Early release of superannuation on financial hardship grounds 003-09020000
This document explains the role of Services Australia in the early release of superannuation on financial hardship grounds.
On this page:
Customer enquiries for early release of superannuation
Manually calculate continuous period and cumulative period and issue eligibility letter
Confirming Q230/Q251 letters with superannuation funds
Customer enquiries for early release of superannuation
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Service Australia’s role - issue eligibility letters + Read more ... Services Australia's only role is to issue an eligibility letter to the customer to confirm if they meet the income support requirements for the early release of superannuation under financial hardship grounds. Service Officers must use the Issue Superannuation Advice workflow in Process Direct to assess the customer’s record and issue an eligibility letter. Manual issue of eligibility letters An eligibility letter should only be issued manually if the Process Direct workflow has returned an incorrect result. A Note/DOC must be added to the customer's record explaining why a manual letter was required. Before manually issuing a letter (Q230 or Q251), Service Officers must check to confirm that the customer meets the income support requirements. For more details, see Table 2, Step 1. Note: an incorrect letter can cause consequences for the customer when they lodge an application with their super fund, including rejection of their application. This is common when the super fund uses CCeS and the information returned through the service does not match the information on the customer’s letter. |
2 |
Check for involuntary nominee arrangement + Read more ... Check the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen. If the customer does not have a nominee arrangement, go to Step 3. If they have a nominee arrangement, check the Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS) screen. Does the customer have CRT (Court appointed involuntary nominee arrangement) or PAI (Power of Attorney involuntary nominee arrangement) recorded as Reason for Arrangement?
3 |
Reached preservation age and retired + Read more ... Check the customer's preservation age. See Preservation age for access to superannuation on the Resources page. Has the customer reached their preservation age?
4 |
Check if permanently retired + Read more ... Is the customer permanently retired?
5 |
Assess eligibility for early release of superannuation + Read more ... In Process Direct:
Procedure ends here. |
Manually calculate continuous period and cumulative period and issue eligibility letter
Table 2: this table outlines how to issue a manual letter when the Process Direct workflow has returned an incorrect result.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check eligibility + Read more ... Go to the Pensions General Information (PNGI) screen. Check the result in the Early Release super Eligible field. The field will show one of the following codes:
Does the code Y, F or B show on the PNGI screen?
2 |
Check the customer's payment history + Read more ... If a customer has multiple or intertwined Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs), the below checks should be conducted across both records. A qualifying payment ending on a multiple or intertwined record and starting on the primary record on the same day has been continuously paid for the purposes of the below checks. When calculating cumulative periods, total payment periods across all records. If a Q230 or Q251 letter is issued based on checks conducted across multiple or intertwined CRNs, note this on a Display on Access (DOA) DOC on all records. A customer has met the income support requirements for early release of superannuation if they:
Review the customer's payment and eligibility history. Some screens that may be helpful are:
'Receiving a qualifying payment' includes the following situations:
With the above exceptions, a customer does not meet the '26 weeks continuous' period rule if they:
A 'continuous' period ends on the last day the customer was entitled to payment. A new continuous period starts on the next day the customer is entitled to get a payment. Has the customer received a qualifying income support payment for a continuous period of 26 weeks immediately before claiming for early release of superannuation?
3 |
Check preservation age + Read more ... If the customer is at least 39 weeks older than their preservation age, they can use the 'cumulative period of 39 weeks' rule to meet the income support requirements. See the Resources page for a table of preservation ages. The customer does not need to be current on a qualifying payment when making the application. Is the customer at least 39 weeks older than their preservation age?
4 |
Cumulative period + Read more ... Has the customer received an eligible income support payment for a total of at least 39 weeks at any time since reaching preservation age?
5 |
Add a Note/Doc on the customer’s record + Read more ... Record the reason in a Note/DOC to clearly explain why the workflow in Process Direct was not used and a manual letter was required. |
6 |
Finalise the query + Read more ... Tell the customer:
If the customer has not met income support requirements, there are very limited compassionate grounds that may apply. See the Resources page for a link to Accessing your super on compassionate grounds on the ATO website If the customer does not know which superannuation fund they are with:
Procedure ends here. |
Confirming Q230/Q251 letters with superannuation funds
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Superannuation fund contacts to verify a Q230/Q251 letter + Read more ... Superannuation funds may contact Services Australia (by phone or email) to confirm information on a letter before making a decision about the early release of a customer’s superannuation. This commonly occurs if the super fund has used Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) to check the customer's details and there is a discrepancy between the result returned through the service and information on the letter. Staff must:
If the super fund does not use CCeS staff should promote the service and refer the super fund to the Services Australia website for more information, including how to apply. |
2 |
Confirmation questions + Read more ... Ask the superannuation fund for the following information (if not already provided):
3 |
Search for a Q230/Q251 letter on the customer’s record + Read more ... Find the customer’s record and check if the letter was sent using either the: Is the information given by the superannuation fund correct?
4 |
Information given by superannuation fund matches the record + Read more ... Tell the super fund that information is correct as per our records and DOC the following:
Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Information given by superannuation fund does not match the record + Read more ... Tell the super fund the information given does not match the letter on the agency's records. Do not give the super fund the correct information. As the superannuation fund has enquired because the information in the Q230/Q251 could not be verified, report the discrepancy as necessary: