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Actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) 107-04010040

List of DMIS debt reason types - A to Z

Table 1



A - K

Advance/Loan, Assurance of Support, Automatic, Childcare, Compensation, Converted, Dependants, Income, Income Management.

L - Z

Miscellaneous, Obligation, Obsolete, Prosecution and Court, Qualification, Studies, Victims of Terrorism.

A to K debt reason types and the codes used to explain why the debt occurred

Table 2: * = code is not active for new debts. Note: staff cannot manually input debt reason codes showing as ‘Auto Only’.





ADV - Advance payment

ARU - Advance repayment period unreasonable

CRP - Crisis Payment

PLS - Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) formerly known as Pensions Loans Scheme

SEA - Special Employment

SFH - Severe Financial Hardship


Assurance of Support

ASO - Assurance of Support Recovery (old)

ASP - Assurance of Support



ASB - AoS bank guarantee recovery

ASN - Assurance of Support (AoS) recovery

ECA - Earnings Digital Intervention (combined)

EPA - Earnings Digital Intervention (partner)

ESA - Earnings Digital Intervention (self)

ICA - Income: Combined Assessment (Cust/Ptnr)

FRA - Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reconciliation

FRC - families reconciliation

FRR - families re-reconciliation

IEA - Income earnings automatic

IPA - Income: Incorrect Earnings (ptnr)

ISA - Income: Income Earnings (self)

IAS - Income Stream Auto Update Self Auto

IAO - Income Stream Auto Update Partner Auto

ISS - Income Stream Rev Compliance Self (Auto Only)

ISP - Income Stream Rev Compliance Partner (Auto Only)

ITD - Internal transfer adjustment

ITR - Internal transfer

MIR - AIC Maintenance Reconciliation

MRR - AIC Maintenance Re-reconciliation

NLD - families non lodger

ODR - Agency recovery

SIN - Schoolkids Bonus income greater than $100,000

SNE - Schoolkids Bonus not eligible for payment

SNI - Security notice issued

SNL - Schoolkids Bonus non-lodger debt



USC - Incorrect childcare usage claim



CMA - Charge income

CMB - Failed to comply with compensation preliminary notice

CMC - Charge customer

CMM - Charge insurer

CMP - Compensation partner income



ADI - Admin error duplicate instalments

APC - Allowance period change

AWW - Average weekly workload

HEC - Student Contribution (previously HECS)

HPW - Hours per week

LTW - Failure to start course (first two weeks)

MAD - Mobility Allowance advance

NAD - Newstart advance payment

PAV - Pensions advance payment

RFR - Duplicate payment (manual only)

UPS - Units per semester University



DCS - Children students

LOC - Loss of care

NFC - No longer FTB child

SPR - Shared care percentage reduction



AMT - Family Actual Means Test (FAMT)

AIR - ATO Income Reconciliation

BEA - Not entitled to PBV/LVP due to earnings

CDP - Receipt of Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) wages

CFP - Comparable foreign payment recovery

ECM - Earnings Digital Intervention (combined)

EPM - Earnings Digital Intervention (partner)

ESM - Earnings Digital Intervention (self)

FAA - Taxable income amended by ATO

FPE - Incorrect estimate

FPN - Family Allowance failed to notify

IMS - Income Stream – self. To manually key this code when using Debt Scripts in Customer Record, go to the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen > Reason field > select debt reason ‘No Suitable Choice

IDP - Income: Dad and Partner Pay

IEP - Partner earnings wrongly declared/ coded

IES - Own earnings undeclared/ not coded

IMO - Income Stream - partner. To manually key this code when using Debt Scripts in Customer Record, go to the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen > Reason field > select debt reason ‘No Suitable Choice

INP - Investments - partner

INV - Investments - self

IOL - Student income over limit

IPL - Income: Parental Leave Pay

IPM - Partner incorrect earnings - manual

IPN - Partner earnings undeclared/ not coded

ISI - Own earnings wrongly declared/ coded

ISM - Own incorrect earnings - manual

LBE - Low business income (FHA)

OIS - Non earnings or investment - self

OIP - Non earnings or investment - partner

OMR - Third party maintenance re-reconciliation

OMT - Third party maintenance reconciliation

OSP - Overseas pension

PAI - Parental income

RIC - Review of income and circumstances (FHA)

RCN - Reconciliation debt (FHA)

UCE - Undeclared cash earnings - self

UCP - Undeclared cash earnings - partner

YMR - Maintenance re-reconciliation

YMT - Maintenance reconciliation


Income Management

IAP - Incorrect amount paid

IFO - Income management payment fraudulently obtained

IIO - Incorrect organisation paid

IIU - Incorrect use of income management funds

IME - Income management payment overdraw

IUR - Income management refund

L to Z debt reason types and the codes used to explain why the debt occurred

Table 3: * = code is not active for new debts





ARR - Non system error

BON - Fraud or misrepresentation bonus payment

CPS - Not entitled to Community Development Employment Project Participant Supplement (CPS)

CTD - Centrepay debt

DUP - Duplicate payment

ETR - False or misleading statement (ETR)

FAE - Not entitled to Fares Allowance

FPI - Failed to provide information

FRD - Fraudulent cheque negotiation

INF - Internal fraud

INR - Incorrect rate

IRH - Failed - incorrect rate - rent - home

NZL - New Zealand debt

NPS - Not entitled to the Pension Supplement (DMIS payment code PSL)

PRE - Prepayment/ holiday processing

RAA - Not remote resident

RAE - Rent incorrectly declared/ coded

REA - Rent evaluation auto

REM - Rent evaluation manual

RFO - Incorrect bank account - third party

RRA - Rent evaluation manual

RRM - Rent review manual

SDT - Special Disability Trust non-compliance

SSP - Not entitled to Seniors Supplement

SYS - System error

TAD - Not entitled to Telephone Allowance

TFR - Fraud (TILA)

TOT - Other (TILA)

UAS* - Not entitled to Utilities Allowance

WFD - Not entitled to Work for the Dole supplement

WKL* - Weekly payments



AFW - Failed - work availability

DPF - DSP participation failure

FTR - Failed - tax return not lodged

ONL - Failed - form not lodged

OWD - Failed Work for the Dole

PSF - Participation serious failure



AST - Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) stay order

CPR - Compensation recovery

CSC - Community Settlement Services Scheme (CSS) original and replacement cheque

CSE - CSS payee

CSR - CSS payer

FAC - Failure to attend training course (Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA))

LOG - Loss of entitlement after grant

MSS – Same-sex Relationship status

NEG - No entitlement at grant

OAR - Negotiation of original and replacement

OPA - Agreement arrears

OSS - Other Centrelink (valid prior to 1/10/97)

OTH - Other waived

UNS - Unknown at STARS conversion


Prosecution and Court

CAC - Civil action court costs

CAF - Civil action court fees

CAJ - Civil action judgement interest

CLC - Civil appeal court costs

CLF - Civil appeal court fees

COS - Civil appeal legal costs awarded

CRF - Fines criminal court action

PCC - Prosecution court costs

PCF - Prosecution court fees

PJI - Prosecution judgement interest



API - Admitted to prison or other institution

APW - Not entitled to Approved Program of Work Supplement

ASS - Assets over limit

BBR - Second or subsequent child rate assessment (BBY)

BNR - Birth not registered (NBS)

CDE - Not entitled to CDEP supplement

CFS - Commenced full time study

CNE - Carer not eligible for payment

CNP - Employee not entitled to payment (PPL)

DRA* - Not entitled to duplicate payment

DVA - Receipt of Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) payment

DVC - DVA clearance

EEP* - Studies - Educational entry payment

FAS - Activity Supplement (FHA)

FDM - False/ multiple identity

FET - FTB child ceased meeting educational/training requirements

FFO - Failed farm household obligations (FHA)

FPF - Serious participation failure (FHA)

GAF* - Green Army Training Allowance notification

IDB - Incorrect date of birth

IPE - Income precludes entitlement (SBP)

LAH* - Receipt of Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA) from Department of Social Services (DSS)

LLN - Not entitled - Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement (LLNS)

LOZ - Left Australia

MRP - False statement/misrepresentation

MAO - Not for Mobility Allowance

MST - Relationship status

N13 - Not in care for 13 continuous weeks

NCS - not entitled to Carer Supplement

NDF - Not entitled to Drought Force Supplement

NDS - In receipt of NDIS package of support

NEP - Not eligible for payment

NGC* - Not entitled to Green Corps Supplement

NGJ - Not entitled to NGJC Supplement

NFE - Notification failure - employer (PPL)

NLF - ATO non lodger debt (FHA)

NNA* - Not qualified as an Australian apprentice

NPC - Not providing care

NSD* - Start Up Loan to be repaid at DHS

NSW - Not entitled to Start Up Loan - From ATO

NSU - Not entitled to Start Up Loan (DHS)

PAD - Payment after death

PNF - Payment not forwarded (PPL)

PPN - Paid Parental Leave paid for child (NBS)

PSC - Paid Parental Leave paid for stillborn child (NBS)

QFE - Full time employment

QMD - Not medically qualified

QNR - Non resident

RJC - Not entitled to Community Development Program (CDP) Supplement

RTF - Returned to farming

RTI - Returned to irrigated farming

SCA* - Not entitled to Senior Concession Allowance

SRA - Second or subsequent stillborn rate assessment (SBP)

SSC - Second or subsequent child rate assessment (NBS)

TRS* - Not entitled to Training Supplement



AUN - Unsatisfactory attendance or workload

DIS - Discontinued

ESP - Eligibility period/ study change

FCS - Failure to start studies/ course

FSD - Financial Supplement Loan (FSL) debt

NFS - No longer undertaking full time study (Auto SLD)

NSC - not entitled to scholarship

NSM - No longer undertaking full time study (manual SLD)

PAR* - Payee debt

UAI - Not enrolled at institution

UCI - Unapproved course of institution


Victims of Terrorism

DDR - Did not die as result of terrorist act (AVTOP)

IDR - Injury not direct result of terrorist act (AVTOP)

ITA - Involved with the terrorist act (AVTOP)

NCF - Not close family member (AVTOP)

NLA - Not in location of terrorist act (AVTOP)

Amalgamation of debt

As all payments are amalgamated down to benefit/qualifier level, there may be cases where 2 or more payment types are combined into one debt in DMIS. For example, Parenting Payment Single (PPS) or JobSeeker Payment (JSP), predominately when inter benefit transfer debts.

The DMIS benefit type will be the payment or allowance comprising the largest portion of the overpayment.

This does not apply for debts that:

  • include Jobseeker Payment (JSP) and another payment type, and
  • have a debt start date before 20 March 2020

In these cases, do not use JSP as the DMIS benefit type. The Component Amount (OPCA) screen stores each benefit type in the debt at the component level. This ensures that DMIS passes the correct details for each debt to ESSentials.

Do not separate these debts and raise them individually, except where:

  • the system generates them separately, or
  • there is a Schoolkids Bonus component. Raise this as a Schoolkids Bonus debt, not as a component of Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

When a combined debt is determined, tell the customer of all the payment types that have been overpaid for via the:

  • free text within the account payable section of the script, or
  • Account Payable (OPAOD) screen

Examples of debt amalgamation

Table 4




Debt benefit type JSP

Customer has a debt comprised of $15 AUS basic and $120 JSP basic.


Debt benefit type AGE

Customer has a debt comprised of $100 DSP basic and AGE Rent Assistance $110.


Debt benefit type DSP

Customer has a debt comprised of JSP basic $10, DSP Rent Ass. $50 and DSP PhA $15.


Single component overpaid

Customer has been overpaid a component by itself, for example, SCA $40.

The benefit debt type is Seniors Concession Allowance.


Benefit type does not reflect the debt

Change the debt on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen.

If unable to change the debt on the OPMA screen:

  • zero out the debt shell, and
  • raise a new debt

Record all relevant details on the DOC of the new debt, for example, the AMR number and reason for zeroing the system generated debt.

Legally payable arrears

In the example below, the arrears have been determined as legally payable, and will be used to offset the overpayment amount.

Table 5: Example ADEX debt offset calculations.

Date From


Old Fn Rate

New Fn Rate


27 FEB 2021




$253.69 DB

13 MAR 2021




20 MAR 2021




$31.60 CR

27 MAR 2021




$28.57 CR

1 APR 2021




$7.97 CR




$185.55 DB

In this example, the information required for the manual Account Payable (Q417) letter, is the:

  • overpayment period = 27 February 2021 to 12 March 2021
  • overpayment amount = $253.69
  • amount paid for the overpayment period = $253.69
  • amount entitled for the overpayment period = $0
  • legally payable arrears period = 20 March 2021 to 9 April 2021
  • the legally payable arrears amount = $68.14
  • recovery fee = $0.00
  • outstanding (debt) amount = $185.55

Clean screen policy action

Table 6: This table describes action to be taken for different customer and debt scenarios under the clean screen policy.



Compensation debts

Compensation Recovery staff must action all compensation related debts on the customer’s and/or partner’s record at the same time where:

  • all debts generated are as a result of the compensation assessment activity including debts generated for partners
  • other undetermined debts on the record that cover the same period of time as the compensation debt/s

Compensation Recovery staff do not need to complete a full clean screen action of all debts on a customer and/or partner record where not related to the compensation assessment (for example, unrelated debts or other activities).

Multiple debts

Action all debts on the customer's (and partner's) record at the same time. Some quarantined debts or debts requiring specialist action may be out of scope. Seek APS5 Technical support.

Customer and partner debts

Workload Manager (WLM) attempts to bundle the customer and partner's debt/s and allocate the work items to the same person. Where this does not happen, the staff member allocated the debt/s first must transfer any remaining debts from the partner record to their inbox for action. See Step 7 in Workload Management.

Auto debts on hold

Action auto debts on hold because of the debt pause at the same time as raising other debts on the record.

Check the accuracy of the debt, then ask the APS5 Technical Support Officer to un-hold or FND the debt.

Quality On Line (QOL) checking

Submit all debts on both customer and partner records at the same time.

Do not wait for one debt to be QOL checked before submitting the other debts. The QOL checker needs to look at the case holistically and release all debts at the same time. This also ensures all debt letters generate at the same time.

A QOL checker may provide feedback where a debt officer:

  • does not complete all debts on the customer record at the same time
  • does not amalgamate multiple debts on the customer record, where this would have been appropriate

However, assessment of each debt must be in accordance with national QOL principles. These principles do not support the return of an activity for correction (critical error determination) on the sole basis of other undetermined debt shells remaining on the record. QOL Checkers will assess the activity selected and release if correct.


There may be times where exclusions from the clean screen policy apply to some debt types. For example, compensation or other debts actioned by specific business areas. Payment Assurance Operations Daily News will also have updates as required. If unsure, talk to an APS5 Technical Support Officer.

System generated duplicate payment debt example

Note: this example is only for system generated duplicate payment debts and not for debts resulting from a customer receiving a duplicate arrears payment.


Customer contacted Services Australia to advise they had not received their payment for the period 9 to 22 March 2022. The payment was reissued and subsequently delivered to the customer’s account on 25 March 2022, however the original payment was not returned by the financial institution. This resulted in the customer receiving 2 payments for the same entitlement period. The system generates an undetermined duplicate payment debt for the payment that was reissued to the customer.

The customer received a second (reissued) payment to replace the payment not initially received for the entitlement period 9 to 22 March 2022. The event that led to the duplicate payment and the start and end date of the debt, all occur on the same day of 25 March 2022, the date the duplicate payment was delivered to the customer.

Coding this scenario on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen would show in these fields as:

  • Date of Event (DOV): 25 March 2022 (date of the event that led to the debt)
  • Start Date: 25 March 2022 (date of the first incorrect payment – as per ADEX activity details)
  • End Date: 25 March 2022 (date of the last incorrect payment – as per ADEX activity details)