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Juvenile arthropathies (JIA and sJIA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 012-18051123

JIA and sJIA restriction and item codes

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FAQs from Service Officers

Table 1: see Table 2 in Processing Complex Authority Required Listings for FAQs about all Complex programs.




What’s the difference between JIA>18 and JIA<18?

  • JIA>18 refers to a patient starting PBS treatment as an adult (>18 years) but was diagnosed with JIA as a child, with joint count and blood markers (ESR and/or CRP) as baseline. With the exception of balance of supply and subsequent continuing for biosimilars, applications for all treatment phases must be made:
    • in writing, or
    • using the Online PBS Authorities system
  • JIA<18 refers to a patient starting PBS treatment as a child (<18 years). Joint count is the only baseline for these patients. No written applications are required. Initial, change or recommencement of treatment can be requested in real time using the Online PBS Authorities (OPA) system or by phone, and the continuing treatment is streamlined


What are the similarities and the differences between JIA and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

  • JIA>18 patients are adults, but they were diagnosed with JIA as a child
  • RA patients are adults with the diagnosis of RA as an adult
  • Initial criteria is the same for JIA>18 and RA with joint count and blood markers as baseline
  • JIA patients who turn 18 years can continue on the JIA<18 program until they are reclassified as RA adult where there are far more biological medicines to choose from. The <18 and >18 refers to when PBS treatment started
  • JIA>18 patients can also continue on the JIA>18 program until the prescriber wishes to reclassify as RA adult


Will a JIA<18 patient automatically get transitioned to RA or psoriatic arthritis (PSA) program once they turn 18 years?

No. When a JIA<18 patient turns 18 years, their prescriber can elect to either:

  • continue them on the JIA<18 program, or
  • transition them to RA or PSA program

To change to the RA program, an adult change form is required.

Refer any requests to change to the PSA program to a Pharmaceutical Adviser (PA).