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Start Day and Waiting Periods (CLK) 106-05000000

This document outlines information to help determine a social security payment start date or when a concession card’s coverage will begin.

Government intent

The government intent is that customers’ payments or concession cards start on the correct date, based on their applicable circumstances. Consideration must be given to the deemed date of claim and any waiting periods a customer may have to serve. These together determine the start day of payment or concession card.

From 1 July 2018 eligible customers will receive a social security payment or concession cards from the date they submit their completed claim with all relevant supporting documentation. However, the deemed date of claim still apply in some cases:

Customers may be assessed as qualified from the date the claim is accepted, however there are other factors that may affect the start date and could result in:

  • backdating their claim to an earlier start date, or
  • a waiting period being applied, delaying payment until that period has expired


Start day (CLK)

Waiting periods for income support payments

Contact in relation to an intended claim (CLK)