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Time to Work Employment Service (TWES) 125-19092604

This document outlines the Time to Work Employment Service (TWES) programme.

TWES servicing process




Checks before conducting pre-release interview + Read more ...

Prior to conducting the claim (including pre-release interview), confirm the prisoner is a TWES participant:

  • Select Participation Summary
  • Locate Job Seeker Registration Information and check whether Time to Work participant is indicated as 'Y' (yes) or 'N' (no)

Is the job seeker a TWES participant?


Check Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) status + Read more ...

Confirm the prisoner has had an ESAt completed:

  • on the Participation Summary screen, select the arrow next to Referral Summary
  • the ESAt referral and status can be viewed

Does the prisoner have an ESAt with a finalised date during their sentence?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, follow standard pre-release servicing procedures, including re-conducting a Job Seeker Snapshot assessment


Check ESAt report + Read more ...

Check the recommendations in the ESAt report conducted by the Services Australia Assessor.

  • go to and select Referral Summary
  • select the radio button next to Employment Services Assessment and View
  • on the next 2 screens, select View Report
  • on the third screen, select Show Report


Review the recommendations in the ESAt report + Read more ...

Go to the Work Capacity section in the ESAt report.

If the ESAt report indicates the participant has been assessed as having a temporary reduced work capacity (TRWC) or partial capacity to work (PCW) of 0-14 hours per week, they will be referred to Services Australia for a Job Plan and the only activity will be 'Attend Quarterly Appointment'.

In the Referrals section check:

  • recommendation: Workforce Australia (Digital Services, Enhanced Services), Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW) or Disability Employment Services (DES), and
  • if the Additional comments section contains a recommendation for a specific post-release Employment Services Provider

If the contact with the prisoner is:


Pre-release interview by phone + Read more ...

For pre-release telephone interviews.

If the ESAt report recommends a specific post-release Employment Services Provider:

  • before or during the pre-release interview, book the appointment with the post-release employment provider within 14 days of the release date where post-release address is known
  • participants may select, or be allocated a post-release Employment Services Provider if no preference has been made
  • provide the details of the post-release Employment Services Provider appointment to the TWES participant
  • where the post-release address is not known, create a DOC on the customer's record and document the employment service recommendation (for example, Enhanced Services) and the need for referral at the customer's next contact with Services Australia
  • the post-release Employment Services Provider referral should be completed as part of the First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow when the job seeker contacts Services Australia post-release

If the ESAt report does not recommend a specific post-release Employment Services Provider:

  • discuss post-release employment services provider options with the TWES participant
  • book the appointment with the post-release Employment Services Provider within 14 days of the release date where the post-release address is known
  • provide the details of the post-release employment services provider appointment to the TWES participant
  • where the post-release address is not known, create a DOC on the customer's record and document the employment service recommendation (for example, Enhanced Services) and the need for referral at the customer's next contact with Services Australia
  • the post-release Employment Services Provider referral should be completed as part of the FCSO workflow when the job seeker contacts Services Australia post-release

Note: for claims that are unable to be granted or completed pre-release (for example, partnered), continue to book an appointment and to provide the job seeker with their Employment Services appointment details. See Centrelink service standards and procedures for pre-release and post-release prison customers.

Go to Step 7.


Post-release interview + Read more ...

For post release interviews, if the ESAt report recommends a specific post-release Employment Services Provider:

  • book an appointment with the post-release Employment services Provider within 14 days of the release date, and
  • provide the details of the Employment Services Provider appointment to the customer

If the ESAt report does not recommend a specific post-release Employment services Provider:

  • discuss post-release Employment Services Provider options with the customer
  • book an appointment with the post-release Employment Services Provider within 14 days of the release date, and
  • provide the details of the post-release Employment Services Provider appointment to the customer

Go to Step 7.


Exemption from mutual obligation requirements for prison release customers who participated in TWES + Read more ...

While other job seekers recently released from prison can be granted an Major Personal Crisis (MPC) exemption for up to 2 weeks, job seekers recently released from prison who were participating in the TWES programme up until release, are not eligible for an MPC exemption solely on the basis of prison release.

If the TWES participant is experiencing other forms of crisis, an MPC exemption may be granted at the discretion of the Service Officer.

See Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for prison release customers.