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Using the National Relay Service (NRS) 106-01040000

This document outlines how Services Australia can promote and use the National Relay Service (NRS) to help when communicating with customers who are deaf or have hearing loss.

On this page:

Confirming registration with the NRS

Making the call to NRS

Receiving an NRS call from a customer

Confirming registration with the NRS

Table 1




Customers must be registered to use NRS + Read more ...

Is the customer registered with the NRS?

  • No, go to step 2
  • Yes, confirm the customer’s NRS registered phone number. Record the phone number to assist with any further contacts and outbound calls via the NRS

For Centrelink customers: Record the NRS registered phone number as a DOA DOC.

For Medicare customers: Record the NRS registered phone number on their CDMS record.

For Child Support customers: Record the NRS registered phone number on their Child Support record.

When the customer is registered with NRS:

  • Go to Table 2, To make a call to NRS
  • Go to Table 3, To receive a call from NRS


Refer the customer to the NRS to register + Read more ...

Tell the customer about the NRS registration options:

  • Register online
  • Download a registration form online

Refer the customer to NRS website

Making the call to NRS

Table 2: Services Australia staff can use NRS to contact registered and non-registered users




Contact with customers + Read more ...

If the customer has presented at a Service Centre, go to Step 2.

If contact is required with a customer to confirm or make a Service Australia appointment, go to Step 3.


The customer presents to a Service Centre + Read more ...

There are call services you can use if a customer has hearing loss or speech disability and they wish to discuss their business via an interpreter.

Staff must ensure they are speaking to the correct owner of the record or their authorised nominee.

Is the customer registered with NRS?

  • Yes, confirm the customer’s NRS registered phone number and ensure the details match the DOA DOC on their record. Record a DOA DOC if the details are not recorded. Go to step 4
  • No, go to Step 5

If the customer wants to register with NRS, go to Table 1 step 2


Contact is required with a customer to confirm or make a Service Australia appointment + Read more ...

Check the customer’s record for a DOA DOC confirming the customer’s NRS registered phone number.

Is the customer registered with NRS?


Making a call to NRS for registered NRS users + Read more ...

Call the NRS TTY on 133 677:

  • listen to the computer prompt. Press '0' to continue
  • key the area code and phone number of the person being contacted, even if it is a local call followed by the '#' key
  • the caller will hear, 'Transferring you to a Relay Officer'
  • follow the instructions of the Relay Officer using relay call etiquette

For other phone communication options with people who are deaf, have hearing loss or speech disability, see the Resources page. The NRS Helpdesk can help confirm the correct call number.

If the customer presented at a Service Centre and has been authenticated, go to Step 7.

If the Service Officer is contacting the customer via NRS, go to Step 6 to complete the authentication process.


Making a call to NRS for non-registered NRS users + Read more ...

The call is made either through:

  • Voice Relay (primarily for people with a speech disability who need an NRS relay officer to speak their side of the conversation), or
  • SMS Relay (where the NRS relay officer listens to the caller and texts their side of the conversation to the NRS user)

Staff must call the NRS Helpdesk on 1800 555 660 to contact the non-registered NRS customer, then go to step 6 to complete the authentication process.


Authenticate the customer + Read more ...

Staff must ensure they are speaking to the correct owner of the record or their authorised nominee.

Centrelink, check:

  • Authenticating a Centrelink customer
  • if there is a password recorded on the customer record as a Display on Access (DOA) DOC. If not, encourage the customer to set a password
  • for a disability indicator on the customer record (do not disclose to customer):
    • DOA/Flashdoc - Vulnerability Indicator
    • OCD - Auslan interpreter code - QAIA or Other sign language - SIG
    • JCA - WC - Working Capacity or MC - Med Certs
    • Medical Conditions Summary Screen (MCSS)

Medicare, check:

Child Support, check:

  • Authenticating a Child Support customer
  • Offer passwords to all customers. The Child Support system can record a nominated password up to 15 characters long. The Service Officer tells the customer they may record a password on their account as an added security measure.

Go to Step 7.


Recording details + Read more ...

When the call is completed, update the person's record as required. Create a DOC stating the information was received by Relay Call via the NRS.

Receiving an NRS call from a customer

Table 3




Receiving a NRS call + Read more ...

Customers must be registered with NRS to be able to contact Services Australia.

The NRS Relay Officer will:

  • identify themselves as being from the NRS
  • say they have a call for Centrelink, Medicare or Child Support
  • relay the words of the caller (unless they state otherwise, for instance if they ask to repeat something)

The caller will begin the call.

Follow relay call etiquette.

Go to Step 2.


Authenticate the customer + Read more ...

Staff must be diligent and strictly follow the Proof of Record Ownership (PORO) processes to ensure they are speaking to the correct owner of the record or their authorised nominee. Failure to adhere to this procedure may result in customer information being compromised.

Centrelink check:

  • Authenticating a Centrelink customer
  • Ask the customer for their NRS registered phone number and name (to match the inbound call to the customer record)
  • Additional checks on the customer record should include:
  • Check the MCSS screen to see if the customer has a disability or medical condition listed that impacts their hearing or speech
  • Check the OCD – Auslan interpreter code – QAIA or other sign language - SIG

Medicare, check:

  • Authenticating a Medicare customer
  • if there is a Sensitive Information Indicator for a Password for enquiries on the customer’s CDMS record. If not, encourage the customer to set a password
  • for a Sensitive Information Indicator for Hearing and Speech

Child Support, check:

  • Authenticating a Child Support customer
  • Offer passwords to all customers:
    • the Child Support system can record a nominated password up to 15 characters long
    • the Service Officer tells the customer they may record a password on their account as an added security measure

Go to Step 3


The end of the call + Read more ...

Allow the person to end the conversation when they have completed the call.

When the text caller has finished, they will key 'GA TO SK' (or 'BYE TO SK'). This means 'Go Ahead to Stop Keying' and will be relayed by the Relay Officer. It may be 'translated' to something like 'Bye. And signing off'. Note: Voice Carry-over (VCO) and Speech to Speech Relay (SSR) callers will use their natural voice to sign off.

If there is nothing more to add to the conversation, respond in a similar manner. The caller will sign off by typing 'SKSK' (Stop Keying). This will be relayed by the Relay Officer, for example, 'Your caller has now signed off'.

The general response is 'Bye, signing off' and the call is ended. The Service Officer can thank the Relay Officer at the end of the call.

Go to Step 4


Recording details + Read more ...

When the call is complete, update the customer's record as required. Create a DOC stating the information was received by Relay Call via the NRS.