Family assistance customer becomes partnered 007-03030090
Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) status is No
Care must be taken to avoid releasing information about claims and payments when:
- a customer and their new partner are both current and/or claiming family payments (FTB and CCS), and
- one, or both, has a Person Permitted to Enquire status of No
When contacting each member of the couple, discuss the following:
- If they are aware if their partner is receiving, or intending to claim, FTB or CCS for the family
- If they are, they will need to discuss their options with each other, such as:
- will FTB be claimed by both members of the couple as a blended family, or
- which member of the couple will receive FTB and/or CCS for the entire family
- Both members of the couple need to advise Services Australia of their claim choices before any changes can be made
- The benefits of giving their partner permission to enquire. Tell them this will also maximise the use of both their, and their partner's, information on record for any future claims or interactions
Contact details
Families Override contacts
Families and Child Care - Business Process and Design Branch