Parenting Payment (PP) automatic letters 007-04040010
This document outlines information about automatic letters for Parenting Payment (PP).
Automatic letters are issued when
Automatic letters for PP are issued to customers as a result of claim processing, a reassessment activity on a customer's record and to explain the customer's rights and responsibilities. They give details of the customer's PP entitlement and how it was calculated.
Circumstances where a manual letter is required
In some circumstances, an automatic letter will not be generated and a letter will need to be manually issued. These include cases where:
- an automatic letter cannot be generated due to the number of changes recorded or the type of activity (for example, cancelling a payment with a reason of 'Other')
- where an automatic letter is unavailable (for example, bereavements)
Information on customer obligations
Obligations listed on the backs of letters are different depending on the type of payment the customer has claimed and the type of payment their partner receives.
Mutual obligation requirements
PP customers will be sent automatic letters to advise them about their mutual obligation requirements. This includes letters advising details of an appointment to discuss their future mutual obligation requirements.
PP partnered customers will receive a letter around the time their youngest child is aged 5 years 9 months advising them of an appointment to discuss mutual obligation requirements and the need to apply for another income support payment when their child turns 6 years of age.
PP single customers will receive letters:
- around the time their youngest child is aged 5 years and 9 months advising them of details of an appointment to discuss their mutual obligation requirements when their child turns 6 years of age, and
- around the time their youngest child turns 13 years and 9 months of age advising them of an appointment to discuss the need to apply for another income support payment when their child turns 14 years of age
Exemption from mutual obligation requirements
PP customers who have an exemption from their mutual obligation requirements will receive a letter before the exemption expires, advising them of an appointment to discuss their future mutual obligation requirements or extension of the exemption.
Viewing and reissuing letters
Letters created in the previous 28 days can be viewed and reissued from the History Summary (HS) screen. Older letters can be retrieved through the Advice History (AH) screen in the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system in the Income security Integrated System (ISIS).
Creating manual letters
If an automatic letter is not generated and the customer needs to be advised of the change, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity will be created and prompt to issue a letter manually.
The Resources page contains information about a customer's rights and responsibilities that is printed on automatic letters for Parenting Payment (PP).
Related links
Creating a manual letter or Online Advice (OLA)
Viewing or reissuing a letter or electronic message
Using the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system and microfiche requests for archived information