Short bowel syndrome (SBS) with intestinal failure Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 012-19100123
SBS restriction and item codes
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PBS SBS restriction and item codes
FAQs from Service Officers
Table 1: see Table 2 in Processing Complex Authority Required Listings for FAQs about all Complex programs.
Item |
Description |
1 |
How many repeats can be approved for an initial request for PBS-subsidised treatment with teduglutide for short bowel syndrome (SBS)? Service Officers can approve 11 repeats (for 12 months of treatment) for initial treatment. |
2 |
If a prescriber does not request a full 12-month initial treatment, can Service Officers approve the balance by phone? Yes, the prescriber can request the balance of 12 months’ supply by:
3 |
Is there an age restriction for teduglutide treatment? No, patients of any age are eligible for PBS-subsidised SBS treatment providing all criteria is met. |
4 |
If a replacement script is required in the continuing phase, can this be approved under the balance of supply (BoS) restriction? No, there is no BoS restriction for continuing therapy. Any replacement requests must be entered in OPA under the same restriction as previously approved with all questions answered again. |
5 |
How does a patient qualify for continuing treatment? Patient must have a reduction in parenteral support frequency of at least one day per week compared to baseline. A patient who is yet to turn 18 can be assessed via this method or they have the option of a reduction in the mean weekly parenteral support volume of at least 20% relative to baseline. |