Income Test for partnered allowance customers 108-01020020
Social Security Guide, 4.2.2, Benefits Income Test & Limits
Social Security Guide,, PPP Income & Assets Tests & Limits
Social Security Guide, 4.3, Ordinary Income
Social Security Guide,, General Provisions for Income from Employment
Social Security Guide,, Employment Income for Allowees
Social Security Guide, 5.5.2, Samples of Allowance Rate Calculations - Single Person
Social Security Guide,, Partnered Allowance Recipient, Partner Receiving Pension
Social Security Guide, 5.5.3, Samples of Allowance Rate Calculations - Partnered Recipient
Links to the Federal Register of Legislation site go to a 'Series' page. Select the 'Latest' version.
- section 1068, Module G, Income test
- subsection 1, Effect of ordinary income on maximum payment rate
- subsection 2, Ordinary income of members of certain couples
- section 1067G, Module H - Income test
- subsection 1, Effect of ordinary income on maximum payment rate