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Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) for sports people 001-03010040

This document outlines the mutual obligation requirements for a sports person claiming JSP or YA (job seeker).

Payment eligibility for sports people




Time spent in sporting activity + Read more ...

To assess eligibility for an income support payment, ask the job seeker to state how much time they spend training, practising and competing in their chosen sport.


Applying mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Does the job seeker's involvement in their sport interfere with:

  • obtaining suitable paid work
  • their job searching efforts, or
  • undertaking study/training or other approved requirements?

Take into account their responses from Step 1.


Job seeker can satisfy mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Decide if the job seeker is unemployed.

Are there any conditions attached to financial or in-kind assistance that would indicate they are not unemployed?

For example, sponsorship activities or study.


Job seeker does not qualify for payment + Read more ...

Advise the job seeker they:

  • do not qualify for payment of JSP or YA (job seeker) because they do not meet their mutual obligation requirements
  • are not considered unemployed as their main commitment is to their sport rather than to seeking suitable paid work, study/training or other approved requirements
  • Reject their claim or cancel their payment

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information
  • advise their review and appeal rights

Record details of decision on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Job seeker qualifies for payment + Read more ...

Advise the job seeker:

  • To continue to be eligible for payment, their main commitment will need to be seeking suitable paid work or undertaking study/training or other approved requirements
  • Their payments will be cancelled if they leave the country for competition, e.g. the Olympic Games. They would need to reapply on return to Australia
  • The income from their sport may affect their payment. Advise how it will effect their payment. If they receive a lump sum payment from sponsorship deals, signing-on fees or endorsement, see:

Record details of decision on a DOC.