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Completing the Study Details MOD St 106-03070180

This document outlines how a customer completes the Study Details (MOD St) form. The MOD St can be accepted verbally and recorded on the customer's record.

Explanation for some complex questions on the MOD St

This table describes explanations for some of the more complex questions on the MOD St.




Will you be (or are you now) studying Year 12, or equivalent? + Read more ...

If a customer has attempted Year 12 twice before, and is planning to study Year 12 for the third attempt, they may not be eligible to receive assistance.

However, the previous attempts at Year 12 may be disregarded depending on the reasons. The customer can attach a statement as to why they are attempting Year 12 for the third time. See Disregarding previous study.


What is the highest level of education you have completed? + Read more ...

If the customer has completed a course overseas they need to advise what the equivalent course would be in Australia. It is important to know what level of study the customer has completed, as this can have a bearing on the customer's entitlement.

If the customer does not know the Australian equivalent, collect details of the overseas course and contact Local Peer Support (LPS).


Have you completed a tertiary course (e.g. university, TAFE)? + Read more ...

This question relates to the customer's previous study. The customer needs to advise:

  • the year they commenced
  • the year they completed the course
  • the institution they attended, and
  • the name of the course


Have you started a tertiary course but not completed it? + Read more ...

This includes study in any previous course/s and the customer's current course. Both full-time and part-time study need to be included. If part-time, the customer needs to provide the details of the subjects attempted. If the customer failed any subjects due to circumstances beyond their control, they should attach a statement with the reasons. See Disregarding previous study.


What are your current course details? + Read more ...

The customer is required to give full details of the course and institution at this question. Includes commencement date and finishing date for the study year/s.


Are you enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis? + Read more ...

If the customer is not sure whether they are a full-time or part-time student, they should attach details of their course subjects (hours and credit points), so Services Australia can assess their study load.


Do you want a Health Care Card? + Read more ...

This section is for full-time students who wish to apply for a Health Care Card. See Qualification for Low Income Health Care Card (LIC).


Which of the following documents and other attachments are you providing with this form? + Read more ...

Has the customer attached all required documents?

  • Details of subjects attempted on a part-time basis
  • Statement giving reasons for unsuccessful study
  • Details of course subjects if unsure if course is full-time or part-time


Customer's statement + Read more ...

The customer needs to read, sign and date this section.