Income stream customer reviews - defined benefit or military invalidity pension income streams 110-19011120
This document contains information on the indexation review letters. Customers, or their partners, get these letters if they have a defined benefit or military invalidity pension income stream that did not update with the Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) process.
Process Direct creates a customer review when a customer's information cannot be matched to income stream provider data. Customers get a 'Request for review of information about your income stream product' letter.
For details about data matching, see:
- Identity Matching - Automation of Income Stream Reviews
- Product Matching - Automation of Income Stream Reviews
- Automated income stream review handoffs for manual processing
See Income stream reviews for more details about:
- review cycles
- due dates, and
- requests for information
Requests for review information
Customers, or their partner, get a review letter when their income stream product:
- could not be matched to the provider's information, and
- they have not updated their product details
A defined benefit income stream schedule or military invalidity pension (SA438) will be included with the letter. The letter issues 14 days after the period for the provider to supply data for the automated review.
The letter asks the customer to get their income stream provider to complete the schedule and return it.
If the provider issues their own schedule, the customer attaches this to the covering letter and returns both.
Note: the customer must return the covering letter. This has the review barcode for scanning purposes.
These letters may list any income streams held by their partner, where the partner does not get an income support payment. The customer must provide the requested information for each product listed.
Where the customer or partner is unable, or unwilling to provide information due to Family and Domestic Violence (FDV), escalate to AISR support. AISR support will request the information directly from the provider.
If the customer gets letters from Services Australia online, they will get an SMS or an email from myGov. This will tell them that the review letter is in their myGov inbox.
Failure to respond to requests for review information
Customers will get a reminder letter on day 29 if they do not respond to the initial review letter. Their payment will auto-suspend FSS (Failure to Supply Schedule) if they do not respond to this reminder. If the customer gets letters online, the review letter should be in their myGov inbox.
If the customer has not received the request or reminder letters, issue a Request for Information (RFI) for an income stream schedule with the Product Reference Number of the product. See Requesting information (CLK).
If customers do not respond to the suspension notice by supplying their income stream schedule, their payments will cancel 13 weeks after the initial suspension.
Review activity generated in Process Direct under AISR
The review activity generates in Process Direct. These reviews are:
- not on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen, and
- must not be actioned from FAL
Reviews generated by Process Direct differ to reviews on FAL, as they do not have to be manually finalised. The system will:
- periodically check for the required updates to the income stream, and
- close the review when the review information is supplied or applied
The Notes section shows how the customer data was supplied. For example, the customer uploaded an income stream schedule.
Do not to complete the update until:
- all requested information has been provided, and
- the details are complete for that product's review
For details about the various types of reviews, see Income stream reviews.
Completing the review
Customers cannot complete these reviews:
- online, or
- verbally (for example, in person or by telephone)
They must return the income stream schedule or provide a similar schedule, completed by their provider.
The Resources page contains a link to Process Direct current issues.
Related links
Identity Matching - Automation of Income Stream Reviews
Product Matching - Automation of Income Stream Reviews
Income stream customer reviews – account-based and market-linked income streams
Automated income stream review handoffs for manual processing
Income stream indexation review
Adding or updating a defined benefit income stream
Adding or updating a military invalidity pension income stream