirements Effect on payment: Both customers paid automatically each fortnight |
9 |
Reporting profile: customer A notification reporter and customer B not on payments Reporting by: Customer A is subject to normal notification requirements Customer B has no reporting requirement Effect on payment: Customer A: will be paid automatically each fortnight |
10 |
Reporting or viewing partner income using the Centrelink Online Account or an App The following principles apply:
For a comprehensive list of partnered customer reporting scenarios, see the Expanded partner reporting matrix. |