Death of a Double Orphan Pension (DOP) child 007-04070000
This page contains the action to take when advice is received of the death of a Double Orphan Pension (DOP) child.
On this page:
Advice received of the death of a DOP child
Assess and calculate bereavement assistance, record death and check outcome
Advice received of the death of a DOP child
Table 1: This table describes the steps to take when advice is received of the death of a DOP child. For additional information see Processing Services details for: Double Orphan Pension (DOP).
Step |
Action |
1 |
Initial contact that a child attracting DOP has died + Read more ... When an advice is received of the death of a child, offer social worker assistance. If the deceased child was also a care receiver for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA), see:
All advices of the death of a child who is being paid Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Double Orphan Pension (DOP), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and/or Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) are processed by the Families Bereavement and Double Orphan Pension (DOP) Processing Team.
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Advice is received that a child attracting DOP has died + Read more ... Obtain as much information as possible to allow identification of the child and correct assessment of payments, this results in less future contact with the customer at a stressful time. Using the Notifications of death - FTB/CCB only/DAP and/or PPL child Fast Note, record all of the following information:
If the child's death has already been recorded, an automatic activity will appear to process the bereavement assistance for DOP. Transfer the activity using office code as 'DOP' with a keyword of 'BVE'. Ensure the ACTDOC generated by the Fast Note is transferred to the Smart Centres Families Bereavement and DOP Team (region code DOP) to complete. See DOP in Office Locator for more information. Does the person advising of the child's death and/or the Service Officer need assistance because the bereavement enquiry is complex?
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Assistance with complex enquiries about bereavement + Read more ... For complex enquiries relating to child bereavement contact the DOP/Bereavement helpdesk. |
Assess and calculate bereavement assistance, record death and check outcome
For Double Orphan Pension (DOP) and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Table 2: This table describes how to assess entitlement to bereavement assistance, calculate a bereavement lump sum, record the child's death and check the outcome.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Was the child attracting any other payments? + Read more ... Record the details of the child's death to prevent overpayments and to ensure the carer receives any bereavement assistance they are entitled to. If the child was attracting any other payments follow the procedures specific to that payment and then return to this procedure. Was Parenting Payment (PP) or Family Tax Benefit being paid for the child?
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Assess entitlement to bereavement assistance + Read more ... The carer is entitled to bereavement assistance by way of a lump sum or continuing payments for the bereavement period (up to 14 weeks from date of death) if immediately prior to the child's death:
For more information, see Bereavement payment of Family Tax Benefit (FTB). If the child was not an FTB child, the carer is entitled to 4 weeks of continuing payments from the date of death. The system will automatically set up the correct date to cease payment.
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Calculate bereavement lump sum + Read more ...
4 |
Record DOP child's death + Read more ... Access the carer's record. Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen by typing 'CHS' in Nxt: or by 'S'electing from the FAO Task Selector (FTS) screen. A list of the customer's children will display, 'S'elect the deceased child and press [Enter]. The Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen will display, 'S'elect the Change Child (CCH) screen and press [Enter]. Record the date of death in the Date of death: field and press [Enter]. Complete footer details date of receipt and source. Record all details on a DOC. Access the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Is the customer claiming a lump sum bereavement payment?
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Check bereavement lump sum + Read more ...
Record the details on a DOC and finalise activity via the AR screen. |