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Paid Parental Leave (PPL) approval to claim and share PPL days 007-23020222

Business Process and Design Branch

Process Direct approval screens and workflows

Table 1




Parental Leave Pay (PPL) Approval Giver Details (P1AGD) screen

The P1AGD screen:

  • allows a Service Officer to view and update details stored against the PPL Approval ID
  • is view only screen within a new claim. Select fields are updateable when the customer in context is an Approval Giver via the PPL Update Approval Giver Details workflow either:
    • via START in Customer Summary, or
    • an online drop through transaction that has been allocated to staff

When Approval Giver is the first to claim PPL, data on this screen is collected from within Approval Giver’s claim response from the PPL claim Details (P1CLM) and PPL Work Test History (P1WH) screens.

When the Approval Seeker is the first to claim PPL, data on this screen is collected from the Approval Giver’s responses in the Approval Task.


PPL Approval Giver Lookup (P1AGL) screen

The P1AGL screen allows Service Officers to manually look up and link the Approval Giver provided in a paper claim. The screen is only available within SOA shell claim when the claimant is an Approval Seeker.


PPL Approval Giver Task workflow

The PPL Approval Giver Task workflow allows Service Officers to manually complete the Request to share Parental Leave Pay online task on behalf of the Approval Giver.


PPL Identity and Match Approval Giver workflow

The PPL Identity and Match Approval Giver workflow allows Service Officers to manually match the Approval Giver when the details provided by the Approval Giver is not successfully matched during the Temporary Access Code (TAC) process.

Where the system is not able to match the Approval Giver based on the Approval Seekers responses, the transaction will drop through for manual action by staff to attempt a match.

Once the online drop through is completed by the staff member, if the Approval Giver:

  • matched, the system will create a Request to share Parental Leave Pay online task for the Approval Giver to complete through their Centrelink online service
  • not matched:
    • the system will update the status of the Approval Seeker’s approval task to ‘completed’ to allow the Approval Seeker to submit their claim
    • the Approval Seeker’s claim will be made not effective - Approval Giver not valid (PPL/NEF-ANV) when it is assessed as the Approval Giver could not be located


PPL Update Approval and Shared Days workflow

The PPL Update Approval and Shared Days (P1APD) workflow allows Service Officers to update the Approval Seeker’s approval to claim and the number of days shared with them when the customer in context is the Approval Giver.


PPL Update Approval Giver Details workflow

The PPL Update Approval Giver Details workflow (P1AGD screen) allows Service Officers to:

  • update the Approval Giver’s work history test details
  • update any evidence required as acceptable or not
  • edit Relationship to child, Gaining care date and Exceptional care date fields if incorrectly pre-populated from the claim
  • update the Approval ID status to either active, inactive or invalid (restricted access)

This can only be updated when the customer in context is the Approval Giver either:

  • via START in Customer Summary, or
  • within an online drop through transaction that has been allocated to staff

It is view only when in the Approval Seekers record.

Scenarios for providing approval to claim and share PPL days

Table 2




Approval Giver has MyGov and Centrelink Online Service access

Jane has recently given birth to a child, Harry. Jane’s partner and Harry’s biological father Fred claims PPL and requests 10 PPL days.

An approval task will be triggered for Jane to complete before Fred can submit a claim.

The approval task can be completed by the Approval Giver by:

  • signing in to MyGov
  • using Express Plus mobile app, or
  • Temporary Access Code
  • by phone

Jane signs into MyGov with the information provided in the Approval task at ‘Next Steps’ in Fred’s claim and receives a message advising Jane of an online task to complete in Jane's Centrelink online account.

Jane will have access to the Parental Leave Pay Circumstances Dashboard in Jane's Centrelink online account even though Jane has not claimed PPL themselves.

Jane selects Payments and claims >Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants

Jane completes and submits the Approval task workflow giving Fred approval to claim PPL for Harry and share 10 PPL days.

Fred can now submit a PPL claim.


Approval Giver does not have MyGov and Centrelink Online Service access. Successful match using TAC

Kylie has recently given birth to a child, Florence. Kylie’s partner and Florence’s biological father Jake claims PPL and requests 10 PPL days.

An Approval task will be triggered for Kylie to complete before Jake can submit a claim.

The Approval task can be completed by the Approval Giver by:

  • signing in to MyGov
  • using Express Plus mobile app, or
  • Temporary Access Code
  • by phone

Kylie does not have a MyGov account and signs in to the TAC login page provided in the Approval task at ‘Next Steps’ in Jake’s claim.


  • Provides the Approval ID and CRN
  • If Kylie does not have a CRN Kylie will need to create one using MyGov
  • Answers the identity questions and provides personal information and the child’s details

A match is successful with the details provided in Jake’s claim and Kylie receives a message in Kylie's MyGov account advising Kylie of an online task to complete in their Centrelink online account. Kylie can now access the PPL Circumstances dashboard in Kylie's Centrelink online account. Kylie can use the Centrelink online service even though Kylie has not claimed PPL personally.

Kylie selects Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants

Kylie completes and submits the Approval task workflow giving Jake approval to claim PPL for Florence and share 10 PPL days.

Jake can now submit a PPL claim.


Approval Giver does not have MyGov and Centrelink Online Service access. Unsuccessful match using TAC

Annie has recently given birth to a child, Benny. Annie’s partner and Benny’s biological father Orville claims PPL and requests 10 PPL days.

An Approval task will be triggered for Annie to complete before Orville can submit his claim.

The Approval task can be completed by the Approval Giver by:

  • signing in to MyGov
  • using Express Plus mobile app, or
  • Temporary Access Code
  • by phone

Annie does not have a MyGov account and signs in to the TAC login page provided in the Approval task at ‘Next Steps’ in Orville’s claim.


  • Provides the Approval ID and CRN
  • If Annie does not have a CRN Annie will need to create one using MyGov
  • Answers the identity questions and provides her information and the child’s details

A match is unsuccessful with the details provided in Orville’s claim. A ZCOC activity will be created and will require manual actioning by a Service Officer who will:

  • complete the identity verification,
  • provide Annie with their CRN and
  • manually trigger the 'Request to share Parental Leave Pay' task.

A receipt number will be issued to Annie as a result of the unsuccessful match.

A PPL Identity and Match Approval Giver ZCoC Work item is allocated to a Service Officer for manual completion.

The Service Officer will make contact with Annie to complete the workflow. The system will create an Approval task for Annie to complete in Annie's Centrelink online account.

Annie selects Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants

Annie completes and submits the Approval task workflow giving Orville approval to claim PPL for child Benny and share 10 PPL days.

Orville can now submit a PPL claim.


Approval Giver uses Express Plus mobile app

Kate has recently given birth to a child, Lisa. Kate’s partner and Lisa’s biological father Jay claims PPL and requests 10 PPL days.

An Approval task will be triggered for Kate to complete before Jay can submit a claim.

The Approval task can be completed by the Approval Giver by:

  • signing in to MyGov
  • using Express Plus mobile app
  • Temporary Access Code
  • by phone

Using the Express Plus mobile app, Kate selects the task and is redirected to Kate's Centrelink online account in a separate browser.

Kate will have access to the PPL Circumstances page in Kate's Centrelink online account even though Kate has not claimed PPL personally.

Kate selects Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants

Kate completes and submits the Approval task workflow giving Kate approval to claim PPL for Lisa and share 10 PPL days.

Once Kate submits the Approval task Kate is taken back to the Express Plus mobile app Home page.

Jay can now submit a PPL claim.


Approval Giver - Manage claimants and days shared

Olivia is the birth mother of Taylor. Olivia’s partner and Taylor’s biological father Steve has claimed PPL for Taylor. Taylor was born on 10 May 2024. Olivia has claimed 80 days and given approval for Steve to claim and share 20 PPL days.

Olivia increases the number of PPL days shared with Steve to 30.

Olivia can increase or decrease the number of PPL days shared with Steve. Changing the number of PPL days will update the balance of PPL days available for Steve and Olivia to claim.

As 100 days have already been claimed (80 days Olivia and 20 days Steve) and Olivia now wishes to increase the number of days shared with Steve to 30, Olivia must first withdraw 10 of their nominated days.

Olivia signs into their Centrelink online account and selects Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Parental Leave Pay days > View and Update.

Olivia must ‘Mark for deletion’ the 10 days they no longer wish to claim. This option is only available for PPL days that have not been paid. Days that have already been paid cannot be revoked.

Once this has been submitted, Olivia’s nominated days will reduce to 70 and 10 days will be returned to the PPL days available pool to share with Steve.

Once this has been completed, Olivia can go to Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants

Steve (and any other approved Approval Seekers) will display under Approved Claimants.

Olivia selects Changed shared days and enters 30 as the new total number of PPL days to share with Steve.

Note: Message ‘You only have XX Parental Leave Pay days to share. Number of days shared must be less than or equal to XX.’ will display to the customer in their online services where they are attempting to share more days than they have available.

Olivia reviews and submits the change. Steve now has 30 PPL days shared by Olivia and Olivia has claimed 70 PPL days.

Olivia removes approval for Steve to claim PPL.

Olivia can remove approval to claim for any Approval Seeker that has previously been provided approval. Any unclaimed PPL days or PPL days claimed in the future will be returned to Oliva.

Olivia signs into their Centrelink online account and selects Payments and claims > Manage Payments > Parental Leave Pay circumstances > Manage claimants and days shared > Manage claimants.

Steve (and any other approved Approval Seekers) will display under Approved Claimants.

Olivia selects Remove claimant.

Steve cannot claim any further PPL days for Taylor and any unpaid/unclaimed days will be revoked and returned to the available balance for Olivia.. If Steve has been paid any PPL days for Taylor Steve's PPL claim will be cancelled (CAN) reason ‘Approval withdrawn for claim (PPL/CAN-AWC)’. If Steve has not been paid any PPL days for Taylor, Steve's PPL claim will be rejected (REJ) reason ‘Approval withdrawn for claim (PPL/REJ-AWC)’ Any days previously paid to Steve cannot be revoked and no overpayment will be raised.

Scenarios for multiple Approval IDs

Table 3




Approval Seeker in normal circumstances becomes Approval Giver in exceptional circumstances - Partnered to the birth mother

Louise and Sam are married. Louise gives birth to their first child Tim born on 15 June 2024.

Both Louise and Sam make a PPL claim for Tim. Louise has claimed 90 days and given approval for Sam to claim and has shared 10 PPL days. Sam is granted 10 PPL days.

Louise becomes ill and attends hospital.

Louise developed a complication following Tim’s birth and was placed in a coma to assist the recovery. The doctors confirm that Louise will not be able to care for Tim for at least 26 weeks.

Sam meets the full eligibility criteria as a PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances and lodges a new PPL claim for Tim.

While assessing Sam’s claim the Service Officer notices that Sam has an Approval ID as a seeker linked to Louise’s PPL claim and another Approval ID connected to the new claim in exceptional circumstances. They also identify that Sam has already claimed and received the 10 PPL days Louise had shared with him.

As Sam is claiming as a PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances and not as a Special PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances, Sam cannot access any additional PPL days connected to Louise’s claim without approval from Louise.

The Service Officer needs to refer the claim to a staff member with the relevant access to update the Approval ID status to make Sam’s Approval ID linked to his first PPL claim inactive. This prevents Sam being able to claim any additional PPL days in that claim.


Approval Seeker in normal circumstances becomes Approval Giver in exceptional circumstances - Not partnered to the birth mother

Lily is the birth mother of Anson, born 10 July 2024. Lily isn’t partnered to Anson’s biological father Pierre. Pierre has claimed 50 PPL days for Anson. Lily has claimed 100 days and given approval for Pierre to claim and has shared 10 PPL days.

Pierre is granted 10 PPL days.

Lily was involved in an accident. Pierre has ongoing care of Anson whilst Lily is in hospital.

The doctors confirm that Lily will be incapable of caring for Anson for at least 26 weeks due to extensive physiotherapy.

Pierre meets the full eligibility criteria as a PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances and lodges a new PPL claim for Anson. Pierre’s partner Michelle also lodges a PPL claim for Anson. Pierre provides approval for Michelle to claim PPL for Anson.

While assessing Pierre’s claim the Service Officer notices that Pierre has an Approval ID as a seeker linked to Lily’s PPL claim and another Approval ID connected to the new claim in exceptional circumstances. They also identify that Pierre has already claimed and received the 10 PPL days Lily had shared with him.

As part of the new claim assessment the Service Officer refers the case onto a staff member with the relevant access to update the Approval ID status to make Pierre’s Approval ID linked to his first PPL claim inactive. This prevents Pierre being able to claim any additional PPL days in that claim.

Glossary of terms for PPL scheme changes from 1 July 2023

Table 4



Approval to claim

Approval to claim is needed for anyone other than the birth mother, first adoptive parent or PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances who wants to claim or access PPL days for a child.

Approval to share PPL days

Approval to share PPL days will is required from the Approval Giver.

Approval Task

Before the Approval Seeker can submit their online claim for PPL, an approval task is created in the online services to obtain approval to claim and to share PPL days from the Approval Giver.

Approval ID

This is an identifying number which is unique to each child/birth event that will be used to link Approval Givers and Approval Seekers together.

This is different to the Claim ID number.

PPL days

A PPL day is a day the customer receives PPL. PPL days are fully flexible. This means all PPL days are 'flexible'.

Children born or adopted between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 are eligible for a maximum entitlement of 100 PPL days.

Children born on or after 1 July 2024 are eligible for a maximum entitlement of 110 PPL days.

Customers can use them in:

  • a single block
  • as scattered days
  • any combination of single blocks and scattered days