This document outlines the qualification and payability of Utilities Allowance (UA) payments.
On this page:
Assessment of Utilities Allowance (UA) in Process Direct
Assessment of Utilities Allowance (UA) in Customer First
Assessment of Utilities Allowance (UA) in Process Direct
Table 1: this table describes the steps to pay, decline and reverse the decline for the UA payment.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Payment of UA + Read more ...
UA is paid automatically to the same payment destination as the eligible customer's income support payment (ISP). It is usually issued on the customer's first Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) after the test days of 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December.
If the:
customer wishes to decline payment for UA, go to Step 2
customer has previously declined UA payment and now wishes to accept UA payments, go to Step 3
UA payment was not paid automatically, go to Step 4
2 |
Customer declines payment for UA + Read more ...
Go to the Senior Health Card Miscellaneous Details (SHMD) screen
Select Add
Select Yes in the Suppress utilities allowance field
Select Save
Update the fields:
Receipt Date
Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess again, then select Finish
Record details of the update on the Finalise screen. Include the:
reason for making the decision
source; for example, customer request
Act/Guide reference, Section 1061T SSA 1991
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
If UA has been paid it will show on the following screens:
Payment Summary (PS)
One Off Payments (OOP)
Concession Summary (CCAS)
Procedure ends here.
3 |
Update UA + Read more ...
A request by a customer to decline UA can be reversed at any time. However, only future instalments can be paid; that is, no arrears can be paid for any past period for which UA has been declined.
To reverse the decline payment option:
Go to the Senior Health Card Miscellaneous Details (SHMD) screen
Select Add
Select No in the Suppress utilities allowance field
Select Save
Update the fields:
Receipt Date
Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess again, then select Finish
Record details of the update on the Finalise screen. Include the:
reason for making the decision
source; for example, customer request
Act/Guide reference, Section 1061T SSA 1991
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
Procedure ends here.
4 |
Check if UA was paid + Read more ...
Payment of UA will only show on the Payment Summary (PS) screen after the triggers have been run on the test days, 20 March, 20 June, 20 September or 20 December.
The Concession Summary (CCAS) screen shows UA payments:
made by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
the customer has declined
Has the customer been paid UA?
Yes, tell the customer when the payment was made. Procedure ends here
No, go to Step 5
5 |
UA was not paid automatically + Read more ...
Qualification is determined on the test days of 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December each year. Payment usually occurs on the customer's first EPED after these test days. On the test day, a customer must:
be receiving Disability Support Pension (DSP) and be aged under 21 with no children, and
be either:
in Australia, or
temporarily absent from Australia where their test day is within the first 6 weeks of the temporary absence and the customer maintains eligibility
Note: UA payments can be made if a customer's payment is granted or restored and payment is backdated to include the test day.
Customers on zero rate are only eligible for UA if their zero rate reason is 'DVA' (Defence Force Income Support Allowance) or 'NZP' (New Zealand agreement direct deduction).
Check the following:
Customers age and benefit status
Relations menu to confirm no children are linked to the customer
Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) - this will show absences from Australia
Does the customer meet these requirements?
Yes, go to Step 6
No, there is no entitlement to UA. Procedure ends here
6 |
Customer meets the qualification criteria for UA + Read more ...
The UA trigger can be delayed or interrupted by:
a started or submitted activity
events, such as EPED change or a change in relationship status
Was there any of the above which may have delayed or interrupted the UA trigger?
Check the Payment Summary (PS) and Concession Summary (CCAS) screens to confirm the new delivery date
Tell the customer the new delivery date
Procedure ends here
No, go to Step 7
7 |
Reassessment for UA + Read more ...
Refresh the customer's payment on the Benefit Action (BA) screen.
Note: if UA is also payable for the partner, refresh the partner's record as well.
Key 'BA' into the Super Key, select Enter
Select Add New
Complete the following fields:
Benefit Type Code: DSP
Benefit Action: RSH - REFRESH
Notes: enter note on why reassessment is being done
Reason: leave blank
Effect Date: enter the test day applicable for UA
Select Save
Update the fields:
Receipt Date
Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess again
Has the refresh activity paid UA to the customer?
Select Finish
Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
Procedure ends here
8 |
Refresh did not pay UA + Read more ...
If a refresh did not pay UA, go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen.
Note: if the partner is also entitled to UA and it was not paid via a refresh activity also update the partner's OOP screen.
Key 'OOP' into the Super Key, select Enter
Select Add
Service Reason: select PEN from the options
Payment type: select UAS - Utilities Allowance
Date of effect: enter the test day applicable for UA
Select Save
Update the fields:
Receipt Date
Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess again, then select Finish. Record details of the update, include the:
reason for making the decision
source; for example, customer request
Act/Guide reference, Section 1061T SSA 1991
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
Procedure ends here.
Assessment of Utilities Allowance (UA) in Customer First
Table 2: this table describes the steps to pay, decline and reverse the decline for the UA payment.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Payment of UA + Read more ...
UA is paid automatically to the same payment destination as the eligible customer's income support payment (ISP). It is usually issued on the customer's first Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) after the test days of 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December.
If the:
customer wishes to decline payment for UA, go to Step 2
customer has previously declined UA payment and now wishes to accept UA payments, go to Step 3
UA payment was not paid automatically, go to Step 4
2 |
Customer declines payment for UA + Read more ...
Go to the SHC Misc. Details (SHMD) screen
Enter 'Y' in the Suppress Payment of Utilities Allowance: field
Source: and DOR: enter appropriate details
Action: field, enter ‘I’ insert
Select Continue [Enter]
Record details on a DOC. Include the:
reason for making the decision
source; for example, customer request
Act/Guide reference, Section 1061T SSA 1991
If UA has been paid it will show on the following screens:
Payment Summary (PS)
One Off Payments (OOP)
Concession Summary (CCAS)
Procedure ends here.
3 |
Update UA + Read more ...
A request by a customer to decline UA can be reversed at any time. However, only future instalments can be paid; that is, no arrears can be paid for any past period for which UA has been declined.
To reverse the decline payment option:
Go to the SHC Misc. Details (SHMD) screen
Enter 'N' in the Suppress Payment of Utilities Allowance: field
Source: and DOR: enter appropriate details
Action: field, enter ‘I’ insert
Select Continue [Enter]
Record details on a DOC. Include the:
reason for making the decision
source; for example, customer request
Act/Guide reference, Section 1061T SSA 1991
Procedure ends here.
4 |
Check if UA was paid + Read more ...
Payment of UA will only show on the Payment Summary (PS) and Payment Destination (PD) screens after the triggers have been run on the test days, 20 March, 20 June, 20 September or 20 December.
The Concession Summary (CCAS) screen shows UA payments:
made by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
the customer has declined
Has the customer been paid UA?
Yes, tell the customer when the payment was made. Procedure ends here
No, go to Step 5
5 |
UA was not paid automatically + Read more ...
Qualification is determined on the test days of 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December each year. Payment usually occurs on the customer's first EPED after these test days. On the test day, a customer must:
be receiving Disability Support Pension (DSP) and be aged under 21 with no children, and
be either:
in Australia, or
temporarily absent from Australia where their test day is within the first 6 weeks of the temporary absence and the customer maintains eligibility
Note: UA payments can be made if a customer's payment is granted or restored and payment is backdated to include the test day.
Customers on zero rate are only eligible for UA if their zero rate reason is 'DVA' (Defence Force Income Support Allowance) or 'NZP' (New Zealand agreement direct deduction).
Check the following screens:
Customer Summary by selecting CRN/BP – this will show if customer is in receipt of DSP and aged under 21 with no children
Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) – this will show absences from Australia
Does the customer meet these requirements?
Yes, go to Step 6
No, there is no entitlement to UA. Procedure ends here
6 |
Customer meets the qualification criteria for UA + Read more ...
The UA trigger can be delayed or interrupted by:
a started or submitted activity
events, such as EPED change or a change in relationship status
Was there any of the above which may have delayed or interrupted the UA trigger?
Check the Payment Summary (PS) and Concession Summary (CCAS) screens to confirm the new delivery date
Tell the customer the new delivery date
Procedure ends here
No, go to Step 7
7 |
Reassessment for UA + Read more ...
Refresh the customer's payment on the Benefit Action (BA) screen.
Note: if UA is also payable for the partner, refresh the partner's record as well.
Go to the BA screen:
Svc Rsn: DSP
Action: field, enter 'RSH' for 'Refresh'
Reason: field, leave blank
Effect Date: field, enter the test day applicable for UA
Notes: field, enter note on why reassessment is being done
Source: and DOR: enter appropriate details
Go to Assessment Results (AR) screen. This will show if payment is being made
Has the refresh activity paid UA to the customer?
Finalise activity
Record details on a DOC
Procedure ends here
8 |
Refresh did not pay UA + Read more ...
If a refresh did not pay UA, go to the One Off Payments (OOP) screen.
Note: if the partner is also entitled to UA and it was not paid via a refresh activity also update the partner's OOP screen.
Go to the OOP screen
Date of Effect: field, enter the test day applicable for UA
Payment Type: field, enter 'UAS' for Utilities Allowance
Source: and DOR: enter appropriate details
Select continue
Go to AR screen and finalise activity
Record details on a DOC. Include the:
reason for making the decision
source; for example, customer request
Act/Guide reference, Section 1061T SSA 1991
Procedure ends here.