Customer queries Child Care Management System (CCMS) information 007-03080020
From 2 July 2018:
- Child Care Subsidy (CCS) replaces Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR)
- Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) replaces Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) Child at Risk and Temporary Financial Hardship, Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance (JETCCFA) and Grandparent Child Care Benefit (GCCB)
For more information, see Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS).
Claims for CCB and CCR lump sum for approved care and CCB Registered Care, for care received prior to 2 July 2018, can be lodged up until 30 June 2019.
This page contains information on the resolution of customer enquiries about legacy child care (CCB and CCR) information provided by Approved Service Providers (ASP) under the Child Care Management System (CCMS).
Resolving customer enquiries
This table describes how to answer an enquiry regarding child care information provided by an ASP under the CCMS. Portions of this procedure are to be completed by CCMS Support Team staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer enquiry + Read more ... For enquiries from an ASP or enquiries about general CCMS information, see The Child Care Management System (CCMS). Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) does not supply attendance data via the CCMS. For enquiries relating to CCS or ACCS attendance, see Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) - Viewing attendance reports.
Does the customer disagree with child care information for a period from a previous financial year?
2 |
Check attendance in Customer First + Read more ... In Customer First, go to Family Assistance> View child care attendance. Is there any child care attendance recorded for the child/ren for the applicable Approved Service Provider (ASP)?
3 |
No attendance recorded from ASP + Read more ... For Services Australia to receive CCMS data from the Department of Education, the customer must provide their and their child/ren's full names, dates of birth and Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) to the ASP to enable formalisation of the enrolment. Has the customer formalised the enrolment?
4 |
Has the attendance been incorrectly recorded on the partner's record? + Read more ... Attendance can only be transferred to a partner's record if the partner's name and CRN were provided to the ASP during enrolment formalisation. There is no legal requirement for ASPs to re-send the information to the partner's record.
5 |
Check JET Child Care fee assistance (JETCCFA) + Read more ... If the customer is also claiming JETCCFA for the period in dispute, go to the Period Rate Explanation JET Fee Assistance (REXJFA) screen and scroll to the relevant period. To be eligible for JETCCFA the CCF Eligible Hour Limit: field must be equal to (or higher) than the JFA Entitled Hrs: field. If the customer has lost entitlement to their income support payment, JETCCFA will not be paid. Go to the Period Rate Explanation Child Care Benefit Formal (REXCCF) and check the customer's income support entitlement for the relevant period. Is the customer claiming JETCCFA for the relevant period?
6 |
Check Child Care Rebate (CCR) + Read more ... There is no obligation for ASPs to cancel and resend attendance data in order to pay arrears when a customer has backdated a CCR payment option. Is the customer disputing arrears payment of CCR due to a backdated CCR payment option?
7 |
Refer customer to ASP + Read more ... Has the customer discussed the issue with their ASP and asked them to submit their child care attendance electronically? Under CCMS it is the customer's responsibility to follow up attendance information with the ASP. Under no circumstances should anyone other than CCMS Support Team Staff contact an ASP to discuss customer queries.
8 |
CCMS Support Team referral + Read more ... Note: this Fast Note is for CCB and CCR attendance issues for the legacy child care program only and not for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) issues. For assistance with viewing attendance reports and CCS payments, refer to Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) - Viewing attendance reports and Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments and withholdings. Run the CCMS Query - referral DOC and Email Fast Note. Customer screens cannot be accessed while the Fast Note is being run, therefore the following information must be gathered prior to running the Fast Note.
Note: Make sure all of the above information has been entered into the text area of the Fast Note. Select 'Yes' to ensure the DOC completes then select 'CONTINUE' to finalise the referral. This will automatically generate an email to the CCMS Support Team and record a closed DOC on the customer's record. The DOC on the customers record can be checked to make sure all required information has been included within the referral. If this has not occurred rerun the Fast Note. Incorrect or blank referrals to the CCMS Support Team will be returned to the Service Officer. The CCMS Support Team will attempt to contact the customer within 5 business days. Procedure ends here. |
9 |
CCMS Support Team + Read more ... For CCMS Support Team staff only A CCMS Query email is received at the CCMS Support Team. If the referral is inappropriate, for example unrelated to CCMS Support Team business or the customer has not discussed with the ASP, return the referral to the initiating Service Officer. If there is insufficient information available in the referral to complete the customer's enquiry an attempt must be made to contact the customer. If the customer is unable to be reached, annotate the referral DOC with the information required and close the CCMS query email. Once the referral has been investigated and finalised, advise the customer of the outcome. |