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Commencing a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction 108-08130010

This page contains information on how to commence Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deductions.

On this page:

Commencing RDS Deductions

Coding RDS Deductions

Commencing RDS Deductions

Customer contacts the department to commence a RDS deduction

Table 1: This table describes the process to commence a new Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction.




Customer has consented to a voluntary Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction + Read more ...

Customers must contact their Housing Authority (HA) and submit a deduction authority form to the HA. The HA then electronically sends a new instruction transaction to the department.


Check if deductions have commenced + Read more ...

When the customer has submitted their form through their HA, and wants to check if their deductions have commenced:

  • Go to the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen to check if the deduction has been implemented. If there are no details on this screen, advise the customer to contact the HA directly for information on the progress of their deduction
  • If Service Officers or the HAs are having any difficulties accessing this information, National Business Gateway - Confirmation Services Helpdesk should be contacted

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngProcedure ends here.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngProcedure ends here.

To record a new RDS deduction, go to Step 1 in the RDS deduction coding for helpdesk staff table.

Coding RDS Deductions

RDS deduction coding for helpdesk staff

Table 2: This table describes the coding required to commence a RDS deduction. It is only to be undertaken by National Business Gateway - Confirmation Services Helpdesk on request by HAs.




Commencing a new RDS housing deduction + Read more ...

National Business Gateway - Confirmation Services Helpdesk

The Type of Rent: field on the Accommodation (AC) screen must be GOV unless the customer is an eligible government sub tenant. See Introduction to RDS scheme for information on treatment of Government sub tenant customers and Rent Assistance (RA).


Check for current deductions of the same type + Read more ...

  • Access the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen to view current deductions for the customer. The Payment Instruction History (PIHS) screen shows deductions the customer has had that are no longer current. Check whether there is a current instruction for the same RDS deduction type
  • If there is, be aware that it may not be possible to have multiple housing payment instructions of the same type. Inserting a new instruction may terminate the previous deduction


Add a new instruction to a current record + Read more ...

  • access the PINS screen in the relevant host system (ISS/NSS/PEN/PGA)
  • key 'Y' to Add New Deduction: field, and 'H' in deduction Type: field, then press [Enter]
  • the Organisation Name Search (ON) screen will display


Identify the required external organisation + Read more ...

In the Organisation CRN: enter the Housing Authority Customer Reference Number (CRN).


Organisation Details (ORD) screen + Read more ...

  • At the ORD screen, key 'Y' to confirm that this is the correct third party
  • Press [Enter]
    • If there is only one deduction type for the organisation the Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD) screen will display
    • If there is more than one deduction type, the Payment Instruction Deduction Selection (PIDS) screen is presented after the ORD screen. 'S'elect the relevant deduction type and press [Enter]


Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD) screen + Read more ...

If the fields on this screen are blank, key the new information into the fields required. Otherwise, overstrike the existing housing payment details on the screen with the new information.

  • Key the fortnightly amount to be deducted in the Instruction Amount P.F. $: field
  • Key the commencement date in the Start Date: field

Note: if RDS date of effect is not keyed in, the system will default the start date of the next pay period into the field.

  • Key the customer's account or reference number with the organisation in the Organisation Customer Account Ref: field, if applicable

Note: this field is mandatory for electronic organisations.

  • Complete the Source: and DOR: fields, leave the Action: field blank or key 'I' (insert) and press [Enter]


Payment Instruction Priority/Over-ride (PIPO) screen + Read more ...

  • Number all deductions in order of priority, or leave as defaulted, and press [Enter]
  • The user is returned to the PINS screen
  • To complete this procedure, key 'Y' in the Finished? field then press [Enter] to be taken to the Activity Results (AR) screen for finalising. The Activity List (AL) screen will then display


  • To go back and correct or make further changes to the new instruction, key 'N' in the Finished? field and press [Enter], then repeat this procedure from Step 1

Note: additional commencements cannot be made until each activity is completed.


DOC Outcome + Read more ...

Record all relevant details and any actions taken on a DOC.

A letter will be sent to the customer advising them that they are now participating in the RDS and of the amount being deducted.