Voluntary Work Organisations 001-02010040
Item |
Description |
1 |
What are a Voluntary Work Organisation's work health and safety obligations? Organisations have the same obligations for job seekers, as for any other worker or volunteer. They must make sure their workplace and activities meet all work health and safety obligations under relevant legislation. |
2 |
What tasks can volunteers do? There are many activities job seekers can do volunteering with an organisation, like:
Volunteers cannot do tasks paid workers would normally do. |
3 |
Do organisations need to keep records of job seeker's attendance? Yes, it is recommended they keep a record of who volunteers, when and for how long. Services Australia never asks an organisation to collect proof explaining why a job seeker did not attend voluntary work. If proof is needed, the job seeker must give this to Services Australia directly. |
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Is there a minimum number of volunteers an organisation needs to take? No, organisations decide the type of work and the number of volunteer roles. |
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What records do organisations need to keep when approved? Organisations should record their ID for verifying a job seeker's voluntary work at an organisation. For details about recording job seeker attendance, see Item 3 above. |
6 |
What evidence of insurance can service officers request from an organisation? Appropriate insurance requires an organisation to hold:
Service Officers may ask community-based organisations to provide evidence that they hold 2 types of insurance:
Service Officers may ask organisations to provide a certificate of currency or a notice in writing from the organisation’s provider as evidence. In all cases, evidence of insurance must confirm the:
Service Officers can not accept Policy Disclosure Statements and tax invoices as evidence as the information needed is not listed. Note: it is not mandatory for a Service Officer to request evidence if the organisation has declared they meet all relevant criteria. Service Officers can request information if there is appropriate cause to do so. For example, reasonable doubt. |
7 |
What evidence of not-for-profit status can service officers request from an organisation? Service Officers may ask community-based organisations to provide evidence of not-for-profit status. Service Officers can accept as evidence:
Note: it is not mandatory for a Service Officer to request evidence if the organisation has declared they meet all relevant criteria. Service Officers can request information if there is appropriate cause to do so. For example, reasonable doubt. |
8 |
Can Employment Service Providers determine if an organisation meets the definition of an approved Voluntary Work Organisation for voluntary work activity and mutual obligation requirement purposes? Yes, Workforce Australia providers can determine and grant approval for a provider managed eligible job seeker, to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements if they:
Workforce Australia providers include:
Once approved, these job seekers will be either suspended or exited from employment services, become Centrelink managed and negotiate a Centrelink Job Plan (excluding DES participants in Post Placement Support). |