Checking and actioning Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports 001-02320020
Example of when an ESAt is upgraded to a JCA
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When an ESAt is upgraded to a JCA Joe attends an ESAt interview after having supplied a medical certificate to Services Australia for a bad back. Joe has a history (over 18 months) of supplying medical certificates on and off for this back condition. The medical certificate states that it is a temporary exacerbation of a condition likely to persist for more than 2 years and that the symptoms include generalised lower back pain, referred pain to Joe's legs, and an inability to sit or stand for more than 10 minutes. Joe gets up and down from the chair to stretch and change positions regularly throughout the assessment. Treatment is indicated to be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physiotherapy and exercise. Joe is also a little overweight. The doctor indicates on the certificate that Joe cannot undertake usual work or study, nor can Joe do more than 8 hours of work per week. Joe tells the Assessor that these back problems started after a fall at work 5 years ago, but in the last couple of years, it has become worse. Joe says that surgery has been suggested, however there is just as much chance it will do damage as there is it will improve, so Joe is not keen to pursue it. Joe says the back condition affects everything, even when not suffering from a 'relapse'. Joe's history of medical certificates along with a verbal history, current medical evidence, presentation at interview, and indication that the only treatment option may not be effective, means that it is likely Joe's situation will affect Joe's ability to work into the future and will in fact deteriorate. Therefore, an upgrade to a JCA and the impact of Joe's condition assessed against the impairment tables would be appropriate. In this case, where medical certificates are the only evidence, contact with Joe's doctor would be needed. An ESAt upgraded to a JCA will have a title of either:
If the ESAt report indicates medical eligibility for DSP and this is correctly recorded in the report, it is considered to be upgraded to a JCA. When accepted, the report will display in Documents as ESAR and ESA on the Medical Condition (MC) screen. Note: before a claim for Disability Support Pension (DSP) can be granted, a Disability Medical Assessment (DMA) will be required. |
Frequently asked questions relating to ESAt reports
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Question: When should an ESAt be upgraded to a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA)? Answer: ESAt should be upgraded to a JCA when an Assessor has sufficient medical evidence to assign an Impairment Rating or determine manifest medical eligibility. The report must meet one of the following sets of requirements:
A submitted ESAt report may have enough evidence to assess the job seeker as meeting all medical eligibility criteria for DSP, but the assessment is not upgraded. For example, the report indicates DSP medical eligibility is met in the Remarks or Assessment Summary, but there is no Impairment Rating or manifest indicator. If this occurs, staff should:
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Question: What should happen after an upgraded ESAt is submitted? Answer: After an upgraded ESAt has been submitted:
Residence assessments in upgraded ESAt Where an upgraded ESAt recommends:
If the customer claims DSP, the Medical Assessment (MAT) will consider the customer's residence and will assess where the customer's Continuing Inability to Work (CITW) occurred, if applicable. Invite the customer to claim if both the following apply:
To invite to claim, see the Inviting a current income support customer to claim DSP table on the Assisted tab. |
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Question: What is the process to return a report to Assessment Services? Answer: If an error, inconsistency or quality issue is identified in an ESAt Report, before returning the report, refer the query to the Assessment Services Quality Team. See the Process page, Table 2 > Step 5 for more details on action required. |
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Question: How is medical evidence referenced within the report? Answer: Since 1 July 2011, original medical evidence must be referenced in an ESAt report to support all verified conditions within the report. Previous assessments can no longer be used to verify a condition. If medical evidence is not referenced and viewable in Document Tools/MIFE, return the report to the Assessor.
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Question: What is original evidence? Answer: Original medical evidence refers to a medical report, medical certificate or other medical evidence such as a specialist report. This medical evidence must be a viewable document, which has been scanned to the job seeker record and cannot be an earlier ESAt or report or other document that refers to the original evidence. Assessors must reference the medical evidence used for the previous report or document, not the report or document itself. |
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Question: What type of information is not required to be referenced within a report? Answer: Test resources and other tools are not required to be referenced within the report. For example: