Assessing family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme claims 007-07030000
This document outlines the assessment and coding of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Parental Leave Pay (PPL) claims. A claim for FTB can include assessment of Newborn Supplement (NBS) and Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU) for a newborn or adopted child if the customer is not claiming PPL or is not eligible for PPL.
Online or paper claim
Claims for FTB and PPL should be made online, or by lodging the appropriate paper claim form. Extra assistance may be available to help remote Indigenous customers claiming FTB/PPL.
Note: claims should always be coded and processed using the correct date of receipt. This date can sometimes differ from the 'capture date' used to confirm the date of a claim which has been scanned.
General information about claims
Customers may contact about a claim that was previously deemed not effective.
Claims for PPL and FTB can be made at the same time. A single online claim can be made to claim FTB for the current and previous financial years.
Customers can claim PPL and FTB, or just FTB and have their entitlement to NBS and NBU automatically assessed with their FTB claim. Customers may change their initial claim choice, PPL can be claimed even after NBS has been paid with FTB.
Direct customers asking about payment of their Paid Parental Leave Superannuation Contribution (PPLSC) to the Australian Taxation Office. For further information, see Paid Parental Leave Superannuation Contribution (PPLSC).
For children born or entering care on or after 1 October 2016, PPL is counted as ordinary income for calculating the rate of income support payments.
Claims for newborn children who have not yet been named are to be accepted, but may indicate that the customer has not applied to register the child's birth. When linking the child and customer records the child's given name is to be listed as 'Newborn' and a chosen name followed up.
Viewing and processing claims
Service Officers can view claims in both Process Direct and Customer First.
Process Direct
View and process claims via Inbox. See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.
Customer First
View and process claims via Workspace using Search Online Claims under the Claims Online heading.
Potential entitlement to another Centrelink payment
- If potential entitlement to another Centrelink payment (for example, Parenting Payment) is determined, discuss in person or send a Q999 letter. The Resources page contains suggested Q999 text.
- If a potential entitlement to ABSTUDY School Term Allowance is identified:
- transfer the customer to ABSTUDY to make a claim over the phone (the Resources page contains a link to the Services Australia website), or
- send a Q999 letter
- If an entitlement to Double Orphan Pension (DOP) is recognised, issue the customer a Claim for Double Orphan Pension (SC003)
The Resources page contains suggested Q999 text and a link to the Services Australia website.
Assessing Parental Leave Pay (PPL) claims
Recording overrides for Paid Parental Leave scheme claims
Manual processing of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims
Not effective, rejection, or withdrawal of claim for Family Tax Benefit or Stillborn Baby Payment
Not effective, rejection or withdrawal of claim for Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
Processing proof of a child's birth
Processing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims
Processing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims from Approved Care Organisations (ACOs)
Progress of claim - Families claims
Reassessment of Australian Taxation Office (ATO) lump sum Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims
Rejecting a family assistance claim
Relationship Status for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Rent Assistance (RA) processing in Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims
Related links
Checking the status of an early claim for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave (PPL)
Claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS)
Claiming Double Orphan Pension (DOP)
Claiming Parenting Payment (PP)
Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Family assistance customer becomes partnered
Foreign income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments
Process Claim for Bereavement Payment (FA008)
Receipt of claims, forms and documentation for family assistance
Verifying the date of birth or age of a customer or child
Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions