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Assets Test for single pension customers 108-03010090

This page contains the processing information to assist in determining a customer's total assessable assets and home-ownership.

Determining assessable assets and home-ownership

This table describes the process of determining a customer's total assessable assets and home-ownership.




Customer receiving income support payment and DVA + Read more ...

Has the customer been in receipt of one of the following payments on or before 20 March 1995 and been in receipt of Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) War Widows and Widowers Pension since 20 March 1995:


Determine if the customer is a homeowner + Read more ...

If the customer is a homeowner, the value of assessable assets allowed before there is any effect on the rate of pension is less than for non-homeowners.


Determine the customer's assessable assets + Read more ...

Check Pensions Income and Asset Summary (PIAS) screen for total amount of assets.

If the customer is eligible for assessment under the transitional rules for pension customers, the rate will need to be calculated under both the current Means Test rules and the transitional Means Test rules, with the higher rate applied to the customer.

This procedure covers the current Assets Test calculation only.

Are the customer's assets under the pensions assets test free area to entitle the customer to a full pension under the Assets Test? For the pensions assets test free area, see Pensions Asset Free Areas and disqualifying limits link on the Rates and thresholds page.


The rate calculated under the Assets Test is the maximum rate + Read more ...

Maximum rate = basic Pension + Pension Supplement + other add-ons such as Rent Assistance (RA) + Remote Area Allowance (RAA), if entitled.

Go to Step 8.


Determine excess asset value + Read more ...

Excess assets = total of person's assessable assets (from Step 3) - pensions assets free area.


Determine pension reduction amount per annum + Read more ...

Pension reduction amount = excess assets (from Step 5 rounded down to nearest $250) x 19.50, then divided by 250

To convert to a daily amount divide result by 364 (not 365).


Determine the amount payable (including Rent Assistance and Pension Supplement) + Read more ...

Amount payable = maximum rate - pension reduction amount.

If the amount payable is $1 or more, the Pension Supplement Minimum Amount is payable in full.

If the amount payable is nil, the Pension Supplement Minimum Amount is not payable.


Compare the amount determined under this procedure with the amount determined under the procedure for the Income Test for single pension customers + Read more ...


The customer's entitlement will be the lower of the entitlement under the Assets Test compared to the Income Test.


Compare the amount determined under the Asset Test with the amount determined under the applicable Income Test for single customers + Read more ...


If the customer is not entitled to payment due to the assets test, check eligibility under the Assessment of assets hardship.

Check the customer's and partner's eligibility to Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) if a claim is rejected, assessed for a future grant date, for example, status ASS-ATT, or if payment is cancelled due to assets.

Record details on a DOC.