Completing the Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) 007-03020050
This page contains information required when completing the Details of your child’s care arrangements (FA012) form.
Completing questions on the FA012 form
This table contains information relating to the questions on the Details of your child’s care arrangements (FA012) form.
Item |
Description |
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Personal details + Read more ... The customer needs to provide their personal information and that of their partner (if applicable), to correctly identify themselves and their partner. |
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Child details + Read more ... The Details of your child's care arrangements (FA012) allows for the provision of details for two children for whom care is shared with another person. If care of other children is shared, details for each child should be provided on a separate sheet. The name and address of the person who shares care of the child with the customer are required. If there is a parenting plan, written agreement or court order in place for the child, it should be provided:
Question 19 - Your care arrangement. The customer needs to state when the current care arrangement started and whether it is an ongoing/ indefinite arrangement or due to cease on a certain date. Unless a parenting plan, written agreement or court order is in place and is being followed, the customer needs to either:
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Care arrangements + Read more ... The customer needs to indicate whether or not the other person caring for the child agrees to the care arrangements as stated by the customer. |
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Additional information + Read more ... A provision is made for the customer to add any additional information that may affect their claim. If the customer has concerns about the other carer signing the statement or contact being made with the other parent, the customer should provide details. Where appropriate, see the Family and domestic violence procedure to undertake the Family and Domestic Violence Support Model (FDVSM) process. |
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Statements + Read more ... The statement must be signed by the customer (electronic signatures cannot be accepted for an FA012). If the customer indicates Yes to Question 33 (the other carer agrees to the details of the care arrangement as stated by the customer), they should also arrange for the other carer to sign the form unless the customer has concerns about the other carer signing the statement or contact being made with the other parent. Upon lodgement of FA012, see Receipt of claims, forms and documentation for family assistance. |