Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for children aged 16-19 years 007-07110030
Services Australia website
Family Tax Benefit - Your child is 16 to 19 or stops studying
Customers can obtain more information about Youth Allowance for students and apprentices online. See Youth Allowance.
Q999 letter text
Below is the approved Q999 letter texts to be used when confirming FTB Part A entitlement for Equity Scholarships and the Educational Access Scheme applications.
- Select the relevant Q999 approved letter text below (current or previous FTB)
- Copy each line in the attachment into a separate text box
- Fill in the:
- Child's name
- Financial year (if needed)
- The appeals paragraph is not needed
Use the drop down box below to select the relevant letter text required:
Q999 approved letter text - Current FTB
This letter has been issued in response to your request for confirmation of entitlement. We can confirm you are currently in receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A for child [child's name].
Q999 approved letter text - Previous FTB
This letter has been issued in response to your request for confirmation of entitlement. We can confirm you received Family Tax Benefit Part A for child [child's name] in the 20__/20__ financial year.