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Debts resulting from internal transfers and clearances 107-02020010


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Authority to cancel, suspend or reduce the rate of payment

Social Security Act 1991

  • section 1222A, Debts due to the Commonwealth
  • section 1223(1), Debts arising from lack of qualification, overpayment etc.

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999, section 90, transfer to new payment type

Note: this is a historical reference, valid for accounts created prior to 1 July 2001. Social Security Act 1991, section 1224AB, Joint and several liability for persons involved in contravention of Act

Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986, section 205, Recovery of Overpayments

Agreements and arrangements

Services Australia delivers payments and services on behalf of other government agencies. A range of bilateral agreements and Bilateral Management Arrangement (BMA) governs our relationships with those agencies.

For more information, contact Department of Social Services (DSS) Relationship Team.