This document outlines information about the Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP) and the payments affected by SWPP.
Determining if the Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP) applies to a customer/payment
Step |
Action |
1 |
Obtain employment information + Read more ...
Was the customer or their partner employed in seasonal, intermittent or contract work for less than 12 months prior to claiming?
Yes, go to Step 2
No, SWPP does not apply. Procedure ends here
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Claiming an allowance/payment + Read more ...
Is the customer claiming a payment such as JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA), Special Benefit (SpB), Farm Household Allowance (FHA), Parenting Payment (PP) partnered or single, Austudy, Carer Payment (CP) or Disability Support Pension (DSP) (except customers who are permanently blind)?
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Check the timeframe of their last employment + Read more ...
In the last 6 months, has the customer or their partner worked as seasonal, intermittent or contract workers?
4 |
Not subject to an SWPP + Read more ...
The customer is not subject to an SWPP. Continue processing the claim. Procedure ends here.
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Obtain information about seasonal work + Read more ...
The work item ZDMS_SU496 - Seasonal Contract and Intermittent Work Details is created when a customer uploads a Seasonal, Contract and Intermittent work details (SU496) form:
Check the Activity List (AL) screen to identify the form code on the left hand side of the activity
Check the Document List (DL) screen to identify if there was a triggering event that created this activity
Action and update as per scan
When actioned and completed:
Select the Transaction ID from the AL screen under the Digital Image Work Items tab
Select Edit
Document action in Notes field
Change Status from Document Added to Completed
Select Save
Use the SU496 form to work out the number of jobs the customer and/or their partner ceased in the 6 months prior to the date of claim and to get information about the earnings so the SWPP can be calculated. The Resources page contains a link to the form.
If given verbally, the Service Officer must record the customer's answers to the relevant questions in a DOC on their record.
Verification of the information is required. This may be provided by:
invoice books
group certificates
profit and loss statements
wage books
bank statements
time sheets
a letter from the employer, or
by providing their employment contract
To code the Seasonal Work Period (SWP) screen in:
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Code the Seasonal Work Period (SWP) screen in Process Direct + Read more ...
In Process Direct:
In the new claim transaction, go to the Seasonal Work Details (SWP/SWPS) screen
Select Add New Row
On the Create Seasonal Work Details screen, update the following fields:
Employer Name, key employer name
Employer Reference, key employer reference number if known
Employee Reference, key employee reference number if known
Type of Work, select the relevant option
Industry Code, select the relevant option
Start Date, key the start date of employment
End Date, key the end date of employment. Note: when coding partners earnings, ensure the 'Seasonal Work Start/End Dates' match those of the seasonal work customer if possible. If not, the system will apportion the partner's earnings in line with the customer's period of seasonal work. The Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) for the current year is stored on the system, and is defaulted in the Relevant AWOTE field for display only. This AWOTE is the amount that will be used in the SWPP calculation
Gross Amount Earned, key the total gross earnings
Total Allowable Deductions, key the total allowable deductions
SWPP Exemption Indicator, select Yes or No if an exemption indicator should be applied
Select Save
Update the fields:
Receipt Date
Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Finalise the transaction by selecting Assess again, then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
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Code the Seasonal Work Period (SWP) screen in Customer First + Read more ...
In Customer First:
Select 'Seasonal Work' from the Newstart Task Selection (NTS), Pension Task Selection (PTS) or Parenting Payment Task Selection (PGTS) screen
The SWP screen will display
Code the following:
The name of the employer or company in the Employer Name: field
The Employer Reference and Employee Reference numbers (if available)
The appropriate code in the Type of Work: field:
SEA - seasonal
INT - intermittent
CON - contract
NON - not seasonal, intermittent or contract. Note: 'NON' is only recorded for the non-seasonal, intermittent or contract work income earned by the customer's partner during the customer's period of seasonal, intermittent or contract work. Do not code 'NON' for single customers. The partner's non seasonal work income is recorded on a separate SWP screen on the partner's record (i.e. the non-seasonal worker's record)
The appropriate code in the Type of Industry: field:
AGR - Agriculture & related industries
ART - Artists (includes actors, writers & performers)
COM - Computers
CON - Consultants
FAC - Factory Workers
FIS - Fishing and related industries
HEA - Health
HUN - Hunter/Trapper (includes kangaroo shooters)
MET - Metal workers
MIN - Mining
OIL - Oil Industry
OTH - Other industries
SIL - Silo Workers
SPT - Sports persons
TAX - Tax (includes accountants)
TEA - Teaching
TOU - Tourism
TRA - Transport (truck driving, shipping)
The dates work commenced and finished in the Work Start Date: and Work End Date: fields. Note: when coding partners earnings, ensure the 'Seasonal Work Start/End Dates' match those of the seasonal work customer if possible. If not, the system will apportion the partner's earnings in line with the customer's period of seasonal work. The Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) for the current year is stored on the system, and is defaulted in the Relevant AWOTE: field for display only. This AWOTE is the amount that will be used in the SWPP calculation
The total gross earnings in the Total Earnings: field
The total amount of allowable deductions (if any) in the Total Allowable Deductions: field
When all information about the particular job has been recorded, press [Enter]. A blank (new) SWP screen will be displayed. If more jobs are to be coded, repeat the coding for each job
When all jobs have been recorded, press [Enter] again to continue with the new claim activity
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Result of SWPP calculation + Read more ...
The results of the SWPP calculation can be viewed in:
Process Direct:
go to the Date of Commencement (NDC) screen
for Parenting Payment and Pension payments affected by the SWPP, in the claim, go to the Waiting Period Calculation Results (WPCR) screen
Customer First:
on the Newstart DOC Calculator (NDC) screen (SWPP end date)
the NSS Seasonal Work Period Summary (NSWS) screen (SWPP duration), for all Allowance payments
the WPCR screen for Parenting Payment and Pension payments affected by the SWPP. The system will automatically apply the results to the customer's record
A manual start date can be coded on the NDC screen for Allowance payments. For manual calculations, see examples on the References page, in particular Policy Guideline
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Advise customer whether an SWPP applies + Read more ...
For Allowance payments see the NDC screen (SWPP end date) or the NSWS screen (SWPP duration).
For Parenting Payments and Pensions, see the WPCR screen:
If the customer does have an SWPP, advise them to test their eligibility for a Low Income Health Care Card (LIC)
If a customer claims DSP and has to serve an SWPP, advise them they are not qualified for a Pension Concession Card (PCC)
Record details of SWPP on a DOC
Note: job seekers serving an SWPP are not required to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements during this period. For the duration of an SWPP a customer is exempt from entering into a Job Plan.