The Child Care Management System (CCMS) 007-03080010
From 2 July 2018:
- Child Care Subsidy (CCS) replaces Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR)
- Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) replaces Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) Child at Risk and Temporary Financial Hardship, Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance (JETCCFA) and Grandparent Child Care Benefit (GCCB)
For more information, see Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS).
Claims for CCB and CCR lump sum for approved care and CCB Registered Care, for care received prior to 2 July 2018, can be lodged up until 30 June 2019.
This page contains information about the Child Care Management System (CCMS) used for the administration of Child Care Benefit (CCB) for approved care related payments.
Using CCMS to administer CCB
Table 1: This table contains information on how CCMS is used to administer CCB including the transfer of child care information via CCMS.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Child Care Benefit (CCB) reduced fees claims + Read more ... Services Australia determines eligibility and issues the grant letter containing customer and child Customer Reference Numbers (CRN). Customers must provide these CRNs to the ASP to formalise the enrolment. Customers are not linked to individual ASPs via CRNs. Note: for JET Child Care fee assistance (JETCCFA) the customers are linked to a service type, e.g. Long Day Care, Family Day Care. ASPs then provide attendance data to the agency via the Department of Education. Based on this data the agency determines entitlement and advises ASPs via Department of Education, weekly in arrears. |
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CCB lump sum claims + Read more ... Services Australia establishes Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) through intent to claim process, determines eligibility and entitlement and pays and advises the customer. Formalisation of enrolment and lump sum claims Customers who intend to claim CCB as a Lump Sum at the end of the financial year must Register to Formalise Enrolment by:
Once this is completed and processed, it triggers a CCN/DCL activity, which releases the eligibility details for that customer to Department of Education. This then enables the child care services to formalise the enrolment to allow the attendance to be received by Services Australia. Once the CCN/DCL activity is triggered for a particular child, this will allow all future services to formalise the enrolment for that child without having to run the FA022 - Lump Sum Guided Procedure again. Note: the CCF new Claim and update also triggers an eligibility transaction (CCN/DCL) for a child during that claim process. If the CCN/DCL activity is not processed prior to lodgement of a CCB lump sum claim, attendance may not be received to allow Services Australia to process it as part of that claim. If this is the case, the CCB lump sum claim will reject and then trigger an eligibility (CCN/DCL) transaction to allow the ASP to formalise the child's enrolment and allow the attendance to follow to the department. Once the attendance is received by the department, this will reassess the claim and assess on the received entitlement. |
3 |
Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) and 24 hour care claims + Read more ... No change to current arrangements. SCCB Processing Teams continue to undertake these functions. |
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Enrolment with an Approved Service Provider (ASP) + Read more ... There are 3 types of enrolment (customers can have more than one type):
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Nomination of eligible hours + Read more ... Customers are able to nominate hours at each service if they use more than one service. Services will only be paid to the nominated hour limit. If the customer does not nominate hours at each service, services will be paid on a 'first come first served' basis up to the customer's total eligible hour limit. There is now checking of the customer eligible hour limit across multiple services. |
6 |
Submitting attendance data + Read more ... Services submit attendance information to Department of Education on a weekly/fortnightly arrears basis. |
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Where customers and staff find child care attendance information + Read more ... Provisional information (subject to reconciliation process) Child care attendance details reported weekly by services can be viewed via:
CCB reconciliation/lump sum claims Child care attendance used to calculate the correct CCB entitlement for the year are displayed for CCMS in the customer's record in the Centrelink system. Select the service from the CCB Calculation Period Assessment (CPAC) screen. CCMS services will not have a Customer Reference Number (CRN) displayed. For more information, see Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens. |
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Data transferred between the Department of Education and Services Australia includes: + Read more ...
To allow Services Australia to calculate CCB, the Department of Education is required to send Services Australia attendance information for each child using approved care. This includes:
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Issues with attendance data + Read more ... Incomplete attendance data If some, but not all of the customer's attendance has been received, the customer needs to be referred back to the ASP and the service can either submit the attendance or the service can log a call with Education's CCMS Helpdesk if they believe there to be an issue. No attendance data
All enquiries regarding attendance (missing, altered or cancelled) from ASP's, Family Day Care Providers etc. are to be sent by using the CCMS Query - referral DOC and Email Fast Note to the Child Care Management Support (CCMS) team or emailed to ccs.programs. For more information see Customer queries Child Care Management System (CCMS) information. |
Information about enquiries from customers and ASPs
Table 2: This table contains information to assist staff with answering enquiries from customers and ASPs.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Enquiries from customers + Read more ... Customers will deal directly with Services Australia in regards to their own eligibility and entitlement. In regards to questions on child care attendance queries, customers should escalate any issues through their Approved Service Provider (ASP) if all of their eligibility details look correct when contacting the agency. If the customer is disputing the information received via CCMS, See Customer queries CCMS information. Non-CCMS Support Team staff are not authorised to contact ASPs to discuss customer queries. |
2 |
Enquiries from ASPs + Read more ... Services will deal with the Department of Education. If a service contacts, they must be referred to Department of Education. Special CCB granted by a child care service is approved and paid by Department of Education. The 18% rule managed and monitored by Department of Education. Note: for Special CCB and 24 hour care approvals, ASPs are to contact Services Australia. The Department of Education's CCMS Helpdesk is the first point of contact for ASPs and child care software providers in relation to CCMS. It is not a contact point for customers. Queries received by the Department of Education's CCMS Helpdesk include CCMS and general CCB policy enquiries, business and operational aspects of CCMS and CCMS technical enquiries from services. The role of the Department of Education's CCMS Helpdesk is to undertake the role of the 'program' area in answering policy, business and basic operational and technical questions from services and integrate this with initial problem investigation. Child Care Operator System (COS) enquiries are initially received by the Department of Education as first point of contact for Approved Service Providers (ASP). The Department of Education will contact Services Australia to discuss enquiries on a case by case basis. |