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Assessing independence when a customer is an orphan 001-04060050





Customer's parent dies and the whereabouts of the other parent are unknown

The parent of a customer (who has only ever lived with this parent) dies. The other parent's whereabouts are unknown. This customer would not qualify as independent on the grounds of being an orphan because both parents are not dead. Assess this customer under the Unreasonable to live at home criteria or the Parents are unable to exercise responsibilities criteria.


Customer loses both parents and is cared for by a relative, not legally adopted

Jane was orphaned at the age of 10 and lives with a relative. The relative agrees to provide financial supports until Jane is financially independent. After turning 16, Jane applies for Youth Allowance. Jane is not subject to the Parental Means Tests due to being independent on the grounds of being an orphan. The Parental Means Tests would only be applied to the relative if they had legally adopted Jane.


Customer holds a sub-class 117 Orphan Relative visa

A young person was born overseas and lost both parents in a conflict. Their relative raised them overseas until the relative arrived in Australia as a refugee. The relative then sponsored the young person’s migration to Australia (without an Assurance of Support) and the young person was issued a 117 Orphan Relative visa, in June 2017. This young person is subject to the NARWP.

However, in this example, consider an exemption to the NARWP as the young person was a 'family member' of a refugee or former refugee, when the refugee arrived in Australia and is currently a family member of that person at the date of claim. Refer case to Centrelink International Services (CIS) for exemption coding.


Claim for Youth Allowance (SY001)

Claim for Disability Support Pension (SA466)

Claim for Disability Support Pension for a Terminal Illness (SA494)

Disability Support Pension Claim at age 16 (SA439)