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Raising ISP debts for customers granted PPL and DAP 107-18040300

This document provides information on raising income support payment (ISP) debts resulting from payment of Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP).

Raising ISP debts for customers granted PPL or DAP




Debt shell + Read more ...

Does a debt shell need to be manually added to the customer's record?


Add debt shell + Read more ...

Go to Workspace in Customer First. Select the Raise A Debt guided procedure.

Select the add button above the Debt ID column.


Enter details in a manually added debt shell + Read more ...

Add the details relating to the debt:

  • Benefit type - the income support payment the debt has been raised against. See the Resources page for a listing of Debt Benefit Types
  • Reason - if the primary cause of the ISP debt is PPL or DAP the Reason is either:
    • IDP - Income: Dad and Partner Pay
    • IPL - Income: Parental Leave Pay
  • Section of Act - auto populates based on the Benefit Type and Reason
  • Date of Event - is the date of the event that caused the debt
  • Start Date/End Date - is the debt period
  • Calculated Amount $ - is the amount overpaid
  • How was the debt calculated? - Select Manually

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Select Next and go to Step 9.


Select debt shell + Read more ...

Select the debt shell activity from the Activity List (AL) screen. Go to the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen and note the:

  • Debt ID
  • estimated amount, and
  • start and end dates

Use this information to confirm the details pre-populated in the Raise a Debt guided procedure.

Note: select the debt which shows the AMR of the PPL or DAP claim activity.

Go to the Component Amount (OPCA) screen within the debt shell activity. Note the:

  • components of the overpayment
  • start and end dates of each component
  • amount of each component


Confirm ISP received + Read more ...

Confirm the total received (old rate) and the total entitled (new rate) for the Letter Details section of the guided procedure.

Open the ADEX for the debt shell with the source AMR of the activity which granted PPL or DAP. See Using ADEX to explain a system generated debt for details on how to view ADEX.

ADEX displays the total amounts under the Old Rate (amount received) and New Rate (amount entitled) for the debt period. Note these amounts with the other details already noted from the OPMA and OPCA screens.


Raise A Debt guided procedure + Read more ...

Go to workspace and select the Raise A Debt guided procedure.


Select debt + Read more ...

Select the grey box to the left of the appropriate Debt ID (as noted in Step 1) and select Next.


Complete debt information + Read more ...

Complete the relevant information relating to the debt. If the Debt ID was selected in Step 4, most of the information will auto populate. Manually enter:

  • Reason - if PPL or DAP income was the primary cause of the ISP debt, the Reason is either:
    • IDP - Income: Dad and Partner Pay
    • IPL - Income: Parental Leave Pay

Note: use IPL for all components of PPL (PPL period and Flexible PPL days).

The remaining information should auto populate, including:

  • Benefit type - the income support payment that the debt is raised against. Refer to the table on the Resources page for a listing of Debt Benefit Types
  • Section of Act - auto populates based on the Benefit Type and Reason
  • Date of Event - is the date of the event that caused the debt
  • Start Date/End Date - is the debt period. Check the dates are correct and adjust, if necessary, to match the details from OPMA
  • Calculated Amount $ - Enter the calculated amount the customer has been over paid. For automatically created debt shells, this equals the Estimated Amount displayed on the OPMA screen. Note: if PPL arrears has been offset against the ISP overpayment, the Estimated Amount will only display the remaining overpayment amount
  • How was the debt calculated? - Select the Mainframe ADX option

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Select Next.


Confirm the components of the debt + Read more ...

The Component Details screen expands to allow adding further component information if required.

Select the Add button to add as many component lines as required:

  • 1 component must have a start date equal to the debt period start date
  • 1 component must have the end date equal to the debt period end date
  • The component start and end dates cannot cover multiple financial years
  • Record each financial year component amount on separate lines

Type is a drop down box. Select the one off Payment type from this list.

Ben is the payment type as paid in the Payment Summary. For example, if it was a Schoolkids Bonus payment paid with Family Tax Benefit, enter Family Tax Benefit .

Note: not all payments need a Qualification code. The Type and Ben should be required in most cases.

Select Next.


Create debt letter + Read more ...

Complete the information which appears in the Account Payable Notice:

  • Make sure the information recorded on this screen is correct. It will print exactly as typed
  • Check the total received equals the debt amount
  • Check if a standard text exists
  • Do not suppress the advice. This serves as legal notification to the customer

Explain the reason for the debt. See rules for entering free text in the Account Payable letter.

For example: This is because you commenced receiving <Parental Leave Pay or Dad and Partner Pay> on XXXX.

Update the Contact Name and Contact Phone fields with the relevant ISP queue name and number for the debt benefit type.

See Identifying Smart Centre Call queues responsible for various payments for a list of Services Australia 13 phone numbers.

Note: enter the 13 in the first Contact phone field, usually used for the area code, and the remaining four digits in the second Contact phone field.

In the Total Received and Total Entitled fields, enter the amounts from the ADEX screen in Step 5. If there is no debt shell on the record, use the amounts as manually calculated.

Select Next.


Finalise the activity + Read more ...

From the drop down box in the Finished? field, select the required action.

Select Next. On the Create a document screen, record all relevant information.