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Quarterly Supplement 108-08030000

This document outlines the quarterly supplement for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holders.

On this page:

Payment delivery of quarterly supplement

Confirmation of payment destination and account details

Future payment reassessment

Payment delivery of quarterly supplement

Table 1




Confirm payment details + Read more ...

View details and history of quarterly supplement instalments on the One-Off Payments (OOP) or Payment Summary (PS) screens.

View if payments are being made by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) on the DVA and SHC Income Details (SHID) screens.

To check if a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holder is grandfathered for Energy Supplement, in Customer First go to the Energy Supplement Summary (CESSUM) page.

Select the View Energy Supplement Grandfathering Status hyperlink.

Customer or nominee contacts about quarterly supplement

If the customer is:


Customer is in receipt of DVA payments + Read more ...

  • If DVA Energy Supplement has a status of ON, Centrelink payments system will reject CSHC claims.
  • If DVA Gold Card Energy Supplement has a status of ON, the CSHC claim must be held pending a DVA Clearance.

Staff should refer these cases to the Centrelink DVA Clearance Team who will arrange for the Gold Card Energy Supplement to be cancelled from an agreed date.

Once the Gold Card Energy Supplement has a status of OFF the CSHC claim can proceed.

The system will only pay quarterly supplement after the date that the DVA Gold Card Energy Supplement has been cancelled. This will ensure dual payments of Energy Supplement do not occur.

Note: cancellation of the DVA Gold Card Energy Supplement followed by the grant of a Services Australia Commonwealth Seniors Health Card must occur within 42 days for the customer to continue to be considered grandfathered for Energy Supplement.

Procedure ends here.


Current CSHC + Read more ...

Is customer enquiring why they have not received the quarterly supplement when qualified?


Reversal of the decline payment option - not available from 20 March 2017 + Read more ...

Before 20 March 2017, CSHC holders could decline payment of the quarterly supplement and then, at a later date, reverse that request and commence receiving the quarterly supplement from the date of the request.

Since 20 June 2015 the quarterly supplement's only component is Energy Supplement.

The Energy Supplement will no longer be paid from 20 March 2017 to CSHC holders who do not meet the grandfathering provisions.

CSHC holders who have declined payment of the quarterly supplement will not be grandfathered for Energy Supplement and can no longer elect to receive quarterly supplement from 20 March 2017.


Has the customer held a CSHC at any time during the quarter for which they did not receive payment? + Read more ...

  • Yes, check that the customer was grandfathered for Energy Supplement for the period:
    • If the customer was grandfathered for Energy Supplement for the Period, see Step 1 in Table 2
    • If the customer was not grandfathered for Energy Supplement, explain to the customer that they will not receive the quarterly supplement because they were not grandfathered for Energy Supplement. Procedure ends here
  • No, customer is not entitled to receive quarterly supplement

Procedure ends here.


Customer is querying the rate of quarterly supplement received + Read more ...

Has the customer had a change of marital status during the quarter they have received quarterly supplement for?

Confirmation of payment destination and account details

Table 2




Payment Assessment Summary + Read more ...

Check the payment destination details for the SHC payment via the PAS screen.

Are there payment destination details recorded?


Confirmation of payment destination + Read more ...

Are the payment destination details correct for payment system SHC?


Automatically issued quarterly supplement + Read more ...

If quarterly supplement has been paid it will show on the PS screen.

Automatically issued quarterly supplement will also show on the OOP screen.

Check the PS and OOP screens.

Has quarterly supplement been paid into the wrong account?


Incorrect account details + Read more ...

Complete the following action applicable to the customer:

Procedure ends here.


Ensure correct account details + Read more ...

Ensure correct account details for future payments appear on the PAD screen for the relevant payment system of SHC via the PAS screen.

Update the customer's correct account details if required.

CSHC customers are not entitled to receive quarterly supplement if their payment destination is recorded as cheque. For customers who have a payment nominee and have not previously provided account details, the bank account of the payment nominee is to be coded on the PAD screen before creating the nominee link. For action when payment nominee arrangement has been coded prior to bank details, see Step 3 in Table 3.

For more information, see Changing payment destination.

Had the customer been asked to provide their bank account details, for example, in the CSHC new claim?

Note: this only applies for CSHC new claims lodged before 20 March 2017).

  • Yes, and the bank account details
    • were provided within 28 days of this request, arrears of quarterly supplement are payable
    • were not provided within 28 days of this request, quarterly supplement will begin to accrue from the date bank details are provided
  • No, arrears may be payable

Future payment reassessment

Table 3




Reassess customer's record in SHC system + Read more ...

The record must be reassessed to set up the payment indicator for future payments. If a reassessment is not performed, the incorrect rate could be paid or the customer could miss out on their payment of quarterly supplement until the next quarterly payment is due.

Code the Benefit Action (BA) screen.

In Process Direct

  • Select Add
  • Complete the following fields:
    • Benefit Type: Code SHC
    • Benefit Action: Select – REA-REASSESS
  • Select Save
  • Complete the Receipt Date and Channel fields, select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again, then select Finish
  • Record details of the update on Finalise
  • Select Finalise

In Customer First

  • Svc Rsn: 'SHC'
  • Action: 'REA'
  • Source:
  • DOR:
  • In Nxt: type 'AR' and finalise this activity


  • If quarterly supplement arrears are payable, go to Step 2
  • If arrears are not payable, record details in a DOC with any action taken including reasons for arrears not being payable. Procedure ends here.


Coding OOP screen details + Read more ...

Process Direct:

  • Go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen
  • Select Add
  • Complete the following fields:
    • Service reason: SHC - Seniors Health Card
    • Payment type: CESO – Energy Supplement
    • Date of effect: use the date payment was due to be paid
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again
  • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • Select Execute to confirm the details of the One off payment. Select Finish
  • Record details of the update on Finalise
  • Select Finalise
  • Procedure ends here

Customer First:

  • Go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen:
  • Effect Date: use the date payment was due to be paid
  • Payment Type: CESO
  • Source:
  • DOR:
  • The Payment Summary (PS) or OOP screen should display with details of the payment
  • Finalise activity
  • Record details on a DOC of action taken
  • Procedure ends here


Nominee arrangement and quarterly supplement not received + Read more ...

Where an eligible CSHC customer with a payment nominee arrangement has not received their quarterly supplement, cancel nominee arrangement, code nominee bank details then reinstate nominee arrangement.

Update the record as follows in Customer First:

  • Use arrangement end reason 'Centrelink decision' (CLK)
  • Suppress any letters resulting from this action to the customer and nominee
  • Record the payment nominee's bank account on the customer's Payment Destination Details (PAD) screen
  • Manually reinstate the nominee arrangement. Note: do not use the Nominee Action script or Nominee Action Guided Procedure
  • In the customer's record, go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen
  • Add a new nominee link by coding the following fields:
    • Add New Link: 'PER/ORG'
    • NOM TYPE: 'Payment'
    • DOE: today's date
  • If the nominee is a person, the Name Search (IN) screen appears with a service reason NOM and action of ADD
  • Select the Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS) screen and enter all details. Use today's date as date of effect
  • Check that the Nominee Destination Summary (NODS) screen displays the correct bank account and is linked to the customer. An asterisk will display beside the bank account

Suppress any letters to the customer and nominee resulting from this action.

If arrears are due, go to Step 4.

Finalise the activity. Record details on a DOC of action taken.


Issue arrears + Read more ...

Ensure the customer is grandfathered for Energy Supplement for the relevant period. If the customer lost grandfathering during the period, only include days up until the grandfathering was lost in the arrears calculation.

Manually issue any quarterly supplement arrears via the OOP screen.

Process Direct:

  • Go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen
  • Select Add
  • Complete the following fields:
    • Service reason: SHC - Seniors Health Card
    • Payment type: CESO – Energy Supplement
    • Date of effect: use the date payment was due to be paid
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again
  • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • Select Execute to confirm the details of the One off payment. Select Finish
  • Record details of the update on Finalise
  • Select Finalise

Customer First:

  • Go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen
  • Effect Date: date payment was due to be paid
  • Payment Type: CESO
  • Source:
  • DOR:
  • The PS or OOP screens should display with details of the payment.

If arrears are owed, but due to a system limitation they cannot be issued via the OOP screen:

  • Calculate and pay any arrears the customer is entitled to using the Payment Adjustment (PYAJ) screen and send the customer a letter with details of their entitlement
  • Finalise the activity. Record details on a DOC of action taken


Payment nominee arrangement and quarterly supplement received by cheque + Read more ...

Send a Q999 letter to the customer and nominee in Customer First:

  • requesting details of the nominee's bank account, and
  • explaining that quarterly supplement cannot be paid by cheque in accordance with Section 55 of the Social Security Administration Act

When the nominee's bank account details are received, update the record as follows:

  • Use arrangement end reason 'Centrelink decision' (CLK)
  • Suppress any letters resulting from this action to the customer and nominee
  • Record the payment nominee's bank account on the customer's Payment Destination Details (PAD) screen
  • Manually reinstate the nominee arrangement. Note: do not use the Nominee Action script or Nominee Action Guided Procedure
  • In the customer's record, go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen
  • Add a new nominee link by coding the following fields:
    • Add New Link: 'PER/ORG'
    • NOM TYPE: 'Payment'
    • DOE: today's date
  • If the nominee is a person, the Name Search (IN) screen appears with a service reason NOM and action of ADD
  • Select the Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS) screen and enter all details. Use today's date as date of effect
  • Check that the Nominee Destination Summary (NODS) screen displays the correct bank account and is linked to the customer. An asterisk will display beside the bank account

Suppress any letters to the customer and nominee resulting from this action.

If the customer or nominee expresses concern about having received quarterly supplement as a cheque payment when they were not eligible, advise them that investigations into any potential overpayment may take place and that any debt may be waived due to administrative error.

To issue arrears and check for cashed cheques, go to Step 6.


Issue arrears and check for cashed cheques + Read more ...

Manually issue any quarterly supplement arrears via the OOP screen.

Process Direct:

  • Go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen
  • Select Add
  • Complete the following fields:
    • Service reason: SHC - Seniors Health Card
    • Payment type: CESO – Energy Supplement
    • Date of effect: use the date payment was due to be paid
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again
  • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • Select Execute to confirm the details of the One off payment. Select Finish
  • Record details of the update on Finalise
  • Select Finalise

Customer First

  • Go to the One Off Payment (OOP) screen
  • Effect Date: date payment was due to be paid
  • Payment Type: CESO
  • Source:
  • DOR:
  • The PS or OOP screens should display with details of the payment.

Note: any entitlement to quarterly supplement will start from the day request is received.

If arrears are owed, but due to a system limitation they cannot be issued via the OOP screen.

Check if the customer is grandfathered for Energy Supplement for the relevant period. If the customer lost grandfathering during the period, only include days up until the grandfathering was lost in the arrears calculation.

Calculate and pay the customer any arrears they are entitled to using the Payment Adjustment (PYAJ) screen and send the customer a letter with details of their entitlement.

Check for cashed cheques

A check of whether any cheques have been cashed may be required if the customer is seeking quarterly supplement arrears or replacement payments.

See Replacing cheque payments at a customer's request for details on how to check if a cheque has been cashed.

Finalise the activity. Record details on a Note/DOC of action taken.


Review of non-payment + Read more ...

If the customer requests review of non-payment of quarterly supplement within 13 weeks of the decision by Services Australia not to pay, arrears may be payable from initial contact date regarding payment of quarterly supplement.

Check if the customer is grandfathered for Energy Supplement for the relevant period. If the customer lost grandfathering during the period, only include days up until the grandfathering was lost in the arrears calculation.

For information on how to record a customer's request for a review see Request for an explanation or application for a formal review (CLK).

If it is identified the customer requested the suppression of quarterly supplement as part of their CSHC new claim, arrears will not be payable. Any entitlement to quarterly supplement will start from the day the application for a formal review was received.

If it is identified the customer did request payment of quarterly supplement as part of their CSHC new claim, arrears may be payable from initial contact date dependent on when the application for a formal review was received.

If arrears are payable they are to be made by using the Payment Adjustment (PYAJ) screen.