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Reporting screens 110-18120555

This document outlines how the various reporting screens are used to maintain and update a customer's reporting requirements.

Recording Report results

Where customers do not report using self service, code the report results/employment income on the Recording and correcting employment income details.

Self service includes:

  • phone self service
  • Express Plus mobile app, or
  • online account

If the workflow is not available, code the report results on the relevant Reporting Cluster screens. Manually update the customer's employment income on the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen. For assistance, see Recording and correcting employment income details.

Reporting Cluster screens

The Reporting Cluster:

  • is part of the Centrelink computer system
  • uses several screens to update and display a customer's reporting requirements history
  • is used by staff to identify the customer's current reporting requirement and the date on which a report is due

RPTI and RPTC screens

The Reporting Types Issued (RPTI) screen displays current and outstanding forms, letters or statements that are part of a customer's Reporting Requirement.

More details appear on the Reporting Type Components (RPTC) screen.

RPRH, RPRS and RPRD screens

The history of a customer's reporting regime can be viewed via:

  • Reporting History (RPRH) screen, or
  • Reporting Regime Summary (RPRS) screen

Reporting requirements can be updated via the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen.

The customer must be advised of new reporting requirements and notification obligations.

Customer is temporarily incapacitated

Manually override the Service Profiler if a customer without mutual obligation requirements or other participation requirements advises they cannot report as they will be incapacitated for less than 8 weeks. For example, if they go to hospital.

Take the customer off reporting for the period required . Update the manual expiry date to reflect the shortened period.

Application of Report Type occurrences - 7 day rule

When the customer's reporting requirements change, the system will decide the start date of the new reporting requirement and/or frequency.

Reporting frequency is increasing

For example, changing frequency from variable to 2 weekly.

  • For customers without mutual obligation requirements/participation requirements and Special Benefit customers.
    • If the system date is within the first 7 days of a customer's current payment period, the change takes effect from the start of the next entitlement period. This is the current entitlement period end day (EPED) plus 1 day
    • If the system date is within the last 7 days of a customer's current payment period, the change takes effect from the start of the entitlement period after next. This is the next EPED plus 1 day. This allows time to advise the customer of any change and avoids penalising customers who may be expecting automated payment on a particular day
  • For customers with mutual obligation requirements/participation requirements on JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Parenting Payment Single (PPS) and Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker
    • If the customer's reporting frequency is increasing, the change will take effect from the start of the next entitlement period. This is the current EPED plus 1 day, whether or not the system is within or more than 7 days of the customer's current EPED

Note: the customer's current EPED could also be their reporting due date.

Reporting frequency is decreasing

For example, changing from 2 weekly to variable reporting frequency) or no longer required to report.

If the system date is within the first 7 days of a customer's current payment period then the Report Type occurrence Start Date is the last EPED that has been paid plus 1 day. If system date is within the last 7 days of a customer's payment period the Report Type occurrence Start Date is the next EPED to be paid plus 1 day.

Manual reason expiry

When recording a manual expiry past the acceptable maximum, the date is automatically adjusted to the maximum expiry date.

When the manual Reason for Requirement does not require an expiry date, there is no maximum future date limit.

When manually updating the Reason for Requirement, an expiry date will be usually be automatically inserted.

Late Reporting Customers (LRC) screen

Search criteria coded on the LRC screen returns the names and contact numbers of stimulus reporting customers:

  • not subject to mutual obligation or participation requirements, but
  • due to report on a specified date, and
  • have not yet done so

Contact the customer to remind them of the requirement to report so their payment can be stimulated. Use this screen to help customers understand their reporting requirements.

Use the LRC screen to search for assisted reporters who need help to report. Contact these customers as a priority to advise their reporting requirements.

Customers with mutual obligation or participation requirements must report before a payment is made:

  • by lodging a Reporting Statement via self service (online, Express Plus mobile app or phone)
  • in person, or
  • in writing (SU19)

Do not use the LRC screen for these customers, regardless of their choice of reporting channel.

Access the LRC screen via the Late Reporter's script. See the Accessing, navigating and use of the LRC screen table on the Process page.

See Early or late lodgement of job seeker reports for details about the management and processing of late reports.

See Reporting requirements for students and Australian apprentices for details about reporting frequencies for Students and Australian Apprentices.

The Resources page contains information on reason for requirement codes.

Reporting overview

Working Credit

Assessment of employment income for Centrelink payments

Weekly payments

Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements

Recording and correcting employment income details

Early or late lodgement of job seeker reports

Reporting requirements for students and Australian Apprentices