Family Tax Benefit (FTB) automatic letters 007-07120010
This document outlines automatic letters produced for FTB customers to reflect changes in entitlement as a result of daily processing. These letters give details of the change in rate, how the rate was calculated, and include information about the customer's review and appeal rights and notification obligations.
Letter information
A single letter is used to combine information about the following payments:
- Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A and Part B (Part A and Part B supplements and Single Income Family Supplement are included after the end of the financial year)
- Double Orphan Pension (DOP)
Letters are limited to one page where possible, but may take up to two pages depending on the events that have triggered the production of the letter.
If the customer also receives Child Care Subsidy (CCS), they will receive separate letters to advise them of changes to their CCS entitlement.
Manual letter
In some circumstances, an automatic letter will not be generated and a letter will need to be manually issued. These include cases where:
- an automatic letter cannot be generated due to the number of changes recorded or the type of activity (for example, cancelling a payment with a reason of 'OTH'er)
- an automatic letter is unsuitable (for example, bereavements)
Letter history
Letters created in the previous 28 days can be viewed and reissued from the History Summary (HS) screen. Older letters can be retrieved through the Advice History (AH) screen in the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system in the Centrelink system.
Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity
If an automatic letter is not generated and the customer needs to be advised of the change, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity will be created to prompt a Service Officer to issue a letter manually. The Service Officer will need to 'S'elect the MFU activity to create a manual letter.
The Resources page contains a table that shows the events that trigger a letter and the payment they apply to. Details of the message text included within various Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation letters are also displayed.
Related links
Creating a manual letter or Online Advice (OLA)
Viewing or reissuing a letter or electronic message
Issue Family Tax Benefit (FTB) clean skin letter