Energy Supplement (ES) manual debt calculation
ES is calculated in arrears on a daily rate, for the quarter that:
starts on a test day, and
ends the day before the next test day
For instance, test day 20 June is for the quarter 20 March to 19 June.
The 4 test days in the year are:
20 March
20 June
20 September
20 December
On the One-Off Payment (OOP) screen, view the ES amounts paid to the customer per quarter by keying SHC in the Display payments field. Use these amounts to calculate the debt and if required, to calculate the daily rate.
The rate of ES may vary because it is calculated by the daily rate multiplied by the number of days in the quarter. If a leap year has occurred during the quarter, take this into consideration.
Calculate the number of days per ES quarter:
20 March to 19 June is 92 days
20 June to 19 September is 92 days
20 September to 19 December is 91 days
20 December to 19 March is 90 days (91 days each leap year)
If the debt start and end dates of the debt period fall partially in a ES quarter, calculate the daily rate for these ES quarters.
This is done by:
dividing the total quarterly ES amount paid to the customer by the number of days in the relevant ES quarter that the debt start and end dates fall in
using the calculated ES daily rate, multiply this by the number of days from the:
debt start date, to the end of the ES quarter the debt start date falls in
start of the relevant ES quarter that the debt end date falls in, up to and including the debt end date
Use the above calculations and add them together with any full quarter payments that fall within the debt period if applicable, this total will be the debt amount. See Step 2 for example.