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Standards for helping customers complete claims and forms 106-02030000

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

This document outlines guidelines for Service Officers in helping customer's complete claims and forms.

Unauthorised agents or carers acting on behalf of claimants with a disability




Process claim using Medicare Claim form (MS014) + Read more ...

Offer to process the claim using a Medicare Claim form (MS014) completed by the unauthorised agent or carer if:

  • bank account details recorded - the claimant has bank account details recorded, pay the Medicare benefit into the claimant's bank account via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
  • no bank account details recorded - if the claimant does not have bank account details recorded update the Consumer Directory Management System (CDMS) or key bank account details in the NPBI screen whilst processing the claim and to pay the claimant via EFT
  • cannot provide valid EFT - where the claimant cannot provide valid EFT details, the payment of the claim will be held until EFT details can be provided

A statement of benefit (printed receipt) must be issued.


Make a note describing circumstances + Read more ...

Add a processing note in PaNDA to describe the circumstances. For example, ‘Assistance required as per Providing assistance to claimants with a disability’.

Note: if the claim form is signed by a carer, leave a processing note in PaNDA to state that the claim form is signed by a carer and not the claimant.