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Raising of Social Security debts due to linking of same-sex partner 107-04020230

For Debt Staff only

This document outlines the process for assessing if a recoverable debt exists when a customer's payment reduces, and the reason for the reduction is their partner status has changed in a same-sex relationship update.

On this Page:

Processing debts as a result of linking to a same-sex partner

Notifying debts as a result of linking to a same-sex partner

Processing debts as a result of linking to a same-sex partner

Table 1




Investigate the potential debt + Read more ...

Go to the Document List (DL) screen. Locate any DOC related to the undetermined debt:

  • Find the DOC titled Debt Investigation (if available). The information:
    • may help as a starting point
    • is an estimate at a point in time
  • Consider other factors that may impact the debt outcome, for example:
    • the presence of limiting dates
    • other waived or determined debts on the Debt List (OPDL) screen where any date overlaps the undetermined debt
    • manual and automatic adjustments, etc.
  • Follow Business As Usual (BAU) debt investigation and raising processes
  • See Using the correct date of effect when raising debts 107-03010010


The debt has been generated from an activity linking the customer to a same-sex partner + Read more ...


  • The partner is a same-sex partner. The Customer Person Detail Summary (CPDS) screen lists the customer's gender. Check this screen for both customer and partner
  • The debt relates to the linking of the same-sex partner


Establish the date of event (DOV) + Read more ...

Establish the DOV the customer received a valid notice requiring them to notify the agency of their same-sex relationship.

The DOV will be the start date of the same-sex relationship. For the agency's purposes this is:

  • 1 July 2009 for a relationship which commenced before 1 July 2009. This is the date customers in a same-sex relationship were recognised as partnered due to legislative changes.
    This includes customers who disclosed the relationship during the voluntary declaration period (30 March to 30 June 2009)
  • the date the relationship commenced, for a same-sex relationship which commenced on or after 1 July 2009


Establish the customer's Notification Period End Date (NPED) + Read more ...

The notification period is the period of time a customer has to notify their change of circumstances.

The notification period is determined using:

  • The date the customer is sent a valid notice advising of their need to notify of a same sex relationship
  • if they are a stimulus reporter or not

For stimulus customers the NPED will be the later of:

  • the entitlement period end date after the issue of the valid notice, or
  • the entitlement period end date after the date the relationship commenced

For non-stimulus customers the NPED will be the later of:

  • 14 days (28 days for CIS customers) from the date of the valid notice, or
  • 14 days (or 28 days for CIS customers) from the date the relationship commenced

Note: the customer and their partner may have different NPEDs if they both receive a Social Security payment.


Establish the date of receipt (DOR) + Read more ...

The DOR is determined by:

  • when the source documentation is lodged, or
  • when information is notified

Services Australia did not record same-sex relationships before 30 March 2009. Notifications before 30 March do not meet notification obligations.

Customers could voluntary declare de facto or registered relationships from 30 March 2009 to 30 June 2009.


Establish the Date of Action (DOA) + Read more ...

Go to the Event Summary (ES) screen. It lists the updates to the customer record. Each update will have an activity management record (AMR).

Identify the AMR for the update to the Martial Status (MS) screen which linked the customers records. The date of the AMR is the Date of Action.


Establish the date of effect (DOE) + Read more ...

The notification handler (NOHL) will determine the date to apply the rate change from. This DOE will also determine if a debt exists.

Determine the DOE from:

  • Date of event (DOV)
  • Notification Period End Date (NPED)
  • Date of receipt (DOR)
  • Date of Action (DOA)

If the DOE is:

  • after the period of the generated overpayments, set the debt to $0.00. Finalise the debt to 'no debt (FND) reason code of NOHL date of event (NHL)
  • before or during the period of the generated overpayments, calculate and raise the debt


Raise the debt + Read more ...

Use the Debt Action script to raise, waive or FND the debt.

The script asks a number of questions regarding the debt:

  • Recoverable, Waiver or a No Debt
  • Debt ID, period of the debt and the amount
  • Payment type overpaid and reason for the debt

For more information about raising debts, see Actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS).


Consider special circumstances debt waiver + Read more ...

Special circumstance waivers are discretionary and what one person (or tribunal) may see as special, another may not. Special circumstances are defined as unusual, uncommon or out of the ordinary. Special circumstance waivers should only apply when full consideration is given of all the individual's circumstances.

Factors that may need consideration when determining if special circumstances exist could include:

  • If the customer had access to the 1 July 2009 and 9 December 2017 legislation changes recognising same-sex relationships
  • Are there language/ literacy/ cultural barriers? Could the customer read and fully understand the information?

Do not waive debts if they are a result of the person:

  • knowingly making a false statement, or
  • failing to notify of the relationship

See Special circumstances debt waivers.

Notifying debts as a result of linking to a same-sex partner

Table 2




Record the details of the debt for future reference + Read more ...

Complete a DOC for all debts.

Check Documents List (DL) for the debt hyperlink. The details of the debt should already be on the DOC. There may be a need to annotate the DOC with details of related activities or adjustments used to calculate the debt.

If unable to use the script, refer to the DOC Minimum standards. This is to ensure accurate information in the DOC.

For more information on this topic, see Calculating Centrelink entitlements and gathering information when investigating debts.


Notify the customer or correspondence agent of the debt + Read more ...

Service Officers are to make 2 genuine call attempts to the customer to advise of the debt. Make the call attempts before issuing the accounts payable notice.

Send the account payable letter to the customer.

If sending an automatic advice and need further details, see Sending Account Payable letters for the features of this advice.


Quality On Line (QOL) checking + Read more ...

If the debt activity needs to be QOL checking before the processing is completed, see Quality On Line (QOL).