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Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for grandparent carers 007-07040110

This document explains the eligibility criteria for grandparent carers to receive Family Tax Benefit (FTB). There are general eligibility criteria for FTB, and separate eligibility criteria and income tests that apply for the various FTB components that can be paid depending on the grandparent’s circumstances.

Determining eligibility for FTB as a grandparent carer

This table describes information for staff to determine a customer's eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) as a grandparent carer.




FTB child + Read more ...

Does the customer have at least 1 FTB child in their care?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the customer is not eligible for FTB. Procedure ends here


Determine if the customer is a grandparent carer of the FTB child + Read more ...

To confirm the relationship, check the existing details on the record.

  • Select the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • Go to the Child Relationships (!CHRE) page to check existing relationship details coded for the customer, and if applicable, the partner. The relationship will show as 'Grandparent' in the Relationship: field

Note: the assessment will only look at the customer/child relationship, it will not take into account the partner/child relationship.

  • Check the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) and Grandchild Assessment (CHGA) screens for any existing coding that may indicate the customer's relationship to the child. If the Principal Carer type on CHM is coded as anything other than 'REL', further checks will be required to ascertain the correct relationship status

Relationship status may also be determined by checking:

  • any relationship details provided by the customer in previous claims (either in an online claim or via Document Tools for scanned paper claims)
  • any supporting documentation already on record, for example scanned Proof of Birth (POB), and
  • any relevant DOCs on the Document List (DL)

If the child is not listed on the CHS screen, ask the customer for details of their relationship with the child and the role they have in the care of the child.

  • What is the reason for the change of care?
  • Is the child going into the care of a grandparent or non-parent carer? If so, do they live in the same residence as the parent?
  • What involvement will the parent continue to have with their child/ren whilst in the grandparent or non-parent's care?
  • Is the reason for the change of care due to work related reasons and/or study?
  • Who will be providing financially for the child whilst in the grandparent or non-parent's care?
  • Is the child listed on their Medicare card?
  • Who will be making the main decisions for the child regarding health, education and discipline?

Is the customer a grandparent carer of the FTB child?

  • Yes,
    • if there is a child record and the grandparent relationship is not recorded, update the Relationship: field on the Child Relationships page. See Child Relationships page for coding details, if required
    • Go to Step 3
  • No, the customer is not considered a grandparent carer of the child
    • Correct any relationship details that are incorrect on the !CHRE page. See Child Relationships page for coding details, if required
    • Tell them to test their eligibility for FTB under the general criteria for individuals. Procedure ends here


General eligibility criteria for FTB + Read more ...

Does the grandparent satisfy the general eligibility criteria for FTB?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, the customer is not eligible for FTB. Procedure ends here


Eligibility for FTB + Read more ...

Eligibility is assessed automatically when an FTB claim is processed.

If the eligibility criteria (including the income tests for FTB Part A and B) is satisfied, the grandparent carer can be paid FTB Part B up to the end of the calendar year in which the child turns 18 (the child must be in full-time secondary study if they are aged 16-18 years). FTB Part A can be paid up to the end of the calendar year in which the child turns 19 years of age as long as the child is in full time secondary study.

Has the grandparent already lodged a claim for FTB?


Claiming options + Read more ...

Tell the customer to go online to:

If it is unreasonable for the customer to claim online, a Claim for Paid Parental Leave and Family Tax Benefit (FA100) can be issued by a Service Officer.

For more details, see Initial claim by customers claiming payments for families.

For customers claiming for a previous financial year, see Initial contact by customers claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB) as a lump sum for a previous year.


Customer has already lodged a claim for FTB + Read more ...

Tell the grandparent the change in care will require evidence to support the change in care. The Resources page also contains examples of evidence that can be provided for both informal and formal care changes.

Note: if additional evidence is not provided, the claim will be rejected NDE.

See Processing standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave scheme payments.