Child Care Subsidy (CCS) overpayments arising from reconciliation 007-19022134
This page contains information on what happens when CCS reconciliation results in a negative adjustment. This is an automatic procedure and does not require any Smart Centre Call or Service Centre involvement unless a manual advice is needed for a deceased customer.
CCS overpayments resulting from reconciliation
Item |
Description |
1 |
CCS Debts + Read more ... Select Process Direct> CCS Reconciliation Dashboard>Enter CRN > Relevant Year to display the latest reconciliation result for CCS. Reconciliation can result in:
If the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) reconciliation result in an overpayment, see Item 2, otherwise, procedure ends here. |
2 |
CCS overpayments raised automatically + Read more ... CSS overpayments resulting from reconciliation will be raised automatically in Process Direct and display in DMIS.
3 |
Overpayment 'DET'ermined + Read more ... Once the CCS overpayment has been ‘DET’ermined, if it is not repaid in full, it will fall in to the debt hierarchy for recovery. See Debt recovery general information. |
4 |
Existing CCS debt at re-reconciliation for the same financial year + Read more ...
5 |
Overpayment less than $50.00 + Read more ... If the reconciliation (or re-reconciliation) results in an overpayment of less than $50, the system will automatically waive the debt - LTF (Less than Fifty) and record details on DMIS. |
6 |
Automatic letter with details of debt amount + Read more ... The customer will be sent an automatic reconciliation outcome letter with details of the debt amount and payment options. Procedure ends here. |
7 |
ATO cancels Notice of Assessment + Read more ... Australian Taxation Office (ATO) cancels a Notice of Assessment used in CCS reconciliation. The ATO can cancel a customer/partners Notice of Assessment for a number of reasons. To identify if a customer/partners Notice of Assessment has been cancelled:
When a reconciliation recalculation results in a debt and the ATO cancels the Notice of Assessment after the CCS reconciliation/recalculation is finalised and the date is:
If a customer contacts about the ATO cancelling their (or their partner/ex-partners) notice of assessment, ask them to contact the ATO to find out more information. The customer should not attempt to lodge their tax return again. If the customer has been told by the ATO that the Notice of Assessment has been reassessed, and an initial reconciliation or re-reconciliation has not occurred manually, request the income details from the ATO:
The Fast Note will add the keyword ACTTAP. Tell the customer the required information will be obtained from the ATO. The outstanding assessment should be finalised within 10 working days.
Procedure ends here. |