This page contains information on the process of identifying and investigating international data exchange and auto-indexation of foreign pension updates and escalation of problem cases.
International data exchange and auto indexation referrals and customer contacts
Step |
Action |
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Identifying international data exchange and auto-indexation updates + Read more ...
Go to the either the:
Document List (DL) screen and check for a DOC with the summary line of: Int Data Exchange XX - YYY where XX is the Country code, for example GB or US, and YYY is the DEX transaction type, this includes:
DEA for deaths
NEW for new foreign pension coding
UPD for foreign pension updates, or
TFR for foreign pension transfers
Foreign Income/Asset Summary (FIPS) screen and check the Channel field information for the relevant foreign pension.
A customer record has been updated by:
auto-indexation if the Channel code CPI displays on the relevant foreign pension, or
a data exchange if the DEX DOC or the Channel code DEX displays on the relevant foreign pension
Is the referral or customer contact because of an international data exchange or auto-indexation of a foreign pension?
Yes, for:
No, procedure ends here
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Data exchange referrals + Read more ...
For information on the DEX referral go to the:
Document List (DL) screen and check for a DOC with the summary line of: Int Data Exchange XX - YYY where XX is the Country code, for example GB or US, and YYY is the DEX transaction type, this includes:
DEA for deaths
NEW for new foreign pension coding
UPD for foreign pension updates, or
TFR for foreign pension transfers
Data Sheet Storage (S2S) screen and enter DEX in the Sheet field. S2S will display the DEX transaction details, for example Type, Status, date of death for DEA, foreign pension details for NEW, UPD or TFR
Referrals for death action debts and follow up
For processing debts referred as a result of death action, see Debt investigation
Death action referrals
Did the agency receive the full date of death?
Yes, run the death action (unless already done) and/or investigate and raise a debt due to payment after death
No, suspend payment (unless already done) using SUS-OTH from date paid to +1, and follow up to full date of death, see Confirmation of the death of an adult or child
Note: if the system processes an automated death action, staff must check the surviving spouse record to make sure the correct changes are made. For example change of rate and bereavement lump sum, see Death of an income support customer or their partner
To follow up the date of death, staff should:
Referrals for foreign pension coding and arrears debts
the details of the foreign pension rate and the arrears details (if known), and
investigate any debts due to failure to advise the change in circumstance in time and arrears debts
Procedure ends here.
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Customer contacts + Read more ...
Check the:
information on the Document List (DL), and
Foreign Income/Assets Summary (FIPS) screen
Staff may determine that the:
data exchange information does not apply to the customer, due to a mismatch, or
foreign pension is incorrectly duplicated
Has a data exchange mismatch occurred or has foreign pension coding been incorrectly duplicated?
Yes, apologise to the customer and tell them that the error will be corrected, and referred to International Program. This will ensure the problem does not reoccur Go to Step 6
No, go to Step 4
4 |
Investigating foreign pension rates and date of effect + Read more ...
the information that relates to the data exchange or auto-indexation, and
any other information on the record including scanned documents and un-actioned work items
if the customer has any further information that is not on the record
the most recent information by comparing the date of receipt, and the date of event of all the information
Is the date of effect of the information relating to the data exchange or auto-indexation correctly applied on the record?
Yes, tell the customer that the date of effect of the information from the data-exchange or auto-indexation is correct. Go to Step 5
No, tell customer that their record will be updated using the correct information
If necessary, request documents that are not on the record from the customer. See Requesting information
Go to Step 7.
5 |
Reviews and Appeals + Read more ...
6 |
Fixing data exchange and auto-indexation updates + Read more ...
If the Service Officer does not have the necessary skill tag to correct the record they should:
create a new work item in Customer First or
re-categorise the existing work item in Work Optimiser to ZALL_INTL_INCASS
If the issue relates to new or un-actioned information on the customer record, update the record with the latest information. Procedure ends here.
If the incorrect update relates to a:
death action that has been incorrectly run, the death action should be immediately corrected. See Undoing a death action
foreign pension coding that has been incorrectly applied to the customer record, for:
a new foreign pension coding including duplication, delete the incorrect foreign pension coding from the FIPS screen
an update to an existing foreign pension, correct the coding and any later date of event, e.g. exchange rate update (RVL)
Note: in all cases, staff must ensure they code the Date of Receipt (DOR) as the earliest date the incorrect action applied to ensure the correct date of effect is applied and arrears, if any, are paid.
Was the issue because of an incorrect action by a data exchange or auto-indexation process?
Yes, go to Step 7.
No, record all information in a DOC and issue any appropriate messaging to the customer (if not already sent). Procedure ends here
7 |
Escalation of data exchange issues + Read more ...
Refer all cases where a DEX or CPI update has been incorrectly applied to a customer contact to International Program.
Create a Fast Note:
Adjust the document details as required, for example Who Contacted:, Channel:, Source
Select Auto text, use Centrelink International Services > Foreign Income > FP DEX Escalation
Select Confirm
Add the date of contact in the [dd/mm/yyyy] field and the 2-digit country code in the [XX] field, for example IT for Italy or GB for United Kingdom
Delete the options that are not applicable in the DEX issue: and Action taken: sections and, if necessary, add your own text
Select Continue to complete