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New Zealand 10 year residence exemption 106-06010030

Contact details

Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff

Example of assessing residence exemption

Table 1: This table describes an example of assessing the 'lived continuously in Australia for at least 10 years' criteria for residence exemption.


Lived continuously in Australia for at least 10 years criteria


Assessing the 'lived continuously in Australia for at least 10 years' criteria for residence exemption

Paru commenced residing in Australia on 1 January 2002. Paru lived in Australia until deciding to return to live in New Zealand on 1 January 2005. Paru later returned to Australia to live 4 years later on 1 January 2009.

The 'continuous period of at least 10 years' requirement means that Paru did not qualify for this exemption until 1 January 2019.

Standard text for Q999 letters and DOCs

Table 2: This table describes standard texts to be used for Q999 letters and DOCs.




Standard text for Q999 letter for non-eligible customers

The appeal paragraph is to be included with Smart Centre contact number (depending on the payment claimed – Employment Services number for JSP, Youth & Students number for YA).

I am writing in regard to your recent contact to claim <payment type>. To

be eligible to receive <payment type> a person who has arrived on a

New Zealand passport and is not a 'Protected SCV holder', permanent visa holder, or Australian citizen must have been residing in

Australia for a consecutive period of 10 years from a date later than

26 February 2001 to be assessed for <payment type> under the

New Zealand 10 year residence exemption.

Based on the information gained from the Department of Home Affairs it

has been deemed that you began to reside in Australia on xx/xx/xx

therefore as per Section 7 of the Social Security Act 1991 you would

not be classed as being residentially qualified for <payment type> at

this time.


Standard DOC text about Q164 letter for eligible customers (if unable to contact via phone)

Summary line: Q164 re NZ10YR exemption

Note: Attempted to contact customer xx/xx/xx to discuss their claim

for <payment type> under the New Zealand Special Category

Visa holder residence exemption. This was not successful, have issued

Q164 asking customer to call the agency within 14 days. If customer

contacts, please advise customer they are eligible to claim <payment type>

under the NZ 10 year exemption as per NZ exemption decision DOC

dated xx/xx/xx.


Standard DOC text for eligible customers

Summary line: NZ10YR referral decision

Note: NZ 10 year residence exemption decision OB 106-06010030.

Residence exemption for JSP or YA may be available to SCV holders who

have lived continuously in Australia for at least 10 years since

26 February 2001. This would allow them to claim for a single continuous

period of up to 6 months. Based on the information on the RSIM screen

from the Department of Home Affairs it has been deemed this customer

began residing in Australia on xx/xx/xx and therefore qualifies for a

payment for up to 6 months under this exemption. This is a once only

payment so if the payment cancels even after a short period they are

not able to claim any of the remaining part of the 6 months. Customer

has decided to <continue with claim/withdraw claim>. Customer

understands and accepts the eligibility criteria for applying this

residence exemption.

CRES updated: (insert details of updates made).


Standard text for DOC for non-eligible customers

Summary Line: NZ10YR referral decision

Note: NZ 10 year residence exemption decision OB 106-06010030.

Residence exemption for JSP or YA may be available to SCV holders

who have lived continuously in Australia for at least 10 years since

26 February 2001. This would allow them to claim for a single

continuous period of up to 6 months. Based on the information on

the RSIM screen from the Department of Home Affairs it has been

deemed this customer began residing in Australia on xx/xx/xx

and they are NOT eligible to receive payment under this exemption.

CRES updated: (insert details of updates made).