Approval Giver - Manage claimants and days shared
Olivia is the birth mother of Taylor. Olivia's partner and Taylor's biological father Steve has claimed PPL for Taylor. Taylor was born on 10 May 2024. Olivia has claimed 80 days and given approval for Steve to claim and share 20 PPL days.
Olivia increases the number of PPL days shared with Steve to 30.
Olivia can increase or decrease the number of PPL days shared with Steve. Changing the number of PPL days will update the balance of PPL days available for Steve and Olivia to claim.
As 100 days have already been claimed (80 days Olivia and 20 days Steve) and Olivia now wishes to increase the number of days shared with Steve to 30, Olivia must first withdraw 10 of their nominated days.
Olivia signs into their Centrelink online account and selects Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Parental Leave Pay days > View and Update.
Olivia must 'Mark for deletion' the 10 days they no longer wish to claim. This option is only available for PPL days that have not been paid. Days that have already been paid cannot be revoked.
Once this has been submitted, Olivia's nominated days will reduce to 70 and 10 days will be returned to the PPL days available pool to share with Steve.
Once this has been completed, Olivia can go to Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants
Steve (and any other approved Approval Seekers) will display under Approved Claimants.
Olivia selects Changed shared days and enters 30 as the new total number of PPL days to share with Steve.
Note: Message 'You only have XX Parental Leave Pay days to share. Number of days shared must be less than or equal to XX.' will display to the customer in their online services where they are attempting to share more days than they have available.
Olivia reviews and submits the change. Steve now has 30 PPL days shared by Olivia and Olivia has claimed 70 PPL days.
Olivia removes approval for Steve to claim PPL.
Olivia can remove approval to claim for any Approval Seeker that has previously been provided approval. Any unclaimed PPL days or PPL days claimed in the future will be returned to Oliva.
Olivia signs into their Centrelink online account and selects Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants.
Steve (and any other approved Approval Seekers) will display under Approved Claimants.
Olivia selects Remove claimant.
Steve cannot claim any further PPL days for Taylor and any unpaid/unclaimed days will be revoked and returned to the available balance for Olivia.. If Steve has been paid any PPL days for Taylor Steve's PPL claim will be cancelled (CAN) reason 'Approval withdrawn for claim (PPL/CAN-AWC)'. If Steve has not been paid any PPL days for Taylor, Steve's PPL claim will be rejected (REJ) reason 'Approval withdrawn for claim (PPL/REJ-AWC)' Any days previously paid to Steve cannot be revoked and no overpayment will be raised.