United States of America Agreement and foreign pension information 106-04035000
This page outlines information about the Agreement, including the process of making a claim for Australian payment under the agreement and coding of United States (US) payments.
General information
Social Security Agreement between Australia and the United States of America (USA)
Category title |
Description |
United States (US) Social Security System |
US Social Security System + Read more ... In the US, national social security legislation is the responsibility of the federal government. The Social Security Act generally provides coverage for employed and self-employed persons through the collection of compulsory contributions, which insures the contributor, and their family, against disability and death and provide for income in the form of a pension once the person reaches retirement age. The collection of contributions and payment of pensions is generally the responsibility of the centralised Social Security Administration. A supplemental income scheme applies to qualified individuals with low income. |
History and previous Agreements |
Widow B Pension, Wife Pension and Bereavement Allowance + Read more ... Widow B Pension and Wife Pension were sunsetted in 1995 and, along with Bereavement Allowance, ceased being paid from 2020. See: For historical assessments under this Agreement, former Widow B Pension. History and previous Agreements + Read more ... The Agreement with the US started on 1 October 2002. There are no previous versions. |
Authorities, Institutions and Liaison Agencies |
Contact details for foreign pension authorities are available in the CODES facility. Competent authorities + Read more ... For Australia: Department of Social Services (DSS) For US: Commissioner of Social Security Competent institutions + Read more ... For Australia: Services Australia Note: the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is responsible for double coverage provisions. For US: Social Security Administration Liaison agencies + Read more ... For Australia: Centrelink International Services (CIS) Note: the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is responsible for double coverage provisions. For US: Department of Veterans' Affairs Regional Office (VARO) in Manila, Philippines |
Exchange of information and liaison forms |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations Exchange of information + Read more ... Under the Agreement with the US, information held about customers may be exchanged between the liaison agencies to determine entitlement to payments under the Agreement only (Article 13.2). To allow the US to provide information in all cases, a statement authorising the US authorities to release information to the department is included in the Interim Claim for claim US pension. See Claim forms and processes. For information on bulk data exchange and auto-indexation, see International Data Exchange Program and auto-indexation of foreign pensions. Australian liaison form + Read more ... The following liaison form is completed by Centrelink International Services (CIS) and sent to the US:
For help with creating and completing the liaison form, see Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information. Consent Form (USA) - (AUS161) This form is required for the US to provide information to Australia about a customer who has not used the Agreement:
The following information is required from the customer:
US liaison form + Read more ... The following liaison form is completed by the US and is sent to Centrelink International Services (CIS). Transmittal/Request/Certification Form - USA/AUS3 This form is used in all communication from the US.
Medical assessments |
Medical assessments + Read more ... Under the Administrative Arrangements, each country will arrange for copies of existing medical information to be sent with claims for invalidity/disability pensions. Medical examinations may also be undertaken upon request for foreign pension claim purpose, unless acceptable evidence is available that is less than 12 months old. The liaison agency will contact Services Australia and request this be done. There is no provision for reimbursement of costs to either country. The customer must contact Services Australia if they receive a direct request from the liaison agency to undertake a medical examination. Advise them to undertake Services Australia’s foreign pension medical assessment process. Where the customer has already undertaken a medical examination based on a direct request from the Agreement partner without consulting Services Australia, the customer should contact the liaison agency to discuss any possible reimbursement options. If a customer is claiming reimbursement of costs based on undertaking a medical examination requested by Services Australia for foreign pension purpose, consider all evidence provided. For example, if incorrect advice was provided to the customer by Services Australia that caused them to seek an independent medical examination which caused the customer to be out of pocket. See Customer compensation and Act of Grace. See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. |
Double coverage/Taxation and Healthcare |
See general information about early release of superannuation, refunds of contributions, double coverage, taxation and health insurance. Double coverage/certificates of coverage + Read more ... The Agreement with the US includes double coverage provisions. Certificates of coverage are used to confirm exemptions. Any enquiries about double coverage or certificates of coverage should be directed to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website. Taxation + Read more ... Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:
See general information on taxation information on taxation, including issuing Australian payment summaries. Tax treaty Australia has a double tax agreement with the US, which avoids the need to pay tax in both countries. Tax deductions from pensions from one country are allowed as a credit against tax payable for residents of the other country. Tax deduction US pensions may be taxed at the source. The gross rate of US pension, before any deduction, is maintained. US tax year The US uses the calendar year (1 January - 31 December) as the tax year. Health insurance/Medicare + Read more ... Australia does not have a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) with the US. See general information on health insurance and Medicare coverage. Any queries about:
Additional information |
Languages + Read more ... Although the US does not have an official language, the most common language used is English (specifically, American English), which is the de facto national language. Date of birth is written Month/Day/Year. Home address coding for payments to the US + Read more ... There is a mandatory requirement for the coding of the HOMe address in a certain format to ensure successful delivery of payment to the US. The HOMe address is recorded in the payment file and if formatted incorrectly may result in the rejection of the customer’s payment. See United States of America in the Overseas Bank Account Details (OBAD) index. Address to be used for mail/letter delivery must be coded as a POStal address. Address and contact details + Read more ... Telephone country code is +1. Street address Title FirstName Surname [Addressee] 12850 Mulholland Drive NW # 3 [Street number + street name + any directional information (NW, SE, NE, SW) + # apartment/suite/room number] BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 [Town/city + state + zip code] UNITED STATES Post Office Box address Title FirstName Surname [Addressee] PO BOX 101010 [Post Office Box + number] BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 [Town/city + state + zip code] UNITED STATES Same-sex relationships + Read more ... Same-sex marriage is legal in all states (but not the territory of American Samoa and some Native American tribal jurisdictions) since June 2015. |
Australian payments
Rules for Australian payments
Category title |
Description |
Australian payments |
Payments covered under the Agreement + Read more ... For Australia, the Agreement with the US (Article 2.1) covers:
Australian claim forms and processes |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. In Australia + Read more ... Claims for Australian payments under International Agreements use the same methods and processes as domestic claims. In the US + Read more ... Forms to claim an Australian payment in the US can be obtained by:
Australian forms needed The customer is to complete and provide the following: All claims:
DSP only:
Note: the US arranges for the AUS175 to be completed on a case-by-case basis CP only:
Forms can be lodged at any US social security office. Under Article 4 of the Administrative Arrangements, the US liaison agency will:
See Exchange of information and liaison forms. Note: identity documents certified by a US Notary are not acceptable. |
Lodgement rules and start day |
All claims for Australian payments under International Agreements are assessed by Centrelink International Services (CIS). Residence rules for claims + Read more ... If a person is not an Australian resident and in Australia on the date the claim is made, they may use the Agreement to meet the residence rules for claims if, on that date, they are:
Claim lodgement + Read more ... Claims under the US Agreement Claims for Australian payment under the US Agreement may be lodged in certain other Australian Agreement countries. See the Claim lodgement matrix. Accepting other Agreement claims The US will not accept claims for Australian benefits under other Australian social security agreements. Claim lodgement consideration The customer must also satisfy any other rules under the other agreement and other social security law provisions, including portability. For example, DSP can be claimed in a third country but has an ongoing residence requirement. Therefore, if the claimant is:
Date the claim is 'made' and start day + Read more ... The normal rules for working out the date a claim is 'made' and the start day apply to claims under the Agreement with the US. However, the Agreement also allows:
Note: the US agreement does not specifically state that the date on which a claim is lodged with the agency of one party shall be considered as the date of lodgement of that document with the agency of the other party. Advice from Department of Social Services (DSS) policy is that the intent is to include the provision, aligning with other agreements, and that the date an Australian claim is lodged in the US is deemed to be the date of lodgement in Australia. For coding help, see: |
Qualification/Totalisation |
Totalisation of qualifying periods + Read more ... The Agreement allows:
See Resources in International Social Security Agreements for examples of totalisation. United States periods of coverage + Read more ... US periods of coverage:
One quarter of US coverage is equivalent to 3 months of Australian working life residence (WLR) (Article 7.2). Minimum Working Life Residence (WLR) to totalise + Read more ... To be able to use the totalisation provisions, a person who is not an Australian resident at the date of lodgement must have at least 12 months Australian Working Life Residence (WLR) in Australia of which 6 months must be continuous (Article 9.4). Note: unlike WLR for rate, this period cannot be rounded. No minimum WLR is required if the person is an Australian resident at the date of lodgement (Article 9.4). Carer Payment (CP) + Read more ... CP has no qualifying residence periods but does have a Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP). Beside normal exemptions, a NARWP only applies to a person who has 'entered Australia'. See Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP) and Qualifying Residence Period. A person who is resident and present outside Australia has not entered Australia and therefore does not have a NARWP. To avoid granting CP to a person who has never been to Australia, the Agreement requires a person to have been an Australian resident at some time (Article 8.1). Ongoing residence requirements + Read more ... The Agreement allows the ongoing residence requirement for DSP, PPS and CP to be met by customers who reside in the US (Article 5.1). |
Rate calculation |
The rate of payment may be affected by the Agreement with New Zealand. Outside Australia + Read more ... For customers outside Australia, the Agreement with the US (Article 10.1) refers to the overall rate calculation contained in section 12(1) of the Social Security (International Agreements) Act 1999. This means customers paid under the Agreement have:
Non-proportional rate extension Customers paid under the Agreement and temporarily outside Australia, cannot have their non-proportional portability rate extended if they are unable to return to Australia Returns to Australia The proportional rate continues to apply for the first 26 weeks of a temporary return to Australia (Article 10.4).
Inside Australia + Read more ... Customers in Australia under an Agreement are paid a direct deduction rate (Article 10.5). This Agreement includes a comparison rate in Australia, that is, the higher of direct deduction or proportional rate is paid (Article 10.7). Departures from Australia The inside Australia rate continues to be paid for the first 26 weeks of a temporary departure from Australia (Article 10.6). |
Portability |
Portability + Read more ... Payments under the Agreement Under the Agreement, provided the customer stays qualified, Australian payments are payable indefinitely in both countries, that is, for temporary or permanent absences (Article 5.1). Third country portability under the Agreement Portability to third countries for a customer paid under the Agreement is the same as for an autonomous customer leaving Australia (Article 5.2). See Portability of payments. |
Transfers to/from Agreement |
Transfers to the US Agreement + Read more ... If necessary, a customer who receives an autonomous payment that stops being payable due to portability reasons can transfer to the Agreement to continue payment if:
If transferred to the Agreement, all Agreement rules apply to the customer, including portability and rate of payment. Transfers to autonomous + Read more ... A person who has sufficient Australian qualifying residence (or an exemption) can transfer from the Agreement to autonomous only if they are an Australian resident and in Australia. On return to Australia, system processing will automatically transfer from the Agreement to autonomous if the person is an Australian resident who has only used the Agreement to extend their portability while outside Australia. Former resident provisions may affect customers who transfer to autonomous if they leave Australia again within 2 years of becoming an Australian resident. |
Paying customers in the US |
Australian payments to overseas bank account Read more ... Australian payments may be issued to customers outside of Australia. If the customer intends to be outside of Australia:
See Delivery of payments to Centrelink customers outside Australia. Note: there are mandatory coding requirements for US bank accounts. If the HOMe address format is not correct, the payment will reject. See United States of America in the Overseas Bank Account Details (OBAD) index for mandatory coding instructions. |
US payments
Rules for US payments
Category title |
Description |
US payments |
Payments covered under the Agreement + Read more ... For the US, the Agreement covers the old age, survivor's and disability insurance under the Social Security Act. Main payments
Other known payments + Read more ... The following known payments are paid by the US authorities but are not covered under the Agreement:
For help with:
Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) |
Requirement to claim CFP + Read more ... The requirement to claim applies to US AGE and INV. Customers may voluntarily claim SUR. Eligibility for US payments + Read more ... Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions tab contains detailed information on US payments that are subject to CFP legislation. |
US claim forms and processes |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. In Australia + Read more ... Unlike most other Agreement countries, there are no classic claim packs for US payments. The claim process with the US uses a Request to Claim (RQI) - like the process for non-agreement countries. This is sent to the US authorities in Manila who then decide which forms are needed and send them direct to the customer. The RQI are issued through the Foreign Pension System (FPS). See Assisting customers to claim a foreign pension. Specific requirements for US claims All claims:
INV only:
See Foreign pension medical assessments. US quarter request Requests for quarters must be received from Manila. If a request comes from the Central Fund in Baltimore, forward it to Manila. Requests for additional information If information provided with the claim for a US pension is incomplete, the US will send requests for information direct to customers. Employment periods Under the Agreement with the USA (Article 1.1(g)), the US may request periods of employment or self-employment in Australia during AWLR. The Verification of Working life residence and employment in Australia (AUS027US) form is to be sent to the customer requesting verification. See Working Life Residence (WLR). Receipt of foreign pension request to claim by Services Australia + Read more ... Under the Administrative Arrangements, US forms can be lodged in Australia at any service centre. See Processing a foreign pension claim.
Centrelink International Services (CIS) only: CIS will complete the following or arrange for the following to be completed as necessary and attach the documents to the foreign pension request to send to the agreement country. See Agreement Liaison Detail (ALD) for method of transmission. All claims:
For help with creating and completing the liaison form, see Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information. INV only:
In the US + Read more ... Enquiries about claims for US payments in the US or a third country should be directed to the US social security authorities. |
Payment method and Indexation (CPI) |
Payment method + Read more ... US payments may be made by direct deposit in Australia. Any queries about the non-payment of US pension should be directed to the US pension authorities. Frequency + Read more ... Agreement pensions are paid as 12 regular monthly payments. There are no bonus payments. Other benefits or private pensions are normally paid, monthly or annually. Currency + Read more ... US pensions must be recorded in the source currency - US dollar (USD). Official statements provide the foreign currency amounts. Amounts recorded in source currency on the Foreign Pensions Details (FPD) screen must not be changed to the Australian dollars amount. Note: payments into Australia are made in Australian dollars. Indexation (CPI) + Read more ... US payments are generally increased for Consumer Price Index (CPI or cost of living) annually in December. The payment for December is received in January of the following year. For information on bulk data exchanges and auto adjusted CPI increases, see International Data Exchange Program and auto-indexation of foreign pensions. |
Assessment |
The assessment and coding of US pensions may be affected by the Agreement with New Zealand. Agreement pension (AGE/INV/SUR) are generally: + Read more ...
See Rate Calculation for when a direct when a direct deduction or proportional rate is applied. Note: each member of a couple is deemed to receive half of the total amount received by the couple (Article 10.8) The following payment is assessed the same as the agreement pension: + Read more ... Spouse/Divorced Spouse benefits Spouse benefits are an entitlement for the partner, or former partner (divorced) of a person who receives Retirement or Disability Pension a payment. The person may receive these payments even if they receive a Retirement or Disability Pension themselves. Although this payment is not covered under the Agreement, due to the nature of this payment, it is assessed the same as an agreement pension. The following payments are assessed as ordinary income: + Read more ... No known payments. The following payments are exempt: These payments are assessed as exempt income for customers under the Agreement and autonomous: Coronavirus (COVID-19) payments The US have paid, and continue to pay, economic stimulus payments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These payments are made through the US Treasury or Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and should be clearly identified as ‘Economic Impact Payment’ or similar on any payment advice. Supplemental Social Income (SSI) payment A monthly payment for people with disabilities including blindness, and older adults who have little or no income or resources. This payment is means tested and customers eligible for this payment are obliged to report changes in their income, resources and living arrangement each month to SSA. SSI payments are assessed as exempt income if customer is outside Australia (Article 10.3) and for the first 26 weeks of a temporary return to Australia. This payment is generally not paid outside the US. Coding should be reviewed if customer is in Australia. Child’s benefits Child’s benefits are an entitlement for the child and are paid to the pension recipient parent. If the child:
Arrears debts and embargo |
The assessment and coding of US pensions may be affected by the Agreement with New Zealand. Arrears debts and embargo + Read more ... The Agreement does not include embargo provisions. Arrears debts for customers and their partners are raised under s1228A Social Security Act 1991 and recovered via normal methods under the Act. See Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) lump sum arrears. Where an arrears period is not provided, the arrears period end date can be assumed to be the end of the month prior to the date on the notice. A contravention debt may also occur if the customer does not advise of the grant of their US payment within their notification period. See Foreign pension coding. |
Life certificates, notices and documents |
See Agreement Country Document Catalogue (ACDC) for samples of forms, foreign documents and translations. Life certificates + Read more ... The US does not issue Life certificates. They may issue the Details of Citizenship and Confirmation of details form for continuation of payment on an ad hoc basis. Notices and documents + Read more ... Customers in Australia are sent notices at grant and will receive an annual statement for tax purposes in US dollars in December each year. |
Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions
Eligibility criteria for Retirement Pension (AGE)
Table 1
Eligibility criteria for Disability Pension (INV)
Table 2
Eligibility criteria for Survivor Pension (SUR)
Table 3
Agreement pension coding
Table 4: This table contains coding of US Agreement pensions on the Foreign Pensions Details (FPD) screen.
Field |
Coding required |
Country |
US |
Type |
Do not code exempt Child’s Benefits or Coronavirus payment. |
Description 1 |
Only code this field if Ref 1 is blank. If necessary, code the US pension name from the statement provided |
Ref 1 |
Code the 9 digit US Social Security Number (SSN). Format: nnn/nn/nnnn. |
Description 2 |
Leave blank. |
Ref 2 |
Leave blank. |
Currency |
US dollar (USD). Note: for arrears period coding, see Arrears debts and embargo. |
Frequency |
Basic Amount |
Code the gross monthly amount as shown on the Notice of Grant or official pension statement. |
Social/Welfare Amt |
Code exempt Supplemental Social Income amounts, if received. Otherwise, leave blank. |