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Coding the Care Receiver Income and Assets Details (CRIA) screen 108-03020050

This document explains how to record income and assets on the CRIA screen.

System coding on CRIA screen




Access the Care Receiver Income and Assets Details (CRIA) screen + Read more ...

The Care Receiver Income and Assets Details (CRIA) screen can be accessed:

  • as part of the new claim screen flow for both child and adult care receiver, the CRIA screen will be pre-selected from the Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen
  • for CRIA reviews, it will be selected during the CRP/ADD or review activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
  • as part of the Restoration workflow
  • by coding 'CRIA' in the Nxt/Super key: field


Coding more than one care receiver + Read more ...

If there is more than one care receiver (combined care or multiple care), a CRIA screen needs to be coded for each care receiver. As the system will not combine totals but will separately assess each care receiver, in combined or multiple care cases, the income and assets details of the relevant assessable persons should be totalled and then those figures copied into each care receiver’s CRIA screen.

For example: if Carer Payment (CP) is assessed for 2 children with a disability under combined care provisions the same details should be coded on each child's CRIA screen as follows:

  • a parent resides with their three FTB children. The parent claims CP for the 2 disabled children they are providing care for. For combined care purposes the income and asset assessment will include the following relevant persons:
    • the parent
    • the partner of the parent
    • child care receiver 1 and child care receiver 2
    • the other FTB child
  • if the total of the combined taxable income of all relevant persons was $50,000, then $50,000 should be coded on the CRIA screen of child care receiver 1, and $50,000 copied on to the CRIA screen of the second child care receiver. The same process applies to assets

In exchanged care cases, each carer will need to qualify on their own, taking into consideration all of the income/assets of each care receiver individually when they are in their care.

For example, Carer A is looking after care receiver X while Carer B is looking after care receiver Y. If the combined income/assets of A and X are above the limit then Carer A will not qualify for CP even if the combined income/assets of A and Y are under the limit. This is because they do not have continuing qualification at all times. Carer B may qualify if their income/assets, combined with carer receiver X and Y separately, is under the limit. For help with coding exchanged care, contact the Level 2 Policy Help Desk.


The CRIA screen + Read more ...

The determining officer must decide if the information provided is acceptable and/or if more evidence is needed.

If the care receiver is a higher Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) score adult:

  • the taxable income assessment must include the income of the care receiver and the care receiver's partner if they have one
  • the asset assessment must include the assets/liquid assets of the care receiver, and
    • the care receiver's partner if they have one
    • the assets/liquid assets of any Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children of the care receiver or partner

If the care receiver is a lower ADAT score adult (dependent child):

  • the taxable income assessment must include the income of the care receiver, and
    • the care receiver's partner if they have one
    • the dependent child, and any other FTB children of the care receiver or their partner
  • the asset assessment must include the assets/liquid assets of the care receiver, and
    • the care receiver’s partner if they have one
    • the dependent child
    • any other FTB children of the care receiver or their partner

If the care receiver is a lower ADAT score adult (multiple care child or children):

  • the taxable income assessment must include the income of the lower ADAT adult, and
    • their partner if they have one
    • any of their FTB children
    • each multiple care child
    • if the lower ADAT score adult is not the parent or guardian of the qualifying child/children, their parent and partner if they have one and the FTB children of the parent or partner
  • the asset assessment must include the assets/liquid assets of the:
    • lower ADAT adult
    • their partner if they have one
    • any of their FTB children
    • each multiple care child
    • if the lower ADAT score adult is not the parent or guardian of the qualifying child/children, their parent and partner if they have one and the FTB children of the parent or partner

If the care receiver is a child, combined care child or multiple care child and the child or children live with their parent or legal guardian:

  • the taxable income and asset assessment must include the income and assets/liquid assets of:
    • the child care receiver/s
    • their parent or legal guardian
    • the partner of their parent or legal guardian, if they have one
    • the FTB children of the parent or partner

If the care receiver is a child/children and the child/children does/do not live with their parent or legal guardian, only the taxable income and asset details of the child care receiver/s are assessable.

The following are not included in the asset assessment regardless of the circumstances of the care receiver:

  • the family home
  • funds received from DisabilityCare Australia, the national disability insurance scheme (the scheme) deposited into an account specifically for the purposes of managing the care receiver's DisabilityCare plan
  • assets obtained to specifically help the care receiver in respect of their disability

See Components of the Care Receiver Income and Assets (CRIA) test.


Date of Event: field + Read more ...

For new claims, the date of event must be entered as the start date of payment. This is the date the system reassesses the CRIA screen.

The earliest that the current tax year can be used to assess qualification for CP is the day on which the written request is given.

Note: edit ‘EO23CR – Date cannot be more than 63 days in the future' displays if 1 January of the following year is entered as part of the new claim activity.

For annual reviews, if the CRIA screen is not updated with the date 1 January, Carer Payment will automatically cancel on that date. The cancellation will occur for all carers linked to the care receiver.

For CRIA reviews, the date entered must be 1 January following the 1 November CRIA maturity date. For example:

  • Review matured: 01/11/2019
  • Review submitted by carer on 30/11/2019
  • DOE for CRIA 01/01/2020


Base Financial Year Taxable Income $: field + Read more ...

Code the taxable income of the care receiver and all assessable persons for the base tax year, to apply the care receiver income test.


Current Financial Year Taxable Income $: field + Read more ...

This is a mandatory field, which should usually be coded with a duplicate of the amount recorded for the Base Financial Year Taxable Income. A different amount representing an actual written estimate for the current year should be coded in this field in the following circumstances:

  • for child or adult claims/reviews, code an actual current year estimate if:
    • the base tax year income is over the income threshold and there has been a decrease since the base tax year, or
    • the assets are medium or high range
  • for information about when to code an estimate for the current year, see:

The date of effect is the date the request for a current year estimate was made. There are no backdating or date of claim lodgement provisions.


Assets Value Range: field + Read more ...

Code a 'Y' in the relevant field, which reflects the care receiver’s assets range. This field assesses the care receivers assets test limit.

When the non-customer care receiver asset test falls in mid-range and the liquid assets threshold is met, the system will check that the recorded income is within the non-customer care receiver's income threshold. For care receivers income thresholds and asset limits see the Carer Payment (CP) - Care Receiver Income and Asset Limits link on the Rates and Thresholds page.

Note: if there is more than one care receiver, the asset value range and liquid asset value range coded on each care receiver's CRIA screen should be based on the combined assets of all assessable persons.


Liquid Assets Value Range: field + Read more ...

Code a 'Y' in the relevant field, which reflects the care receiver's liquid assets range only if the care receiver's assets are above the current care receivers assets test limit. If not above the current asset limit, do not code (leave blank). For care receivers assets test threshold see the Carer Payment (CP) - Care Receiver Income and Asset Limits link on the Rates and Thresholds page.

If the care receiver’s assets are in the medium range, due to a system issue, if the liquid assets are coded as over the allowable limit, Carer Payment (CP) will cancel. The liquid assets value range will need to be changed on the Care Receiver Income and Assets (CRIA) screen to '$0 to less than $6000'.

Note: the value of the care receiver’s liquid assets is not asked in the online claim.

Contact the customer by phone if these details are needed and it cannot be determined from other documents given by the carer.

If contact is unsuccessful, send a:

  • Carer Payment Income and assets details of the person being cared for - 16 years or over (SA304a), or
  • Carer Payment Income and assets details – child or children being cared for - under 16 years (SA304c)

For more information, see Components of the Care Receiver Income and Assets (CRIA) test.


Number of FTB children: field + Read more ...

It is only necessary to code the number of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children if the care receiver's assets are above the current care receivers assets test limit.

If they are not above the current asset limit, do not code (leave blank).

The number of FTB children may be taken from the forms 'Carer Payment Income and assets details of the person being cared for 16 years or over (SA304a)' or 'Carer Payment Income and assets details - child or children being cared for - under 16 years (SA304c)', excluding the child care receiver.

For care receivers assets test threshold see the Carer Payment (CP) - Care Receiver Income and Asset Limits link on the Rates and Thresholds page

Field help exists to define an FTB child, or see Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child of a person. If this field is not coded the system will use the number of FTB children for which the care receiver is paid FTB.