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Sending Account Payable letters 107-04010030

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Service Officers seeking to report systems issues on behalf of a customer or themselves should:

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  • Search using key words, error message or application name and select the relevant webform
  • complete and Submit the webform taking note of any receipt or reference code produced

Examples of Account Payable letters

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngGeneral Account Payable letter - informal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngGeneral Account Payable letter - formal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngManual Account Payable (Q417) letter – Using arrears outside the overpayment period to offset the debt

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngFAO Reconciliation Account Payable letter - informal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngFAO Reconciliation Account Payable letter - formal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngFAO Re-reconciliation Account Payable letter - informal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngFAO Re-reconciliation Account Payable letter - formal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngFAO non-lodger Account Payable letter (nominee version) - informal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngFAO non-lodger Account Payable letter (nominee version) - formal

Examples of Account Payable letters for deceased estate

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngQ421 deceased recovery letter - FTB

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngQ080 deceased recovery letter - All other payments

Free text on the Account Payable letter

Table 1




System generated text on the Account Payable letter

The system generated text on the Account Payable (OPAOD) screen is mostly unprotected. This allows the user to give a more suitable reason for the debt, where appropriate.

The debt reason is mandatory. Ensure it is keyed in the free text area on the OPAOD screen.

Table 2 contains debt reasons, debt reason codes and examples of default text that the system will generate.

When the system generates text, the below message will show:

  • 'Check that default text is appropriate'
  • Press [Enter]. The message M5179 will show, 'Press Enter to confirm the Advice details'

Check the system generated text and amend customer information and/or dates so it is correct. For example, the date populated in the system generated text for incarcerated customers will need to be changed from the debt DOV to the date the customer was incarcerated.

A decision maker may consider the tone of the default text is not appropriate for a particular case. Staff must check that the default text is appropriate in the circumstances and apply the plain English principles when entering free text, see Step 2. If the default text is correct and considered appropriate, do not alter.

See Table 3 for examples on how to apply plain English principles.


Plain English principles for keying free text on the Account Payable letter

Add a few lines of text to <DEBT REASON> explaining why the debt occurred. Note: the debt period is now auto-populated under Details of your debt with us. Do not add the debt period in the free text field.

Use simple empathetic language.

When adding the reason for the debt, apply these principles:

  • do not use accusatory language. For example, 'You failed to'
  • use plain English. This means:
    • keeping the content simple
    • only include relevant information
    • keep sentences short, be concise
    • use words with no more than 2 syllables (where possible)
    • do not use jargon or acronyms
    • write in a friendly but professional manner
    • check spelling and grammar
    • capitalise letters only where required (for example, Reserve Bank of Australia)

Note: the system generated text is a basis for the letter. Staff must add the relevant customer information, such as the name of the employer or the period of employment. Where the system generated text is determined to be sufficient, do not alter the text.


Text abbreviation for date format

The date format to use in the Account Payable letter is DD Month YYYY.

Correct the abbreviation to display the name of the month in full. For example, use ‘January’ instead of ‘Jan’.

Endorsed plain English text for the Account Payable letter Debt Reason field

Note: if no plain English text is available, use the Debt Action Script default text without the debt Start and End dates.

Debt reason - Income

Table 2

Debt reason


Income from Investments

Debt reason code: INP

Debt Action Script default text

This is because we use income from your partner’s investments to help us work out how much we can pay you. The correct amount of income from your investments is different to the amount we used to pay you for the period from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Financial investments (such as savings and shares) can affect your payment. The correct value of your partner’s investment income was not taken into account, and you were paid more than you were entitled to.

Income from Investments

Debt reason code: INV

Debt Action Script default text

Self This is because we use income from your investments to help us work out how much we can pay you. The correct amount of income from your investments is different to the amount we used to pay you for the period from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Combined This is because we use income from your combined investments to help us work out how much we can pay you. The correct amount of income from your investments is different to the amount we used to pay you for the period from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Financial investments (such as savings and shares) can affect your payment. The correct value of your investment income was not taken into account, and you were paid more than you were entitled to.

Financial investments (such as savings and shares) can affect your payment. The correct value of you and your partner’s investment income was not taken into account, and you were paid more than you were entitled to.

Non Employment Income or Non Investments

Debt reason code: OIP

Debt Action Script default text

Real Estate This is because an incorrect amount of your partner’s income from real estate was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Self Employment This is because an incorrect amount of your partner’s income from self employment was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Other Income This is because an incorrect amount of your partner’s income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Real Estate, Self Employment, Other Income
Income from sources other than employment can affect your payment. An incorrect amount of your partner's income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you. This means you were paid more than you were entitled to.

Non Employment Income or Non Investments

Debt reason code: OIS

Debt Action Script default text


Real Estate This is because an incorrect amount of your income from real estate was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Self Employment This is because an incorrect amount of your income from self employment was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Other Income This is because an incorrect amount of your income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.


Real Estate This is because an incorrect amount of your combined income from real estate was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Self Employment This is because an incorrect amount of your combined income from self employment was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Other Income This is because an incorrect amount of your combined income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Real Estate, Self Employment, Other Income
Income from sources other than employment can affect your payment. An incorrect amount of your income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you. This means you were paid more than you were entitled to.

Combined Real Estate, Self Employment, Other Income
Income from sources other than employment can affect your payment. An incorrect amount of your and your partner's income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you. This means you were paid more than you were entitled to.

Undeclared Cash Income

Debt reason code: UCE

Debt Action Script default text

Self An incorrect amount of your employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Combined An incorrect amount of your partner's employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

No plain English text

Undeclared Cash Income

Debt reason code: UCP

Debt Action Script default text

An incorrect amount of your partner's employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

No plain English text

Employment income not declared/ coded

Debt reason code: IES

Debt Action Script default text

Self/combined – one employer This is because an incorrect amount of employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Self/combined - Multiple employers This is because an incorrect amount of employment income from multiple employers was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Your employment income affects the rate of payment you are entitled to. An incorrect amount of income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments you received, which means these payments were incorrect.

Employment income not declared/ coded

Debt reason code: IPN

Debt Action Script default text

This is because an incorrect amount of your partner’s employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Your partner’s employment income affects the rate of payment you are entitled to. An incorrect amount of your partner's income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments you received, which means these payments were incorrect.

Employment income wrongly declared/ coded

Debt reason code: ISI

Debt Action Script default text

This is because an incorrect amount of employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Your employment income affects the rate of payment you are entitled to. An incorrect amount of income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments you received, which means these payments were incorrect.

Employment income wrongly declared/ coded

Debt reason code: IEP

Debt Action Script default text

An incorrect amount of your partner's employment income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Your partner’s employment income affects the rate of payment you are entitled to. An incorrect amount of your partner's income from {SOURCE} was used to work out the payments you received, which means these payments were incorrect.

Parental income

Debt reason code: PAI

Debt Action Script default text

Your {BENEFIT TYPE} has been based on your parental income, which is higher than the previously disclosed amount.

Plain English text

We use your parent/s or guardian/s income to work out how much we pay you. Their income is higher than the amount we used to pay you.

Income from overseas pension

Debt reason code: OSP

Debt Action Script default text

Self An incorrect amount of your overseas pension from {COUNTRY} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Partner An incorrect amount of your partner's overseas pension from {COUNTRY} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Combined An incorrect amount of your combined overseas pension from {COUNTRY} was used to work out the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

We use your income to work out how much we pay you. This includes any pension you receive from outside Australia. The amount of foreign pension you received from {COUNTRY} has been updated, changing the income amount used to work out your Australian payment.

We use your partner's income to work out how much we pay you. This includes any pension your partner received from outside Australia. The amount of foreign pension received from {COUNTRY} has been updated, changing the income amount used to work out your Australian payment.

We use your and your partner's income to work out how much we pay you. This includes any pension received from outside Australia. The amount of foreign pension received from {COUNTRY} has been updated, changing the income amount used to work out your Australian payment.

Lump sum arrears of overseas pension

Debt reason code: CFP

Debt Action Script default text

Self When your pension from {COUNTRY} was granted it included arrears payments. These payments have now been taken into account in the Australian pension payments made to you. This means you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Partner When your partner's pension from {COUNTRY} was granted it included arrears payments. These payments have now been taken into account in the Australian pension payments made to you. This means you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

We use your income to work out how much we pay you. This includes any pension you receive from outside Australia. You received a back-payment of foreign pension from {COUNTRY}, changing the income amount used to work out your Australian payment.

We use your and your partner's income to work out how much we pay you. This includes any pension you receive from outside Australia. You received a back-payment of foreign pension from {COUNTRY}, changing the income amount used to work out your Australian payment.

We use your and your partner’s income to work out how much we pay you. This includes any pension from outside Australia. You and your partner received a back-payment of foreign pension from {COUNTRY}, changing the income amount used to work out your Australian payment.

Debt reason - Studies

Table 3

Debt reason


Insufficient workload

Debt reason code: AUN

Debt Action Script default text

This is because you did not maintain a full-time study load. You were no longer eligible to get this payment. You will need to pay the money back you received from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

No plain English text

Educational entry payment

Debt reason code: EEP

Debt Action Script default text

On {DATE} you received an Education Entry Payment. However as you did not commence studies you were not entitled to this payment. As a result you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Failed to start studies/course

Debt reason code: FCS

Debt Action Script default text

As a condition of receiving {BENEFIT TYPE} you were required to commence studies. As you did not commence studies on {DATE} you were not entitled to payment for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. As a result you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are therefore required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

To receive {PAYMENT TYPE} you needed to be studying. You were incorrectly paid because you did not start study at {EDUCATION INSTITUTION NAME} on {DD Month YYYY}.

Not enrolled at institution

Debt reason code: UAI

Debt Action Script default text

To receive {BENEFIT} you were required to be enrolled at an educational institution. As you were not enrolled at {EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION NAME} You were not entitled to payment from {debtStartDate}. As a result you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are therefore required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

To receive {PAYMENT TYPE} you needed to be studying. You were incorrectly paid because you were not enrolled at {EDUCATION INSTITUTION NAME} on {DD Month YYYY}.

Commenced full-time studies

Debt reason code: CFS

Debt Action Script default text

As you commenced full time studies on {DATE} you were not entitled to receive {BENEFIT TYPE} from this date. As a result you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Discontinued study

Debt reason code: DIS

Debt Action Script default text

This is because you stopped studying on {DATE} and were no longer able to get this payment. You will need to pay the money back you received from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

For third party Due to the fact that {CHILD NAME} ceased studies on {DATE} you were/your institution was not entitled to {BENEFIT TYPE} from this date. This means you have been overpaid ${AMOUNT}. We are therefore required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

To receive {PAYMENT TYPE} you needed to be studying. You were not eligible for this payment because you stopped studying at {EDUCATION INSTITUTION NAME} on {DD Month YYYY}.

For third party
To receive {PAYMENT TYPE} your child needed to be studying. You were not eligible for this payment because they stopped studying at {EDUCATION INSTITUTION NAME} on {DD Month YYYY}.

Not entitled to Lang Lit. Num Supplement

Debt reason code: LLN

Debt Action Script default text

As you ceased your Language Literacy and Numeracy course on {DATE}, you were not entitled to the Language Literacy and Numeracy Supplement from this date. As a result you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Debt reason – Dependent children / students

Table 4

Debt reason


Left Care

Debt reason code: LOC

Debt Action Script default text

Due to the fact your child {CHILDNAME} left your care and control on {DATE} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} from {debtStartdate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

Due to {CHILD or DEPENDANT’S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES} leaving your care on {DD Month YYYY}, you were not eligible for this payment.

Ceased Full Time Studies

Debt reason code: DCS

Debt Action Script default text

One Child Due to the fact your child {NAME} ceased full time study on {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {DATE}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Two or more children Due to the fact at least one of your children ceased full time study on {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {DATE}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

{CHILD was or DEPENDANT’S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES were} not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes because they ceased full time study from {DD Month YYYY}.

Granted benefit/allowance

Debt reason code: DCS

Debt Action Script default text

One Child Due to the fact your child {NAME} was not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes on {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {DATE}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Two or more children Due to the fact at least one of your children was not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes on {DATE} you have been overpaid Youth Allowance of {$AMOUNT} from {DATE}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

{CHILD was or DEPENDANT’S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES were} not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes because they were granted a payment from {DD Month YYYY}.

Shared Care

Debt reason code: SPR

Debt Action Script default text

Shared Percent the same Due to the fact the shared care rate of {PercentageEntitledTo} for {CHILDNAME}, set out in the Court Order, was not taken into account you have been overpaid/in the Parenting Plan, was not taken into account you have been overpaid/in the Agreed Percentage, was not taken into account you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {debtStartDate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount."

Shared Percent not the same "Due to the fact the shared care rate for {CHILDNAME}, set out in the Court Order, was not taken into account you have been overpaid/Parenting Plan, was not taken into account you have been overpaid/Agreed Percentage, was not taken into account you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {DEBT $AMOUNT} from {debtStartDate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

The payments made to you did not reflect your shared care arrangements for your {CHILD or DEPENDANT’S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES}.

Student income over limit

Debt reason code: IOL

Debt Action Script default text

Due to the fact your child {CHILDNAME} had income that, for a student was over the limit from {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount

No plain English text

No longer FTB child

Debt reason code: NFC

Debt Action Script default text

Ceased Full time study Due to the fact your child {CHILDNAME} ceased full time study on {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {debtStartDate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Granted benefit for nondependent child Due to the fact your child {CHILDNAME} was not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes on {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {debtStartDate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Granted benefit for nondependent child 3rd party debt Due to the fact your child {CHILDNAME} was not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes on {DATE} you have been overpaid {BENEFIT TYPE} of {$AMOUNT} from {debtStartDate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

Ceased Full time study
{CHILD was or DEPENDANT'S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES} were not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes because they ceased full time study from {DD Month YYYY}.

Granted benefit for nondependent child
{CHILD was or DEPENDANT'S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES} were not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes because they were granted a payment from {DD Month YYYY}.

Granted benefit for nondependent child 3rd party debt
{CHILD was or DEPENDANT'S NAME/ CHILDREN’S NAMES} were not a dependent child for Centrelink purposes because they were granted a payment from {DD Month YYYY}.

Debt reason – Qualification or Payability

Note: depending on the debt type, not all options will display.

Table 5

Debt reason


Change in Relationship Status

Debt reason code: MST

Debt Action Script default text

Married/Member of a couple (text is the same for both)

Not entitled to payment As you were a member of a couple on {DATE} you were not entitled to payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Entitled to partnered rate As you were a member of a couple on {DATE} you were entitled to the partnered rate of payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.


Not entitled to payment As you were separated on {DATE} you were not entitled to payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.


Not entitled to payment As you reconciled on {DATE} you were not entitled to payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Entitled to partnered rate As you reconciled on {DATE} you were entitled to the partnered rate of payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.


Not entitled to payment As you were widowed on {DATE} you were not entitled to payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.} from {debtStartdate}. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

No plain English text


Debt reason code: API

Debt Action Script default text

As you were admitted to {INSTITUTION NAME} on {DATE} you were not entitled to receive {BENEFIT TYPE} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Left Australia

Debt reason code: LOZ

Debt Action Script default text

As you left Australia on {DATE} you were not entitled to receive {BENEFIT TYPE} from {DATE}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

When you are outside Australia there are rules covering if we can pay you and for how long. As you left Australia on {DD Month YYYY} you were not entitled to receive some or all of your {PAYMENT TYPE}.

Not providing Care

Debt reason code: NPC

Debt Action Script default text

This is because you stopped providing care for {Insert care receiver} and after {debtEventDate} you were no longer eligible for this payment. You will need to pay the money back you received from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

You were not eligible for this payment because you stopped providing care for {CARE RECIEVER NAME} on {DD Month YYYY}.

Started Full Time employment

Debt reason code: QFE

Debt Action Script default text

As you commenced work for {EMPLOYER NAME} you were not entitled to receive {BENEFIT TYPE} from {DATE}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Assets over limit

Debt reason code: ASS

Debt Action Script default text

This is because there are limits to how much your assets can be worth before they affect your payment. The correct value of your assets is different to the amount we used in the payments made to you from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.

Plain English text

Qualification - Nil entitlement to payment
When the value of your assets (such as savings, shares and property) exceeds a certain limit, it affects your payment. The new value of your assets now exceeds this limit which means you were not entitled to this payment.

Payability - Partial entitlement to payment
When the value of your assets (such as savings, shares and property) exceeds a certain limit, it affects your payment. An incorrect value of your assets was used to work out the payments you received, which means these payments were incorrect.

Telephone Allowance

Debt reason code: TAD, INR (via telephone allowance when not TEL, SHC, ASH, SCA, TAL)

Debt Action Script default text

Not subscribing to a home internet service Due to the fact you were not subscribing to a home internet service you were not entitled to receive the higher rate of Telephone Allowance from {debtStartdate}. Therefore you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Other You were not entitled to receive Telephone Allowance from {debtStartdate}. Therefore you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

False Identity

Debt reason code: FDM

Debt Action Script default text

You received payment in more than one name for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. You have therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Started CDEP programme

Debt reason code: CDP

Debt Action Script default text

Your income from {PROVIDER} was not taken into account in the payments made to you.

No plain English text

CDEP Participation Supplement

Debt reason code: CPS

Debt Action Script default text

On {DATE} you ceased Community Development Employment Project with {PROVIDER} and you no longer qualify for Community Development Employment Project Participation Supplement payments. These payments continued to be paid until {DebtEndDate}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

FTB 16-20yr old Education/Training Req

Debt reason code: FET

Debt Action Script default text

You were not entitled to Family Assistance due to {CHIILD NAME/S} ceasing to meet the FTB education/training requirement.

No plain English text

Not entitled to Green Corps Supplement

Debt reason code: NGC

Debt Action Script default text

You were not entitled to Green Corps Supplement from {DATE}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

Not entitled to Drought Force Supplement

Debt reason code: NDF

Debt Action Script default text

You were not entitled to receive the Drought Force supplement from {debtStartDate}. You have therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

CDEP Supplement

Debt reason code: CDE

Debt Action Script default text

On {DATE} you ceased CDEP with {PROVIDER} and you no longer qualify for CDEP Supplement payments. These payments continued to be paid until {debtEnddate}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

RJCP Supplement

Debt reason code: RJC

Debt Action Script default text

You were not entitled to receive the Approved Program of Work Supplement for Remote Jobs and Communities Program.

No plain English text

Debt reason - Miscellaneous

Table 6

Debt reason


Duplicate payment

Debt reason code: DUP

Debt Action Script default text

EBT card On the {DATE} you were paid your {BENEFIT TYPE} entitlement for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. On {DATE} you were also issued with a duplicate EBT card for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.Therefore you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Cheque On the {DATE} you were paid your {BENEFIT TYPE} entitlement for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. On {DATE} you were also issued with a duplicate cheque for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. Therefore you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Direct Credit On the {DATE} you were paid your {BENEFIT TYPE} entitlement for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}.On {DATE} you were also issued with a duplicate direct credit for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. Therefore you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

No plain English text

ISP Duplicate Rent Assistance

Debt reason code: DRA

For example, customer receives Rent Assistance as part of the ISP payment and FAO payment)

Debt Action Script default text

Customer You have been receiving Rent Assistance with your {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. As your recent payment of Family Tax Benefit included a payment of Rent Assistance for the same period, you have been overpaid in Rent Assistance and the amount will need to be repaid to Centrelink.

Partner You have been receiving Rent Assistance with your {BENEFIT TYPE} from {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. As your partner's recent payment of Family Tax Benefit included a payment of Rent Assistance for the same period, you have been overpaid in Rent Assistance and the amount will need to be repaid to Centrelink.

No plain English text

Prepayment/Holiday processing

Debt reason code: PRE

Debt Action Script default text

Actual declared income greater then estimate - customer When you reported income details to Centrelink by {SU19 LODGEMENT/ INTERNET/ TELEPHONE/ IN PERSON AT CSC} on {DATE} you declared income of {$AMOUNT}. As you were prepaid due to the {CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR/ AUSTRALIA/ EASTER/ ANZAC DAY} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

Actual declared income greater then estimate – partner When you reported income details to Centrelink by {SU19 LODGEMENT/ INTERNET/ TELEPHONE/ IN PERSON AT CSC} on {DATE} you declared income for your partner of {$AMOUNT}. As you were prepaid due to the {CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR/ AUSTRALIA/ EASTER/ ANZAC DAY} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

Failure to lodge SU19 You were due to lodge an Application for Payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} on {DATE} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. As you did not lodge this form your entitlement could not be established. As you were prepaid due to the {CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR/ AUSTRALIA/ EASTER/ ANZAC DAY} holiday you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

RIS customer - failure to declare income You were due to provide income information for payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} on {DATE} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. As you did not provide this information your entitlement could not be established. As you were prepaid due to the {CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR/ AUSTRALIA/ EASTER/ ANZAC DAY} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Notification reporter – prepayment received – customer On your Application for Continuation of Payment lodged on {DATE} you declared income of {$AMOUNT}. As you were prepaid due to the {CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR/ AUSTRALIA/ EASTER/ ANZAC DAY} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

Notification reporter – prepayment received – partner On your Application for Continuation of Payment lodged on {DATE} you declared income for your partner of {$AMOUNT}. As you were prepaid due to the {CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR/ AUSTRALIA/ EASTER/ ANZAC DAY} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

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Remote Area Allowance

Debt reason code: RAA

Debt Action Script default text

Not qualified as usual place of residence is not in a remote area As your usual place of residence is not in a remote area from {DATE} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

Not qualified as not physically present in a remote area As you were not physically present in a remote area from {DATE} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

Entitled to a lower rate of remote area allowance As you were entitled to a lower rate of remote area allowance from {DATE} you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} for the period {debtStartDate} to {debtEndDate}. We are required to recover this amount.

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Rent Assistance

Debt reason code: RAE

Debt Action Script default text

Ceased not sharing On {DATE} you ceased paying {RENT TYPE}. Payments of Rent Assistance continued until {debtEndDate}. You were not entitled to receive Rent Assistance for this period. You have, therefore, been overpaid {AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Decreased not sharing On {DATE} the amount you were paying for {RENT TYPE} decreased. Payment of Rent Assistance continued until {debtEndDate} at a higher rate than you were entitled to. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Changed and reduced On {DATE} you stopped paying {RENT TYPE} and started to pay {RENT TYPE}. The amount you were paying also decreased. Payment of Rent Assistance continued until {debtEndDate} at a higher rate than you were entitled. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Changed Address On {DATE} you changed address. You continued to receive Rent Assistance at the non sharing rate until {debtEndDate}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Shared Accommodations On {DATE} you started to share your accommodation. You continued to receive Rent Assistance at the non sharing rate until {debtEndDate}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Net Household Rent On {DATE} you were sharing accommodation with another person, who pays part of the total household rent. You were, therefore, entitled to claim less Rent Assistance in your own right, with the result you have been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

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Rent Assistance

Debt reason code: RAE

Customer has received full rate of RA and partner is granted their own payment with entitlement to RA.

No Debt Action Script default text

Plain English text

This is because you were being paid Rent Assistance for both you and your partner up to {DD Month YYYY}. Your partner was entitled to half the Rent Assistance from {DD Month YYYY}. We paid you too much between {DD Month YYYY} and {DD Month YYYY}.

Rent Assistance

Debt reason code: RAE

Partner claims pension payment.

No Debt Action Script default text

Plain English text

This is because you were being paid Rent Assistance for both you and your partner up to {DD Month YYYY}. Your partner was entitled to the total Rent Assistance payable from {DD Month YYYY}. We paid you too much between {DD Month YYYY} and {DD Month YYYY}.

Debt reason - Obligation

Table 7

Debt reason


Form not lodged

Debt reason code: ONL

For reduced reporting

Debt Action Script default text

You were due to lodge an Application for Payment of {BENEFIT TYPE} on {DATE} for the period {DATE} to {DATE}. As you did not lodge this form your entitlement could not be established. You have been overpaid {$AMOUNT} and we are required to recover this amount.

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YAL/Abstudy - Returned to live with parent

Debt reason code: IRH

Debt Action Script default text

On {DATE} you moved back to live at home. You continued to receive payments at the living away from home rate until {DATE}. You have, therefore, been overpaid {$AMOUNT}. We are required to recover this amount.

Plain English text

You were overpaid because you were getting the ‘away from home’ rate of payment after you returned to live at home on {DD Month YYYY}.

Participation Serious Failure

Debt reason code: PSF

Debt Action Script default text

You were not entitled to receive {BENEFIT TYPE} due to the application of a non-payment period from (DATE} to {DATE}. This is because you committed 3 or more participation failures in the last 12 months, which required us to stop your payments for 8 weeks.

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Debt reason - Advances

Table 8

Debt reason


Special Employment Advance

Debt reason code: SEA

Debt Action Script default text

On {DATE} you were paid a Special Employment Advance of {$AMOUNT}. As your {BENEFIT TYPE} was cancelled on {DATE} an amount of {$AMOUNT} remains outstanding. We are, therefore, required to recover this amount.

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Advance Repayment Period Unreasonable

Debt reason code: ARU

Debt Action Script default text

(Family Tax Benefit only)

This is the balance owing on your Family Tax Benefit advance. As your fortnightly Family Tax Benefit Part A Payments have been reduced, this advance cannot be paid back from your Family Tax Benefit Part A within a reasonable period.

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