Greece Agreement and foreign pension information 106-04016000
This document outlines information about the Agreement including the process of making a claim for Australian payment under the agreement and coding of Greek payments.
General information
Social Security Agreement between Australia and Greece
Category title |
Description |
Greek Social Security System |
Greek Social Security System + Read more ... In Greece, the pension insurance legislation needs the compulsory payment of social security contributions on behalf of employees, usually through deductions from paid employment. Contributions insure employees against disability and unemployment and provides for income in the form of a pension once the person reaches retirement age. The legislation is the responsibility of the Greek government but the collection of contributions and payment of pensions is the responsibility of the various pension funds. These are broadly arranged to cover the different industries. There are secondary occupational and voluntary, private insurance schemes. |
History and previous Agreements |
History and previous Agreements + Read more ... The Agreement with Greece started on 1 October 2008. There are no previous versions. |
Authorities, Institutions and Liaison Agencies |
Contact details for foreign pension authorities are available in the CODES facility. Competent authorities + Read more ... For Australia: Department of Social Services (DSS) For Greece: ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ & ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ - Γενική Γραμματεία Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων (ΓΓΚΑ) Ministry of Employment and Social Protection - General Secretariat of Social Security Competent institutions + Read more ... For Australia: Services Australia Note: the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is responsible for double coverage provisions. For Greece: Ηλεκτρονικός Εθνικός Φορέας Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης e-ΕΦΚΑ -e-EFKA (Electronic - Unified Social Security Institution) Note: there are other pension funds in Greece, which cover civil servants (τους δημόσιους υπαλλήλους) or merchant marines (τους ναυτικούς - NAT). These are not covered by the Agreement and the agency is not able to exchange information with them. Liaison agencies + Read more ... For Australia: Centrelink International Services (CIS) Note: the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is responsible for double coverage provisions. For Greece:
Note: liaison for any non- ex OGA case is through ex IKA-ETAM. |
Exchange of information and liaison forms |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. Exchange of information + Read more ... Under the Agreement with Greece, information held about customers may be exchanged between the liaison agencies to determine entitlement to payments under the Agreement and under either country's domestic legislation (Article 17.1). For more information on bulk data exchange, see International Data Exchange Program and auto-indexation of foreign pensions. Australian liaison form + Read more ... This form is completed by Centrelink International Services (CIS) and sent to Greece.
For help with creating and completing liaison form, see Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information. Greek liaison form + Read more ... The following liaison form is completed by Greece and sent to Centrelink International Services (CIS). Liaison Form (ΕΝΤΥΠΟ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΥ) - GR-AUS2 This form is used in all communication from Greece.
Medical assessments |
Medical assessments + Read more ... Invalidity/disability pensions are not covered under the Agreement. |
Double coverage/Taxation and Healthcare |
See general information about early release of superannuation, refunds of contribution, double coverage, taxation and health insurance. Double coverage/certificate of coverage + Read more ... The Agreement includes double coverage provisions. Certificates of coverage are used to confirm exemptions. Any enquiries about double coverage or certificates of coverage should be should be directed to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website. Taxation + Read more ... Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:
See general information on taxation, including issuing Australian payment summaries. Tax treaty Australia does not have a double tax agreement with Greece. Tax deduction Greek pensions may be taxed (ΦΟΡΟΣ/ Φοροσ) at the source. The gross rate of Greek pension, before any deduction, is maintained. Greek tax year Greece uses the calendar year (1 January - 31 December) as the tax year. Health insurance/Medicare + Read more ... Australia does not have a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) with Greece. See general information on health insurance and Medicare coverage. Any queries about:
Greek pensioners usually have a health insurance deduction (ΑΣΘΕΝΕΙΑ/ Ασθενεια) taken out of their payments. The gross rate of Greek pension, before any deduction, is maintained. Note: customers who are under Greek pension age who claim Australian pension may lose their coverage in the Greek social security system, including health insurance. Customers will need to decide whether to proceed with their Australian pension claim. |
Additional information |
Languages + Read more ... The official language of Greece is Greek. See Greek naming convention and pronunciation. Greek naming standards + Read more ... It is important to record all forms/variations of customers name on the Customer Personal Detail Summary (CPDS) screen. Note:
Address and contact details + Read more ... Telephone country code is +30. Street address: Title FirstName Surname [Addressee] Alkamenou 78 [Street address] 151 24 MAROUSI [Post code + town] GREECE Post Office Box address: Title FirstName Surname [Addressee] P.O. BOX 999 [Post office box + number] 111 42 ATHENS [Post code + town] GREECE Note:
Same-sex relationships + Read more ... Same-sex marriage is not legal in Greece; however, Greece has recognised same-sex co-habitation agreements providing several of the rights and benefits of marriage since 2015. |
Australian payments
Rules for Australian payments
Category title |
Description |
Australian payments |
Payments covered under the Agreement + Read more ... For Australia, the Agreement with Greece (Article 2.1(a)(i)) covers the Age Pension. |
Australian claim forms and processes |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations In Australia + Read more ... Claims for Australian payments under International Agreements use the same methods and processes as domestic claims. In Greece + Read more ... Forms to claim an Australian payment in Greece can be obtained by:
Australian forms needed The customer completes and provides the following:
Forms can be lodged at any Greek social security office. Under the Administrative Arrangements, the Greek institutions will:
Greek Proof of identity verification + Read more ... Identity documents can only be accepted if they have been stamped by the Agreement partner EFKA (IKA or OGA) or KEP. See Proof of identity overseas customers. |
Lodgement rules and start day |
All claims for Australian payments under International Agreements are assessed by Centrelink International Services (CIS). Residence rules for claims + Read more ... If a person is not an Australian resident and in Australia on the date the claim is made, they may use the Agreement to meet the residence rules for claims if, on that date, they are:
Note: although a customer may be able to claim a payment while residing or present in a third country, they cannot be paid unless the Agreement also allows them to be portable. For example, the Agreement with Greece, allows for normal portability. As Disability Support Pension (DSP) is only portable for limited temporary absences, a person who is not residing in Greece, is not portable. This means their DSP claim would be rejected. Claim lodgement + Read more ... Claims under the Greek Agreement A claim for Australian payment under the Greek Agreement may not be lodged in another Australian Agreement country. See the Claim lodgement matrix. Accepting other Agreement claims Greece will not accept claims for Australian benefits under other Australian social security agreements. Claim lodgement consideration There are no specific considerations under the Greek Agreement. Date the claim is 'made' and start day + Read more ... The normal rules for working out the start day apply to a claim under the Agreement with Greece. However, the Agreement also allows the date of lodgement of a claim for:
For coding help, see |
Qualification/Totalisation |
Totalisation of Qualifying Periods + Read more ... The Agreement allows:
See Resources in International Social Security Agreements for examples of totalisation. Greek periods of coverage + Read more ... Greek period of coverage:
Greek contributions for Australian claims + Read more ... Greek contributions are:
If contributions are required for totalisation, a liaison must be sent to the relevant fund. If the Greek fund is not known, the liaison should be sent to EFKA First Regional Employee Branch of Attica.
Assuming OGA contributions + Read more ... OGA contributions for OGA:
Minimum Working Life Residence (WLR) to totalise + Read more ... To be able to use the totalisation provisions, a person who is not an Australian resident at the date of lodgement must have at least 12 months Australian Working Life Residence (WLR) of which 6 months must be continuous (Article 11.4(a)). Note: unlike WLR for rate, this period cannot be rounded. No minimum WLR is needed if the person is an Australian resident at the date of lodgement (Article 11.4(b)). Ongoing residence requirements + Read more ... Customers residing in Greece do not meet the ongoing residence requirement for DSP. |
Rate calculation |
The rate of payment may be affected by the Agreement with New Zealand. Outside Australia: + Read more ... Unlike most other agreements, the Agreement with Greece refers to the Australian legislation to decide the income assessed and the maximum rate that is used in the rate calculation but specifies the proportion to be used (Article 12.1). This means customers paid under the Agreement who are outside Australia have:
The Greek Agreement does not include the proportionalisation of any Greek pension in the income test (Randisi concession). Note: the Rate Limiter/Limited Rate is not applied. 300 versus 528 denominator For customers who were Australian residents on 1 October 2008, the date the Agreement started, the proportion to be used is the customer's Australian WLR (to a maximum of 300 months) divided by 300 (Article 12.2). For customers who were not Australian residents on implementation, the proportion is the customer's WLR (to a maximum of 528 months) divided by 528. This is referred to as the 528 denominator. The Agreement proportional rate will override the domestic proportional rate for any absence within 2 years of the date they became an Australian resident again. In this case, code Agreement Country: and Agreement year: fields again on the Australian Residence Details (ARD) screen on departure. The 528 denominator applies for the duration of the absence, if the customer:
Note: In some circumstances, their partner's WLR may be used. See Australian Working Life Residence (WLR). Non-proportional rate extension Customers paid under the Agreement and temporarily outside Australia, cannot have their non-proportional portability rate extended if they are unable to return to Australia. Returns to Australia: + Read more ... The proportional rate continues to apply for the first 26 weeks of a temporary return to Australia (Article 12.4).
Inside Australia + Read more ... Customers in Australia under the Agreement are generally paid a direct deduction rate (Article 12.6). The Agreement does not include a comparison rate in Australia. Departures from Australia + Read more ... The inside Australia rate continues to be paid for the first 26 weeks of a temporary departure from Australia (Article 12.7). |
Portability |
Portability + Read more ... Payments under the Agreement Under the Agreement provided the customer remains qualified, Australian payments are payable indefinitely while the customer remains resident or present in either Australia or Greece (Article 5.1). Third country portability under the Agreement There is no portability for a permanent departure to a third country for a customer paid under the Agreement. See Portability of payments. |
Transfers to/from Agreement |
Transfers to the Greek Agreement + Read more ... If necessary, a customer who receives an autonomous payment that stops being payable due to portability reasons can transfer to the Agreement to continue payment if:
If transferred to the Agreement, all Agreement rules apply to the customer, including portability and rate of payment. Transfers to autonomous + Read more ... A person who would be autonomously qualified but is paid under the Agreement can transfer from the Agreement to autonomous only if they are an Australian resident and in Australia. Note: the 528 denominator rate may apply for any departures from Australia within 2 years of again becoming an Australian resident. See Rate calculation. On return to Australia, system processing will automatically transfer from the Agreement to autonomous if the person is an Australian resident who has only used the Agreement to extend their portability while outside Australia. Former resident provisions may affect customers who transfer to autonomous if they leave Australia again within 2 years of becoming an Australian resident. |
Paying customers in Greece |
Australian payments to overseas bank account Read more ... Australian payments may be issued to customers outside of Australia. If the customer intends to be outside of Australia:
See Delivery of payments to Centrelink customers outside Australia. |
Greek payments
Rules for Greek payments
Category title |
Description |
Greek payments |
Payments covered under the Agreement + Read more ... For Greece, the Agreement covers the general and specific schemes, which apply to all employed persons and the self-employed as well as those covered by the agricultural insurance scheme (OGA). Main payment
Supplementary payments/Allowances
Other known payments + Read more ... The following known payments are paid by the Greek authorities but are not covered under the Agreement:
For help with:
Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) |
Requirement to claim CFP + Read more ... The requirement to claim Greek pension applies to Greek AGE. Note: Greek survivor pension (SUR) is not covered by the Agreement but may be paid to residents of Greece only. A Manual Follow-up (MFU) applies for customers who are resident in Greece and whose partner dies if the partner was receiving Greek AGE. Eligibility for Greek payments + Read more ... The Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions tab contains detailed information on Greek payments that are subject to CFP legislation. |
Greek claim forms and processes |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. In Australia: + Read more ... Claim pack is available for AGE. Claim packs are issued through the Foreign Pension System (FPS). See Assisting customers to claims a foreign pension. Specific requirements for Greek claims The customer is to complete and provide the following: All claims:
Requests for additional information If details provided with the claim for Greek pension is incomplete, Greece will send requests for information in Greek direct to customers. Note: details may also be needed after the decision to grant has been made, for example, life certificate and Greek reference numbers. Receipt of foreign pension claim by Services Australia Under the Administrative Arrangements, Greek forms can be lodged in Australia at any service centre. See Processing a foreign pension claim.
Centrelink International Services (CIS) only: CIS will complete the following or arrange for the following to be completed as necessary and attach to the foreign pension claim to send to the agreement country. See Agreement Liaison Detail (ALD) for method of transmission. All claims:
The liaison form for Greece populates Australian historical residence (RSAHR). For help with creating and completing the liaison form, see Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information. The original Greek workbook is sent to Greece and a photocopy is returned to the customer. In Greece + Read more ... Enquiries about claims for Greek payments in Greece or a third country should be directed to the Greek social security authorities. |
Payment method and Indexation (CPI) |
Payment method + Read more ... Greek pensions may be paid by direct deposit in Australia. Any queries about the non-payment of Greek pension should be directed to the Greek pension authorities. Frequency + Read more ... Agreement pensions are paid as 12 regular monthly payments. Coded as Frequency: 'ANN'. Note:
Other benefits or private pensions are normally paid monthly or annually. Bonus payments before 1 January 2013: Bonus payments for periods before 1 January 2013 were paid as the equivalent of two extra monthly payments over the year. Code as Frequency: '14P'. However, for IKA pensions of 400 Euro per month or higher paid between 1 July 2010 and 1 January 2013, the bonus was an extra 800 Euro per annum. Code total of (gross monthly rate ETAM component x 12 + 800 and ETEAM component x 14) as Frequency: 'ANN'. Note: for pensions over 2500 Euro per month, bonus payments may be pro-rata. An official statement should verify these amounts. Currency + Read more ... Greek pensions must be recorded in the source currency - Euro (EUR). Official statements provide the foreign currency amounts. Amounts recorded in source currency on the Foreign Pensions Details (FPD) screen must not be changed to the Australian dollar amount. Note: payments into Australia are paid in Australian dollars. Indexation (CPI) + Read more ... Greek pensions may be increased for CPI or cost of living irregularly subject to various factors. Increases are generally determined around April or May each year but applied retrospectively and arrears paid from 1 January. Ad-hoc increases may also occur at other times, for example, from 1 July. The amount and date of CPI increases varies between the pension funds. Prior to January 2023, there were no CPI increases to Greek pensions paid by EFKA IKA/OGA since 2008 for OGA and 2012 for IKA. For information on bulk data exchanges and auto adjusted CPI increases, see International Data Exchange Program and auto-indexation of foreign pensions. |
Assessment |
The assessment and coding of Greek pensions may be affected by the Agreement with New Zealand. Agreement pension (AGE) is generally: + Read more ...
See Rate Calculation for when a direct deduction or proportional rate is applied. Note:
The following payments are assessed as ordinary income: + Read more ...
The following payments are exempt: + Read more ... These payments are exempt income for customers paid under the Agreement or autonomously, who are outside Australia and for the first 26 weeks of a temporary return to Australia (Article 12.5):
Child payment (Παιδική πληρωμή) including Family payment (Oικογενειακά επιδόματα) and Child support allowance (Επιδομα στηριξησ μονοπαιδιου τεκνον) is exempt for customers paid:
Greek austerity law exemption + Read more ... In 2010, Greece warned that it may default on their loans. The European Union and International Monetary Fund provided billions of euros in emergency funds in return for austerity measures. Austerity measures were the first of a number of countermeasures to counter the Greek government-debt crisis in 2010. A number of laws were introduced including the:
Amounts recorded under items 4024, 4051 and 4093 on a customer’s Greek pension statement are not considered to be part of the gross rate. The customer receives no value for these reductions. This means that the amount of Greek Old Age Pension after these reductions should be assessed and coded. No other reductions or deductions are allowed, for example, for tax or health insurance. This decision is based on a policy determination. Coding – Special notes + Read more ... Greek pension basics The words used on Greek pension statement for payment type and amount stated (gross/net) does not vary. Finding the keywords on the statement will assist in determining the pension type and amount. See Greek simple words and phrase translations for common words and phrases used on Greek pension statements. The gross rate of Greek pension, (before any deduction, apart from Greek austerity law exemption) is maintained. If the liaison from EFKA (IKA) shows the pension amount, still request a current pension statement, as the liaison does not always show any exempt or supplement payments. Pension amounts shown on EFKA (OGA) liaison are usually complete. Greek pension type The type of pension can be determined from IKA/OAEE pension statements by the single standalone number at the start (for OAEE) and at the end (for IKA) of the customer’s AM number. The number denotes the type of pension the customer receives: 1 = DSP 2 = AGE 3 = SUR On OGA pension statements, the pension type can be identified by the starting letter of the pension type:
Greek pension number glossary
Arrears debts and embargo |
The assessment and coding of Greek pensions may be affected by the Agreement with New Zealand. Arrears debts and embargo + Read more ... The Agreement includes embargo provisions (Article 16.2) but they are not used. Arrears debts for customers and partners are raised under s1228A Social Security Act 1991 and recovered via normal methods under the Act. See Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) lump sum arrears debts. When an arrears period is not provided, the arrears period end date may be assumed to be the end of the month before the date on the notice or liaison form. A contravention debt may also occur if the customer does not advise of the grant of their Greek payment within their notification period. See Foreign Pension coding. Note: Greek pension authorities may withhold customers’ Greek payment if they do not receive the required Greek reference numbers from the customer. See Non-payment of Greek pensions and requests for Greek Reference Numbers (AMKA/AFM). |
Life certificates, notices and documents |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. Life certificates + Read more ...
Greek Life Certificates can be certified by an officer of Services Australia. For information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension. Notices and documents + Read more ... Greek pension statements are varied and can be issued:
Customers in Australia are sent notices at grant and changes of rate, for example, indexation. Other Greek financial documentation + Read more ... There are several financial documents from Greece that can be requested from the customer to assess a claim for an Australian payment or reassess existing Australian entitlements. Note: this information is outside the scope of the Agreement. Tax returns:
Property statements:
The E9, ENFIA, and ETAK/FAP have columns that are the same for each form. The main columns required for claims processing are:
For information on how to assess and code Greek income and asset, see Foreign income and assets. |
Non-payment of Greek pensions and requests for Greek Reference Numbers (AMKA/AFM) |
Request for Greek Reference Numbers (AMKA/AFM) and non-payment Greek pension + Read more ... The Greek pension authorities may contact customers in Australia who are receiving or have claimed Greek pension asking them to provide their:
If not provided, the Greek authorities may contact customers in Australia requesting confirmation or rejecting claims and stopping existing payments. In most cases, there will still be significant delays before payment is received even for customers who have complied with all the requirements for payment. In recognition of these delays, Centrelink International Services (CIS) delay the processing of arrears debts when notice of the grant of a Greek pension (NOG) is received. Access staff should encourage customers to deal with the Greek authorities in the first instance but may refer customers having trouble to CIS. See Resources for a link. AMKA/AFM process for Centrelink International Services (CIS) only + Read more ... Process to get AMKA/AFM Information for staff and customers and copies of forms and translations are available through the International Services homepage. See Resources for a link. The process to get an AMKA number is provided through completing the Greek claim form or completing an authorisation on the notices sent by the Greek authorities. Certification by a staff member of the agency is acceptable for these forms. However, neither the Greek pension authorities nor the agency can help customers to get an AFM. Customers will need to deal directly with the Greek tax authority. Requirement to claim or maintain Greek pension (CFP) + Read more ... Policy advice is it is not reasonable for a customer to be expected to travel to Greece or incur significant cost to get an AFM. Customers who choose not to pursue a claim or keep their Greek pension only because of AFM issues should not be penalised. Note: this does not apply to customers in Greece who should be able to follow Greek requirements Other requirements for payment of Greek pensions such as for AMKA, life certificates or bank accounts are considered reasonable in all cases. Delays in processing of information by the Greek authorities or difficulties in contacting the Greek authorities is not sufficient reason to apply an exemption. While every effort should be made to help the customer, a decision may be made to decide that the customer does not need to claim or to remove the Greek pension and reassess their Australian pension provided it is determined that it is not reasonable for the customer to take the necessary steps to get the Greek pension. See: Process for Greek pension Notices of Grant (NOGs) + Read more ... The Greek pension authorities may advise the grant of a Greek pension, including arrears payment, before the income is released to the customer. Customers may not actually receive any payment if they do not meet the requirements, including an AFM. For this reason, policy advice has approved specialist coding for Greek NOGs:
Note: finalisation of this review allows payment of arrears to the customer if the coding of Greek pension is removed later.
Customer in financial hardship + Read more ... Customers who have had Greek pension coded but who have not received any payments may contact saying they are experiencing financial hardship. Staff in Centrelink International Services (CIS) may temporarily remove the assessment of Greek pension but must make sure the customer understands that they will incur a debt once payments of Greek pension are received in addition to any arrears debt that has been deferred. Staff should also check that customers have followed all known requirements for payment of Greek pension and that they should contact the Greek authorities regularly to check on progress of their claim. If needed:
Processing Greek pension Notice of Grant (NOG) reviews + Read more ... When the review of the Greek NOG coding matures, contact the customer to determine if payment has been received. If the customer has received payment:
If the customer has not received payment: If it is determined that the customer has taken reasonable steps to attempt to receive payment taking into account the policy advice about AFM:
Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions
Eligibility criteria for Σύνταξη Γήρατος - Old Age Pension (AGE)
Table 1
Agreement pension coding
Table 2: This table contains coding of the Greek Agreement pension on the Foreign Pensions Details (FPD) screen.
Field |
Coding needed |
Country |
GR |
Type |
Description 1 |
Code the acronym of the Greek reference number (in order of preference):
Note: if all are known, ensure AMKA is also coded in the Foreign Description: field on the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen. |
Ref 1 |
Code the Greek Reference Number (number only) |
Description 2 |
Leave blank |
Ref 2 |
Leave blank |
Currency |
Euro (EUR) Note: for arrears period coding, see Arrears debts and embargo. |
Frequency |
Basic Amount |
Code the gross monthly amount x 12 as shown on the Notice of Grant or official pension statement. Note:
Social/Welfare Amt |
Code exempt EKAS, Uninsured Aged Person's Pension and Family Benefits and Child Support Allowance when provided. Otherwise, leave blank. |
Other payment coding
Table 3: This table contains coding details of other Greek payments on the Foreign Pensions Details (FPD) screen.
Field |
Coding needed |
Country |
GR |
Type |
Description 1 |
Code the acronym of the Greek reference number (in order of preference):
Note: if all are known, ensure AMKA is also coded in the Foreign Description: field on the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen. |
Ref 1 |
Code the Greek Reference Number (number only) |
Description 2 |
Leave blank. |
Ref 2 |
Leave blank. |
Currency |
Euro (EUR) Note: for arrears period coding, see Arrears debts and embargo. |
Frequency |
ANN Note: for non-standard frequencies, see Frequency |
Basic Amount |
Code the gross monthly amount x 12 as indicated on the Notice of Grant or official pension statement. |
Social/Welfare Amt |
Code exempt Agreement payments EKAS, Uninsured Aged Person's Pension and Family Benefits and Child Support Allowance when provided. Otherwise, leave blank. |