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Rate of Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-02060000

PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.

This document outlines rates of payment for Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

Claim choice

Customers with a newborn or recently adopted child can claim either Parental Leave Pay (PPL) or have their entitlement to Newborn Supplement (NBS) and Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU) assessed with Family Tax Benefit (FTB). PPL and NBS cannot be paid for the same child. For a multiple birth or entrustment to care, PPL can be paid for one child and the higher rate of NBS/NBU for other children.

In the event of a stillbirth, customers may choose to claim PPL or Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) if they are not eligible for PPL. SBP is paid as a lump sum. PPL is paid in fortnightly instalments.


The PPL rate is based on the National Minimum Wage rate. From 1 July 2024, the rate of PPL is $915.80 per week. Note: due to the legislated calculation method, the weekly rate of PPL is slightly lower than the rate of the weekly National Minimum Wage, which is $915.90.

The PPL income test applies to eligibility and does not affect the rate of PPL.

PPL is paid at the National Minimum Wage for up to:

  • 24 weeks (120 payable days) for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2025
  • 22 weeks (110 payable days) for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2024
  • 20 weeks (100 payable days) for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023

It is a taxable payment and therefore should be included in the Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) for family assistance payments.

Income from PPL is counted as assessable ordinary income for calculating the rate of payment for income support payments.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will pay a superannuation contribution on this payment for children born or entering care on or after 1 July 2025. For more information, see Paid Parental Leave Superannuation Contribution (PPLSC).


The maximum rates of PPL is indexed on 1 July each year, in line with the National Minimum Wage.

The Process page contains historical PPL rate information.

The References page contains a link to historical rate information.

The Resources page contains links to the Services Australia website and Intranet.

Rates and Thresholds

Rate explanation screens for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Eligibility for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) as a primary claimant for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023

Eligibility for Newborn Supplement (NBS) and Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU)

Eligibility for Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP)

Claim choice for a newborn or adopted child

Delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)