Reconciliation of Child Care Benefit (CCB) for approved care 007-11020000
This page outlines the process of reconciliation that determines a customer's correct Child Care Benefit (CCB) entitlement for the relevant financial year based on the customer’s circumstances. The system displays CCB for approved care as the term CCF (Child Care Formal).
Results of approved CCF reconciliation or lump sum claims should not be discussed with the child care service. Advise the service to ask the customer to contact Services Australia.
On this page:
CCB reconciliation process
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Viewing CCF reconciliation details + Read more ... For 2011-12 years onwards, select the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) Reconciliation workflow via Workspace. 'Key events' which provides information for the relevant payment and year. Select the link or the AMR number to drill down for further details if required. For 2010-11 or earlier years, select Workspace> Family Assistance> Reconciliation> Child Care Benefit Reconciliation to June 2011. Selecting this will navigate to the FAO Reconciliation and Claim Summary (FRCS) screen, select the CCF reconciliation line for the relevant financial year. Further information can be viewed on the CCF Calculation Result (FACR) and Payment summary (PS) screens. See Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens. |
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Timing of CCB reconciliation + Read more ... CCF reconciliation can occur from the fourth Monday in July of the lodgement year. Reconciliation can result in:
CCB reconciliation can occur for the following customers without actual income. This allows Child Care Rebate (CCR) to be paid sooner for:
Special rules apply if the customer has separated from the person who was their partner in the relevant year. See Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation. Forced reconciliation in November In some cases, reconciliation is delayed until mid-November of the lodgement year. For example, low income review in case actual income details are received, 300 day income support and no Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part B paid, CDA/DOP saved rate customers. See Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation or lump sum claim pending. |
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Result of CCB reconciliation + Read more ... CCB reconciliation can result in:
Child Care Rebate (CCR) entitlement is calculated when CCB reconciliation occurs. Reconciliation of CCR takes into account any CCR paid direct to service, direct to customer or quarterly for the relevant financial year. |
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Letters + Read more ... All customers will receive a letter following completion of the initial CCB reconciliation. Letters can be viewed from the History Summary (HS) screen. If the result of CCB reconciliation is:
CCB reconciliation letters (top-up, nil adjustment or overpayment) include total amounts of ‘Child Care Benefit paid as reduced fees’ and ‘Child Care Benefit entitlement’ for all weeks regardless of whether the work/training/study test was met or not, or an exception applied/not applied. However, CCR reconciliation letters only include weeks for which the work/training/study test was met or an exception applied. Example Customer paid Child Care Fees of $500 and received $100 CCB. However, they did not meet the work/training/study test or have an exception for a period when the Child Care Fees were $100 and CCB entitlement $20. The CCR Reconciliation letter will advise the Child Care Fees were $400 and the CCB was $80 (that is, excluding the amount for the periods they did not meet the work/training/study test or have an exception). |
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Does the reconciliation period cover all child care attendance? + Read more ... CCB reconciliation covers all periods the customer had a CCB reduced fees assessment in place, including zero rate. If the customer lodged their CCB reduced fees claim within 28 days of child care starting, all child care attendance should be included, as child care services can backdate the fee reduction up to 28 days before the date of claim. CCF is based on Monday to Sunday child care weeks, e.g. CCB for 2014-15 covers the period 7 July 2014 to 5 July 2015. Service Officers must:
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Dates of effect used for circumstance changes + Read more ... CCB entitlement is calculated in weekly periods from Monday to Sunday. Dates of effect are calculated as follows:
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Non-lodgers and late lodgers + Read more ... The non-lodger/late lodger process that applies to FTB reconciliation does not apply to CCB reconciliation. There is no debt raising process for non-lodgers or late lodgers who have received fee reductions or CCR. If a customer advises they are not required to lodge a tax return this must be updated. For more information, see Recording not required to lodge advice and previous year income. |
CCB rate
Table 2
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CCB paid at zero rate + Read more ... The zero rate reason is displayed in CCB Percentage Reason: field on the CCB Calculation Period Assessment (CPAC) screen after selecting the calculation period from the CCF Calculation Result (FACR) or FAO Lump Sum Calculation (FLSC) screens. CCB can be restricted to zero rate by any of the following:
The customer record can be updated with TFN details or an estimate for the ex-partner. A re-reconciliation or recalculation of a lump sum claim will occur automatically after the details have been entered. |
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Grandparent Child Care Benefit (GCCB) + Read more ... GCCB applies at the customer level and covers the customer's full child care fees and the work/training/study test is waived. If the customer is an eligible grandparent for at least 1 child in their care attending child care, the GCCB rate and waiver of the work/training/study test apply to all children in the customer's care who are attending child care. GCCB is not subject to income reconciliation and customers cannot incur an overpayment during a period they were eligible for GCCB. If new child care attendance details are received for a customer for a period they were eligible for GCCB, the full amount of the entitlement will be paid to the customer. If GCCB entitlement is retrospectively cancelled, for example, due to loss of care of a child or cancellation of income support, a CCB debt may occur for the customer. |
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Eligible hours + Read more ... CCB is limited to 24 hours per child per week unless the customer (and their partner) met the work/training/study test or an exception applies. Updating the work/training/study test details for a customer whose CCB has already been reconciled will trigger a re-reconciliation. See Eligible hours for Child Care Benefit (CCB). Exceptions:
The customer's weekly eligible hour limit is applied across all services. If a customer uses more than 1 service, CCB is paid during the year based on the hours the customer has nominated to use at each service. If the customer has not nominated the hours with the service, services are paid on a first in first paid basis during the year. At reconciliation, CCB is paid up to the customer's weekly eligible hour limit, across all services. |
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Multiple child percentage + Read more ... This is a factor used to calculate a customer's CCB percentage. It is based on the number of children in each type of care, according to child care attendance details provided by services. The multiple child percentage is calculated separately for:
It applies across all services. |
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School child percentage + Read more ... This is a factor used to calculate a customer's CCB rate. A higher rate is paid for children not yet attending school. A child is deemed to be attending school once they turn 6 years of age. An exemption may be recorded if the child is unable to attend school. Details may be updated to trigger re-reconciliation if they are incorrect. |
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Part-time percentage + Read more ... This is a factor used to calculate a customer’s CCB rate. The part-time percentage applies only to non-school children in care at approved long day care services. The value of the part-time percentage depends on the number of hours charged at each approved long day care service a child attends. |
Child care attendance
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Child care attendance from services + Read more ...
Attendance received post-reconciliation If a service reports attendance for additional weeks after reconciliation has already occurred, any top-up of:
Viewing attendance details Customers registered for online accounts can use the Use the Workspace>Family Assistance>View Child Care Attendance menu option to view a customer's attendance details. If the child's attendance received does not match all periods attended by the child for a Child Care Service, the child's enrolment may not have been formalised. Advise the customer to provide their and their child's Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs) and dates of birth to all services and request the child care service to formalise the child's enrolment. The customer may dispute the attendance details, but this must be done with the Child Care Service. |
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Child care absences + Read more ...
For more information, see Absences for Child Care Benefit (CCB) and JET Child Care fee assistance (JETCCFA). |
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Customer disputes child care attendance details + Read more ... Ask customer to confirm the period (weeks) under dispute. Advise the customer they must contact the child care service. See Customer queries Child Care Management System (CCMS) information. |
Income reconciliation
Table 4
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Income details used for reconciliation + Read more ... The Income Assessment Mode indicates where the income used in the CCB reconciliation calculation came from. The FAO Calculation Period Income Summary (FICS) screen displays the income assessment mode used for each income component. See Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens. A different income mode may be used for the customer, current partner and ex-partner. Actual income of a deceased customer or partner is converted to an annualised actual income amount. Income modes apply at the income component level according to the following hierarchy:
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Income reconciliation periods + Read more ...
Other factors affecting CCB
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CCF Special Adjustments + Read more ... Manual adjustments which are applied to the reconciliation result by Manual Intervention Team (MIV) will be displayed. Where the CCB reconciliation result has been manually adjusted, the adjusted CCB entitlement amount will be higher if the adjustment was positive or lower if the adjustment was negative. When reconciliation of Child Care Benefit (CCB) for approved care (CCF) occurs and the result is a negative amount (that is, the customer was overpaid), in some circumstances a CCF Special Adjustment is applied in the CCB and in the CCR calculation. From the 2013-14 financial year, CCF Special Adjustments no longer occur for periods where the customer or their partner were in receipt of an income support payment. For 2000-01 to 2012-13 financial years, these amounts are displayed as a CCF special adjustment, but in June 2016 the Department waived these amounts under Section 97(1) of the Family Assistance (Administration) Act 1999. For 2000-01 and 2001-02 financial years, for weeks where the customer was partnered during the relevant income year but was not partnered to that person as at 30 June, that is they had an ex-partner. From 2002-03 and onwards changes in the reconciliation process means overpayments for ex-partner periods no longer occur. For more information, see Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation. If the system did not suppress a debt for an income support period, refer the customer record to Technical Support for further investigation. They will refer the issue to ICT via mySupport if further action is required. Manual adjustment is not needed. See the Resources page for a link to mySupport. |
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Ex-partners/deceased partners + Read more ... Special rules apply for ex-partners to ensure customers are not disadvantaged. CCB reconciliation uses the same rules as Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation for ex-partners. Actual income of a deceased partner is converted to an annualised actual income amount so the annual income test can be applied. See Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation. |
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Deceased customers + Read more ... When a customer dies during the relevant financial year, the reconciliation process remains the same except:
A Manual Follow-up (MFU) will be created to issue a manual letter to the estate after reconciliation or re-reconciliation has occurred. |
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Child immunisation status + Read more ... Fee reduction customers CCB reconciliation will not recheck a customer's eligibility for periods a child is marked as not meeting CCB immunisation requirements. A customer is deemed to qualify for CCB when:
Lump sum customers A child needs to meet the immunisation requirements as at the Date of Receipt (DOR) of the lump sum claim for CCB purposes. There is no requirement to check immunisation status for the periods of attendance. For both instalment and lump sum customers A child's immunisation status is obtained from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) once the child's record is linked. Customers are not required to provide further documentary evidence of a child's immunisation status. 2015-16 CCB immunisation reconciliation impacts The ‘No Jab, No Pay’ measure resulted in a greater than anticipated demand for vaccinations, putting pressure on state and territories processing these records. To ensure that customers who had made efforts to meet the immunisation requirements were not financially disadvantaged, CCB customers who had a transition immunisation grace period with an end date on or between 18 March 2016 and 30 April 2016 were paid conditional Child Care entitlements until 30 April 2016. If the CCB child continued to not meet the immunisation requirements when reconciliation occurred for the 2015-16 year, a debt was raised for any conditional payments of CCB or CCR that were made between 18 March and 30 April 2016. |
Reviews of decisions
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If a customer does not agree with reconciliation result + Read more ... If a customer disputes a reconciliation decision, the customer must be provided with an explanation of the decision. CCB customers have the right to request a review of decision. |
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Manually adjusting the reconciliation result after review + Read more ... Adjustments are made automatically. For example, if the service was unable to pass on the CCB fee reduction to the customer, any amounts already paid will not be factored into the reconciliation result. If the customer's reconciliation result is incorrect:
To have the reconciliation result manually adjusted on the FRMA/CRMA screen
The MIV team will check the activity result, making any required updates and contact the original Service Officer via MS Teams or email requesting the activity be finalised. If the customer/partner circumstances are not correctly reflected on the system, the activity will not be actioned and referred back for correction. Note: if the adjustment is due to the ‘additional child’ issue above the calculations are not required and it should be noted arrears are outside allowable timeframe and the above Act reference quoted/documented. In all cases, DOC the customer's record. |